#garfield Logs

Apr 05 2024

#garfield Calendar

07:54 PM aandrew: well, balls
08:08 PM aandrew: minicom cannot be told to leave DTR the fuck alone. This is a problem because ESP32's progarammer board uses DTR to initiate program/download mode
08:08 PM aandrew: this is on osx, I don't remember if hte same issue occurs on linux but I suppose it would
08:08 PM aandrew: the solution is to use the idf.py monitor command
08:39 PM aandrew: it's not hardware flow control, it's DTR
08:39 PM aandrew: stty clocal should do it too but minicom ignores it
09:52 PM rue_mohr: data transmitter ready is part of hardware flow control
09:53 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:09 PM aandrew: no it's not
10:09 PM aandrew: you're thinking RTS/CTS
10:10 PM aandrew: there's DSR/DTR but that's the "reverse channel" and more about the computer able to accept from the modem which (IME) most devices don't consider flow control
10:11 PM aandrew: ESP32 uses RTS and DTR as two additional GPIO for controlling reset and boot mode