#garfield Logs

Sep 05 2023

#garfield Calendar

12:47 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: it's actually surprisingly busy for the people I follow. I'm very pleasantly surprised and haven't even really tried digging in much yet
02:24 AM polprog: aandrew: same, though they improved that notification algorhitm, for the first month I got some mainstream nonsense from some randomtwitter celebrities with 100k followers
02:24 AM polprog: people i dont follow and i dont care
02:24 AM polprog: now im getting "recommended
02:24 AM polprog: now im getting "recommended" xits from people i follow
04:09 AM Tom_L: rue_mohr, nice pulley
07:13 AM rue_mohr: :)
07:13 AM rue_mohr: I just have to do the other two now
08:12 AM rue_mohr: I'll have to balance the other two, this one will be pretty low speed
08:12 AM rue_mohr: I think it tops out at 138 rpm
08:13 AM rue_mohr: not sure how I'm going to mount them all yet
08:22 AM aandrew: heh
08:22 AM aandrew: "add pot holder to panel meter" sounds funny if you think kitchen
08:23 AM rue_mohr: :)
08:23 AM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> --monday--
08:23 AM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - vacuum bedroom
08:23 AM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - re-cam top pillow blocks
08:23 AM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - add pot holder to panel meter
08:23 AM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> -- --
08:24 AM rue_mohr: heh, put that back on top, thanks
08:25 AM aandrew: man the whole "moving to the us" thing is becoming super real
08:25 AM rue_mohr: hah, with all the haloween stuff going around I suppose that good-evil panel meter was descently timed
08:25 AM rue_mohr: sounds like you picked an aweful spot tho
08:25 AM aandrew: starting to get a little overwhelmed with a) just how much work is needed to get done on the house in canada to sell it and b) just how LITTLE space I will have in this apartment
08:25 AM rue_mohr: is the "moving out tax" real?
08:25 AM aandrew: no workshop
08:26 AM aandrew: "moving out tax" ?
08:26 AM rue_mohr: yea
08:26 AM rue_mohr: the rumor is they tax you for leaving
08:26 AM aandrew: I have no costs for leaving canada that get paid to canada
08:27 AM rue_mohr: no I'm talking the us
08:27 AM aandrew: oh, perhaps if I was a citizen leaving the US, but I don't know
08:27 AM rue_mohr: pretty sure they us tax you for money you make in the us too
08:28 AM aandrew: the place I'm moving to isn't going to be great for any of the things I like to do due to lack of space / workspace
08:28 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: both canada and the US tax their residents, not their citizens
08:28 AM aandrew: so the ultimate would be to have three houses: canada, us and somewhere in europe. zero income tax in that case
08:28 AM rue_mohr: I wonder if you have to pay can. income tax while living int he us
08:29 AM aandrew: but you would have to move three times a year and if you ever got stuck in one place too long... $$$
08:29 AM rue_mohr: your sure this whole thing is not unwise?
08:29 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: no, canada like the us taxes its residents, not citizens, so I will pay canadian income tax while residing in canada and us income tax while residing in us, and have to prove where I lived
08:30 AM rue_mohr: well
08:30 AM rue_mohr: I know a guy with us citezenship in canada who has to pay us income tax
08:30 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: I need to be in LA area for my son. I am now an employee of a nuclear fusion company in the area for the next few (5?) years to obtain green cards for myself and non-adult children
08:30 AM rue_mohr: ok
08:31 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: the US tax system is weird and it adds complexity btu you're never double-taxed by both nations. I mean if you're not smart and can't document where you are when then I suppose both nations can make cases against you but that's on you
08:32 AM aandrew: it's kind of like how in Canada, CRA can reassess you and say "we are charging you $x tax on $y income" and it's up to you to refute it with documentation
10:53 AM Tom_L: Ca is one of the most $$$ to live in the US
11:21 AM aandrew: yes I can see why
06:29 PM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> --monday--
06:29 PM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - vacuum bedroom
06:29 PM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - re-cam top pillow blocks
06:29 PM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> - add pot holder to panel meter
06:29 PM rue_mohr: <rue_mohr> -- --
06:44 PM Tom_L: this _is_ tuesday
09:11 PM rue_mohr: meh
09:11 PM rue_mohr: I'm gonna go get a pot to model into this meter anyhow