#garfield Logs

Nov 01 2023

#garfield Calendar

10:10 AM rue_shop2: 30J124
10:44 AM rue_mohr: Tom_L, much going on this Dec in your corner?
01:35 PM Tom_L: i doubt it
01:42 PM Tom_L: i'm usually the last one to find out
03:02 PM polprog: rue, did you ever put your EPROM circuits in ircjunk?
03:16 PM rue_mohr: which ones?
03:17 PM rue_mohr: I think there have been a load of them, each doing soemthing different
03:21 PM polprog: the one driving a seven segment display that cycled the phone number
03:21 PM polprog: 8675309
03:21 PM rue_mohr: heh, uh, I did a few of those, its my 8 character go-to...
03:22 PM rue_mohr: I wonder, it would be under 'distractions'
03:22 PM rue_mohr: huh, its not there, I could put it up in a bit for you if you want
04:20 PM polprog: i was talking to someone about eprom based PLDs and i mentioned it
04:20 PM polprog: and they got interested
04:22 PM rue_mohr: ah
04:22 PM rue_mohr: github.
04:22 PM rue_mohr: 1 sec
04:23 PM rue_mohr: https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/FSM595
04:23 PM rue_mohr: oh, there is that one
04:23 PM rue_mohr: https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/C_PLD
04:23 PM polprog: danke
04:23 PM rue_mohr: there is the core of "C PLD"
04:26 PM polprog: i remember that
04:27 PM rue_mohr: if you can think of how I can say more about it, please do
04:28 PM rue_mohr: anymore AI today?
04:28 PM rue_mohr: :S
04:28 PM polprog: hm yes
04:28 PM polprog: though i have not prepared it
04:28 PM rue_mohr: I'm waiting for the 7 segment boards, I should try to stare down the frist article you did
04:29 PM polprog: https://tomgrad.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/index.php?p=lssn
04:29 PM polprog: This is the source
04:29 PM polprog: https://tomgrad.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/index.php?p=sn
04:29 PM polprog: this is the lecture, i think google translate can do PDFs
04:29 PM polprog: ah goddamnit
04:29 PM polprog: they are not pdfs
04:30 PM polprog: guy wanted to be fancy and all, some interactive website
04:30 PM polprog: why are people like that
04:30 PM rue_mohr: notatniki = sourcecode?
04:30 PM polprog: yes
04:30 PM rue_mohr: ah cool
04:30 PM polprog: to be precise, it means notebooks
04:30 PM polprog: these are Jupyter notebooks
04:30 PM rue_mohr: oh
04:30 PM polprog: but they contain python source
04:31 PM polprog: that C code in the text I wrote was based on python code, it was not tested
04:31 PM polprog: but the python code works
04:31 PM polprog: the problem with back propagation is that it gets complicated with more layers
04:31 PM polprog: as in - you have A LOT of derivatives to calculate
04:31 PM rue_mohr: wow I have 35 github followers
04:32 PM rue_mohr: thats crazy for github
04:32 PM polprog: you do cool stuff!
04:32 PM rue_mohr: :]
04:32 PM rue_mohr: I generically assume nobody understands it
04:33 PM polprog: i will be on the train tomorrow
04:33 PM polprog: i should try to implement that single neuron back prop in C
04:33 PM polprog: and then maybe try to do it with the 2+3 network we did on the next class
04:34 PM polprog: the 2+3 network is able to categorize points into 3 categories
04:34 PM rue_mohr: one of the things I saw missing to try to attack your first document was some test data
04:34 PM polprog: Ahh
04:34 PM polprog: just generate something like y = a*x + b + rand(0, 1)
04:34 PM rue_mohr: but, I realize as well that there are no exact results
04:39 PM polprog: im gonna take lab 3 which is the linear classifier (can draw borders between 3 groups of points) and translate it to C and english
04:39 PM polprog: and ill send it to ya
04:39 PM polprog: that is a nice minimal example
04:39 PM polprog: and i have to do the next one anyway since 4. is the last one we did "by hand"
04:40 PM polprog: after that we got pytorch to do the calculations and backpropagation
04:45 PM polprog: i gotta hit the hay
04:45 PM polprog: tomorrow, 3.2 hours of work (i could take these as time off but i dont need to
04:45 PM polprog: then dinner and off to visit gf for the long weekend
04:49 PM polprog: off to bed
04:49 PM polprog: o7
04:54 PM rue_mohr: gnight
07:36 PM rue_mohr: finished the 3" sprayer and a 24"
09:37 PM aandrew: holy fuck
09:37 PM aandrew: I crossed the US/Mexico border THREE TIMES today and still did not get what I needed
09:38 PM Tom_L: stopped by the cartel?
