#garfield Logs
Dec 28 2024
#garfield Calendar
01:47 AM rue_mohr: I bought a PLCC40 adapter, and got a PLCC44 adapter.
02:00 AM rue_mohr: I'm not sure what I actually meant to get
02:00 AM rue_mohr: this is apparently made to 8x5x
09:34 AM aandrew: > w og bootlogu sekcja pamieci nazywa sie vmlinux, wiec moze ta wersja musi byc zbootowana
09:34 AM aandrew: I see the issue... there's a cat walking on your keyboard. :-)
09:38 AM aandrew: hm
09:38 AM aandrew: exec -c "console=ttyAM0,115200" -r 0x01500000 -s 0x33b000
09:38 AM aandrew: INITRD: 0x04500000+0x0033b000 is not a memory region - disabling initrd
09:40 AM aandrew: what is magical about 48MB... there must be some fixed offset in there
09:42 AM aandrew: I wonder, what if you specify -r 0xfe500000 for shits and giggles (it's 0x01500000 - 0x3000000)
09:46 AM rue_mohr: his answer was that 'he cant just do that'