#garfield Logs

Nov 18 2023

#garfield Calendar

12:21 PM rue_mohr: ok, so, after doing all the things for other people today, will I have the mind and time to do things for me?
12:42 PM rue_mohr: I'm amazed how little rattling my brain needs to completely forget all the stuff I was really trying to remember
12:43 PM Tom_L: it happens
12:43 PM rue_mohr: I'm worried about the truck too, I don't think clamping off the heater lines when it was leaking was ok
12:43 PM rue_mohr: not sure if the engine overheated
12:43 PM rue_mohr: its running funny
12:43 PM rue_mohr: not sure if its related
12:43 PM Tom_L: shouldn't have affected it
12:44 PM Tom_L: unless the thermostat stuck closed
12:44 PM rue_mohr: I'm worried that the flow from the heater core keeps the thermostat in check with the engine temp
12:44 PM Tom_L: maybe you should have put a hose between the lines instead of clamping
12:44 PM rue_mohr: it was going from cold to boiling? (100c)while it was closed off
12:44 PM rue_mohr: yea
12:45 PM rue_mohr: too late now
12:45 PM rue_mohr: more to add to my pile of stress and worry
12:45 PM rue_mohr: I just want to sit in my shop and concentrate on turning myself into a robot
12:45 PM Tom_L: so
12:46 PM Tom_L: since i've known you, you've been talking about that. how much closer are you now then when we met?
12:46 PM rue_mohr: there is a social catfight going on thats being impossible to ignore
12:46 PM rue_mohr: I'v learned a lot more about state machines and how the mind works
12:47 PM rue_mohr: a bit more about interfacing
12:47 PM rue_mohr: and I'v concluded that the best way to reverse engineer a neural network is with another neural network
12:47 PM Tom_L: and are you convinced that's the state you want to be in?
12:47 PM rue_mohr: yup
12:47 PM rue_mohr: I'm watching most of the people I know fall apart and die
12:48 PM rue_mohr: ^^^ that catfight thats hard to ignore
12:48 PM Tom_L: some say you go to a better place
12:48 PM rue_mohr: I dont like to hedge bets
12:49 PM rue_mohr: I think that large hardware FSM made from dram banks are a plausable route, that or GPU hardware
12:49 PM rue_mohr: but the tech isn't quite ready yet
12:49 PM rue_mohr: its getting a hell of a lot closer
12:50 PM rue_mohr: I have to learn more about neural networks
12:50 PM rue_mohr: how they being implamented now, and how I need to implement them to make it all work
12:50 PM rue_mohr: implemented
12:50 PM rue_mohr: still trying to wake up
12:50 PM rue_mohr: need food
12:50 PM rue_mohr: almost 11am
01:32 PM polprog: evening
01:49 PM rue_mohr: hi
01:56 PM aandrew: rue_mohr> I'm amazed how little rattling my brain needs to completely forget all the stuff I was really trying to remember
01:57 PM aandrew: you and me both. I can walk 3 feet and completely forget something that was utterly important to remember
01:57 PM polprog: i have the same thing
01:57 PM aandrew: I have resorted to lots and lots of notes
01:58 PM aandrew: rue_mohr> there is a social catfight going on thats being impossible to ignore
01:58 PM aandrew: you do NOT come across as someone who pays any attention to that kind of thing
01:58 PM rue_mohr: Its unexpected things that get me, a phonecall that gets me wound up, the cats fighting, not being able to find something I had in a special spot so I would have it when I needed it and someone else moved it
01:59 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, I have a dieing friend ma is not in great shape and it taking on the world, and trying to get me to help, etc etc
02:00 PM rue_mohr: trying to balance between not dedicating my lives to others causes and not being an asshole is really tight
02:01 PM aandrew: yeah I remember you speaking about your mom last week I think, you mentioned she's always been kind of cantankerous and unmanageable, and now that she's getting older that's no longer so easy to just let be
02:01 PM polprog: remember that taking a bit of time just for yourself to work on projects or just take rest is nothing bad
02:02 PM rue_mohr: its hard with all the noise
02:02 PM aandrew: sorry to hear about your friend, that's rough. I lost my best friend suddenly 3y ago and still have all his stuff to go through to try to deal with it. His passing really made my universe wobble and it's still able to send me off from time to time
02:03 PM rue_mohr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGoM3ojFDmY
02:03 PM aandrew: I've been fortunate in that I tend to manage even extreme stress pretty well, but it's something I've always been able to do so I don't know how exactly I do it to offer any help on how to do it
02:03 PM rue_mohr: me vs the noise
02:03 PM polprog: heh, it is like that sometimes
02:05 PM rue_mohr: ok, I'm going to try to go install the light fixtues for my buddy without rewiring the house casue his contractor screwed up all his electrical
02:06 PM aandrew: good luck and like polprog says... it's important to carve out time for sleep (and use it to SLEEP, I see your twitter feed), and also carve out time for YOU where you do turn off your phone/etc which can be easier said then done when you need to be able to take calls from mom or work
