#garfield Logs

Oct 10 2023

#garfield Calendar

12:42 AM rue_mohr: what bit do you use?
04:02 AM polprog: Tom_L: oh, how do you get the bit dimensions?
04:02 AM polprog: do you just measure them or generate basedin the biting code?
04:13 AM Tom_L: measure the key to get close and i have a kit with accurate depths for each size
04:13 AM Tom_L: so use that as the final cut depth
04:14 AM polprog: nice
04:14 AM Tom_L: rue_mohr, .125" then file the angles on the edges
04:15 AM Tom_L: if a key has been copied alot that can throw off the depth accuracy
04:15 AM Tom_L: or worn key etc
04:32 AM polprog: i gotta retry making a bump key for the scrap locks i have
09:47 PM rue_mohr: polprog, ai