09:38 PM Tom_L: is it quicker coming or going?
09:38 PM aandrew: When I moved here, I crossed at Detroit bridge... didn't know I needed import paperwork for the car and nobody told me. Tried to get my CA license plate and they said I need the import paperwork
09:39 PM aandrew: called detroit to ask about it, they said I need to take the car to any land crossing. closest (he looked it up for me) is san ysidro
09:39 PM aandrew: son has the day off school today, so I went there nice and ealry. it's 90m from me.
09:40 PM aandrew: crossing into mexico has no inspection/security/anything. suddenly everything is dirtier and in spanish
09:40 PM aandrew: and when I say in spanish, I mean 100% in spanish. that is something I was not expecting: there is NO helpful signage in ANY language which directs you to the border
09:40 PM aandrew: in TJ there's a sign with the I5 logo on it, that's it, and it's tiny
09:41 PM Tom_L: seriously, don't get lost down there
09:41 PM Tom_L: you may not come back
09:41 PM aandrew: I use two GIANT roundabouts to get back to the states. Actually I used them TWICE because I missed that tiny I5 sign, the only indication whatsoever that this is the way to USA
09:41 PM rue_shop2: google maps?
09:41 PM rue_shop2: and a copilot
09:42 PM aandrew: get to the US guard booths, he looks confused... "we don't do vehicle imports here, you need to go to Otay for that"
09:42 PM rue_shop2: getting the PCB plotter up
09:42 PM aandrew: so I go to Otay
09:42 PM aandrew: rue_shop2: that's the next thing I learned: Mint Mobile has no international roaming agreements. zero cell data. Wasn't expecting it, and wasn't thinking I'd need it anyway since I'm literally just turning around and coming back
09:43 PM aandrew: my copilot speaks no spanish, so that didn't help either
09:43 PM rue_shop2: oh
09:43 PM rue_shop2: take the starlink with you
09:43 PM aandrew: anyway, at Otay I cross (same thing... ZERO security) but I did find a Mexican soldier/border guard (camo but no gun) and asked how to get back to US quickly... she spoke no english but flagged down an older guy who did
09:43 PM rue_shop2: just duct tapper' on the roof
09:44 PM aandrew: and he gave me completely incomprehensible directions
09:44 PM rue_shop2: hah
09:44 PM rue_shop2: scarry
09:44 PM Tom_L: my neighbor is from mexico and they won't travel home anymore
09:44 PM aandrew: Otay has the same total lack of signage, but I did find SENTRI lanes so I figured I'd go that way and hopefully find a normal lane to get in
09:45 PM Tom_L: they took a bus once and the buss got pulled over by the police and robbed
09:45 PM aandrew: get to the agent and he says I can't cross if I'm not a SENTRI member, which I understand, but he wouldn't let me go to the left side which is where the normal lanes are
09:45 PM aandrew: he made me drive backwards for like a half a mile to where a bidirectional road is
09:45 PM aandrew: spent another hour driving around in circles trying to get to the entrace to the normal lanes
09:46 PM aandrew: I clued in when I remembered I entered on a bridge, and the overhead road was the lane back to US
09:46 PM aandrew: anyway drive AWAY from the border to get to where the bridge meets the road and proceed to spend 2.5 HOURS waiting in the car and crawling ahead slowly
09:47 PM Tom_L: it ain't the same as crossing the us/canadian border sir
09:47 PM aandrew: I get to the guardhouse and tell them I need to be sent to secondary so I can do the import whatever
09:48 PM aandrew: no problem, they send me over, I drive through the xray (sadly they don't give me the picture) and they take my paperwork and disappear
09:48 PM aandrew: comes back and says the import office closed at 2 (it's 2:30) and says I can come back tomorrow
09:48 PM aandrew: then he disappears with my paperwork again and 10m later comes back to say I actually have to go to cargo anyway, and they're open until 10 and are "just down the road"
09:48 PM Tom_L: might be easier to abandon the car and get another one :)
09:49 PM aandrew: so he sends me back to mexico and I figure if I follow the hundreds of transport trucks I'll be in the right awre
09:49 PM aandrew: area
09:49 PM rue_shop2: ok, lets be glad your alive
09:50 PM aandrew: at this point I flip on my Rogers SIM and follow the map a bit and nowhere odes this road with a sea of transports go toward the border
09:50 PM Tom_L: they take life rather casually down there
09:50 PM aandrew: I follow it on the screen for a while and notice that there IS another crossing in Tecate
09:50 PM aandrew: "no way he's sending me an hour away, 'just down the road', is he?"