02:07 PM aandrew: there is nothing asshole about saying "I can't now, but I have some time in two days"
02:10 PM polprog: i was to record some footage about these iptv boxes today
02:10 PM polprog: but cat's paw got very swollen and parents had to go to the vet
02:10 PM polprog: and i woke up late
02:10 PM polprog: and then did some cleaning, suddenly its 5 pm
02:10 PM polprog: and i didnt record anything..
02:11 PM polprog: hopefully tomorrow i will.
02:11 PM polprog: bbl
02:11 PM aandrew: yep welcome to my days... "oh it's 7am gonna get so much done." "oh it's 10am, day's still young, awesome" "wait it's 7pm? wtf, I got nothing done"
02:12 PM polprog: ah shes not here yet
02:13 PM polprog: (ill be playing coop with my girlfriend, baldurs gate 3)
02:13 PM polprog: i took some junk down to the basement today too
02:13 PM polprog: and hauled up and packed some PC that im sending to some kid
02:14 PM polprog: well. kid.. he is 2 years younger than me
02:14 PM polprog: not really a kid
02:14 PM polprog: but id rather get $5 for it or even give it away than throw away a perfectly working p4 pc
02:14 PM polprog: hes gonna make it into windows XP gaming rig
02:19 PM polprog: allright bbl
02:25 PM Tom_L: if apple made a car, would it have windows?
04:05 PM polprog: linux is like a WigWam, no windows, no gates, apache inside
04:57 PM rue_mohr: got hte fitues installed
04:59 PM rue_mohr: if apple sold a car, all you would get is a card saying you owned an apple car, everythnig else would be an add-on that cost extra
04:59 PM rue_mohr: like the frame, seats, wheels,
04:59 PM rue_mohr: and in 2 weeks it would be obsolete, no parts avilable
04:59 PM polprog: the engine would be glued in and replacing it would need the display to be ripped out
05:00 PM rue_mohr: nothing would be compatibel with the next model, start fresh
05:00 PM rue_mohr: I'm going to go take apart a dell keyabord and see if I can ID the controller
05:00 PM polprog: yes and the old cars would get slower when new ones are released :P
05:01 PM rue_mohr: yea, forced updates that take 5km/hr off each time
05:01 PM rue_mohr: and 10km range
05:01 PM polprog: lol, yes
05:01 PM rue_mohr: and you could only drive on apple certified roads
05:01 PM rue_mohr: of which there would be like 5
05:02 PM rue_mohr: okok, what am I going to do next.
05:02 PM rue_mohr: hey twitter isn't publically viewable anymore again
05:02 PM rue_mohr: I was trying to show my buddy some stuff
05:09 PM polprog: twitter is going to shit lately
05:09 PM rue_mohr: in a similar way to freenode
05:09 PM polprog: i see some patterns yea
05:30 PM aandrew: 
05:30 PM aandrew: 
05:33 PM polprog: well said
05:34 PM aandrew: lol
05:37 PM polprog: gotta hit they hay
05:37 PM polprog: if the alarm wakes me up tomorrow ill check out the electronics market
05:37 PM polprog: gotta get up early
05:38 PM polprog: keeping my fingers crossed that ill have enough time to shoot some clips
05:44 PM aandrew: good luck
05:46 PM polprog: thanks
05:46 PM polprog: !
05:46 PM polprog: night!
06:37 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, are you aware of any hyphonated zip codes in the usa?
06:37 PM rue_mohr: ddddd-dddd
06:37 PM rue_mohr: ?
06:40 PM aandrew: yes
06:40 PM aandrew: I have one
06:40 PM rue_mohr: ok, then thats legit
06:41 PM aandrew: 92630-8445
06:41 PM aandrew: but 92630 works just fine
06:41 PM rue_mohr: huh
06:41 PM aandrew: Tom_L will know better than me but it's my understanding that it's just a way to split up a zip code into smaller areas for more efficient routing
06:42 PM rue_mohr: k
06:42 PM aandrew: now that you know my zip I expect a christmas card. :-)
06:42 PM rue_mohr: hah
07:06 PM Tom_L: yes but they're not required
07:06 PM Tom_L: incouraged but not required
07:06 PM Tom_L: 92630 would still get there
07:07 PM Tom_L: when i did mailings, i got more back using xxxxx-xxxx than xxxxx
07:07 PM Tom_L: more a pita than anything
07:09 PM rue_mohr: huh
07:09 PM rue_mohr: remove it, resend and it would arrive?
07:09 PM Tom_L: 67213 or 67213-3849 would be the same
07:24 PM Tom_L: and now i expect a christmas card :)
07:25 PM rue_mohr: :]
07:25 PM Tom_L: not really..
07:25 PM Tom_L: would probably be the only one we get
07:26 PM rue_mohr: LCSC selling attiny10 for 0.42USD ea
07:26 PM rue_mohr: must be another way to make a pile of little clock sources
07:30 PM Tom_L: it's not a bad little chip for 4 io
07:33 PM rue_mohr: I'd just like a bunch of 3 pin oscillator parts
07:33 PM rue_mohr: 1khz - 1MHz
07:34 PM rue_mohr: might have to design some pcbs
07:34 PM rue_mohr: size of a to-92
07:45 PM rue_mohr: $12USD shipping to get stuff from LCSC
07:54 PM Tom_L: who are they?
07:54 PM Tom_L: that's where they make it up
07:55 PM rue_mohr: "amazing cheap" parts supplier
07:55 PM rue_mohr: for higher volume it would be worth it, not for 100pcs of 74LVC1G14
07:55 PM rue_mohr: 100pcs ~> $4
08:10 PM Tom_L: after all it's not like you don't have enough chips to play with already