#garfield Logs

Feb 02 2023

#garfield Calendar

12:13 AM ruenahcmohr: Ihave to get up early tommorow
12:51 PM aandrew: ruenahcmohr: congrats on the new job, and sorry to hear about your friend's brother
12:52 PM aandrew: rye and coke used to be my drink of choice, in the last 2 years or so I moved away from mixes and started drinking rye neat or what my current (6mos) seems to be which is a really good/smooth tequila neat
12:52 PM ruenahcmohr: not working the new job yet, few hurtles to jump first
12:53 PM aandrew: if I want to test my body's diabetic reaction, I will have cointreau. that usually gives me bad hangovers in the morninig though
12:54 PM aandrew: friend of mine had a SUPER SMOOTH palinca (romanian moonshine) that went down so nice I think it should have warnings on the label
12:54 PM aandrew: usually that stuff is really rough, like drinking gasoline
12:55 PM aandrew: that's actually what set me on my quest for higher-end alcohol and led me to anejo tequilas
01:17 PM ruenahcmohr: https://projecthub.arduino.cc/screwpilot/b69edd02-ec1e-4aaf-aff3-b846093768b8
01:17 PM ruenahcmohr: What age you do imagine the author of that is...
01:18 PM ruenahcmohr: I'm thinking 14?
01:18 PM ruenahcmohr: mostly going by the code
02:13 PM polprog_: Tom_L: im a rum guy :P
02:14 PM polprog_: tho the premixed jack and coke is pretty ok too
06:52 PM ruenahcmohr: polprog_, if you were going to make a virtual cpu for use with any hardware cpu, what do you think you would put in the design?
06:54 PM polprog_: hm
06:54 PM polprog_: as in what insturctions and stuff?
08:13 PM ruenahcmohr: yea
08:15 PM Tom_L: jmp & goto for sure
08:24 PM ruenahcmohr: :)
08:25 PM Tom_L: glad when i get rid of this head cold
08:25 PM Tom_L: been a shitty week
08:26 PM Tom_L: anxious about the upcoming job?
08:27 PM ruenahcmohr: a bit
08:28 PM ruenahcmohr: I keep getting the impression that 15 years was much longer than a person is expected to be in one job
08:28 PM Tom_L: try 40
08:29 PM ruenahcmohr: :]
08:29 PM Tom_L: i do recall when you were a beginner sparkie though :)
08:29 PM ruenahcmohr: I think I'v only ever had 4 jobs
08:29 PM ruenahcmohr: yep
08:29 PM Tom_L: my resume would fit on a business card
08:30 PM Tom_L: until it came to the personal hobby part
08:31 PM Tom_L: i used to have from HS on written down somewhere...
08:46 PM ruenahcmohr: huh, I need to have supper now
08:46 PM ruenahcmohr: gee, day flew by
09:23 PM aandrew: https://www.timdbg.com/posts/useless-x86-trivia/
09:23 PM aandrew: some interesting stuff in there
09:23 PM aandrew: like ADD reg, 1 will update carry, but INC reg will not
09:30 PM rue_shop3: :]
10:00 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/8080a_1.jpg
10:00 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/8080a_2.jpg
10:05 PM ruenahcmohr: the switch between octal and hex was a strange one
10:06 PM ruenahcmohr: in some areas, octal held out for a long time
10:18 PM aandrew: I never liked octal, but hex always felt very "natural" to me
10:18 PM ruenahcmohr: yep