#garfield Logs
Jan 07 2025
#garfield Calendar
03:24 AM polprog: rue_mohr: do you have the 8051 blink eprom image somewhere in ircjunk?
06:49 AM rue_mohr: its on github
06:50 AM rue_mohr: there are two, one that blinks port1, and the other does the rgb led
06:50 AM rue_mohr: https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/8051recyclerPCB/tree/main/code/blinkled that is port 1
06:51 AM rue_mohr: https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/8051recyclerPCB/tree/main/code/RGB that is the rgb
06:52 AM rue_mohr: the ihex files are there, looks like I skipped the bin on the rgb one
10:18 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: what happened to your cat?
10:18 AM aandrew: also: those are some really nice windings. What's your secret
10:25 AM aandrew: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1260891.jpg <-- I think *everybody* in our generation has a bunch of those *exact* screwdrivers
10:25 AM aandrew: they're not particularly good, but damn they were EVERYWHERE
07:25 PM rue_shop2: heh
07:25 PM rue_shop2: but what do you think of my air-core resolver?