#garfield Logs

Jun 06 2023

#garfield Calendar

04:27 AM Tom_L: https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/13la2d1/thats_a_great_table_design/
08:16 AM rue_mohr: heh
08:17 AM rue_mohr: I dont get how those sensors work
08:29 AM aandrew: the resin work on that is quite amazing
08:30 AM aandrew: how the sensors work? think metal detector. tuned LC circuit, you sticking your finger in the coil detunes it and it detects that
08:35 AM rue_mohr: yea not sure there
08:35 AM rue_mohr: RF attenuation?
08:35 AM aandrew: what about it
08:36 AM aandrew: there's another version I saw that uses bog standard capacitive touch sensors
08:37 AM aandrew: https://youtu.be/zD9cv4JiNfE?t=648
11:05 AM polprog_: aandrew: sure! i need to learn antenna making
11:05 AM polprog_: I got a bedside radioscanner
11:05 AM polprog_: AR-2002M
11:05 AM polprog_: 25-550 and 800-1300 MHz