09:50 PM aandrew: I find a number, call, IVR tells me they're open until 10 but the import office closes at 4
09:51 PM aandrew: so I'm very very happy I didn't drive there because I'd have missed it again
09:51 PM aandrew: at this point I just want to get back to the US and try again tomorrow
09:51 PM Tom_L: i would cut that statement off and 'back to the us'. period
09:51 PM aandrew: not looking forward to the 2.5h wait again, but oddly enough the border was 100% CLEAR... no cars, no wait
09:51 PM aandrew: I was back in the US in 15m
09:51 PM aandrew: heh
09:51 PM aandrew: and yes it does seem easier to just abandon the car
09:52 PM aandrew: or drive north to vancouver to cross
09:52 PM Tom_L: i wasn't really kidding
09:52 PM aandrew: nah I'll go, it was an adventure and I figure as long as I'm staying right at the border I should be okay
09:52 PM Tom_L: and you're lucky you didn't get pulled over by the POLICE and robbed
09:52 PM aandrew: but holy crap I was *not* expecting the total lack of signage
09:53 PM aandrew: I had nothing other than about USD$100 ... the car is intentionally empty for the inspection
09:53 PM Tom_L: and it's getting much worse down there
09:53 PM aandrew: yeah, that's why I was hoping I could do this without crossing at all
09:53 PM Tom_L: fuel tank better be full :)
09:54 PM aandrew: fuel tank was full, I was grateful for that, and also that I have a shitty little TEC cooler that I keep water in
09:55 PM Tom_L: crossing from Ca is probably the worst place to cross save maybe Tx
09:55 PM aandrew: also crazy how the mexican side has street vendors, dancers, people collecting garbage right up to the US gates
09:55 PM aandrew: it's like a carnival there... of poor people desperate for money
09:56 PM Tom_L: yeah and they will kill for it
09:56 PM Tom_L: seriously, watch your ass
09:56 PM aandrew: for sure
09:57 PM Tom_L: neighbor took the bus down and lost all their money & jewelery
09:57 PM Tom_L: lucky they made it back
09:57 PM Tom_L: and they were born there
09:57 PM aandrew: wow
09:58 PM aandrew: so of CA, AZ, NM, TX, TX is the worst then CA?
09:58 PM Tom_L: Ca is probably worse than Tx
09:59 PM Tom_L: i have no intention of finding out
09:59 PM aandrew: hm, interesting. just in terms of violence and corruption?
09:59 PM Tom_L: they're from Chihuahua so closer to Tx
10:01 PM Tom_L: years ago they would drive but now they won't go at all
10:02 PM Tom_L: last time i think he went for a funeral
10:02 PM Tom_L: that's it
10:31 PM aandrew: wooooooooo
10:31 PM aandrew: I started calling numbers on https://www.cbp.gov/about/contact/ports/otay-mesa-california-2506 and got a hold of someone
10:31 PM aandrew: apparently I do not have to go to mexico at all, I can get to personal vehicle imports on the US side
11:16 PM rue_mohr: :)