#garfield Logs

Oct 09 2022

#garfield Calendar

12:03 AM aandrew: balls
12:13 AM aandrew: I feel like I have to buy these, mill half the non-threaded side so instead of () it's (|, then drill a tiny hole through the middle of the flat I created so I can put a pin in it to MAKE a hinge
12:13 AM aandrew: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003164818981.html
12:56 AM rue_mohr: hmm
12:56 AM rue_mohr: how many do you need?
12:57 AM rue_mohr: aandrew, a new o2 sensor isn't much, I think I should get one and try it
12:57 AM rue_mohr: it would be good if I rewelded the exhaust manifold again too
12:59 AM rue_mohr: polprog, I would like to set up a script that can append content to stuff on the webpage
12:59 AM rue_mohr: kinda like adding text and images to a thread on twitter
01:00 AM rue_mohr: it cant be scripted serverside for securrity reasons, but with ssh I dont have to
01:01 AM rue_mohr: I need to finish that power coverter and build the mtoor driver for the cnc
01:01 AM rue_mohr: and mount the motor
01:01 AM rue_mohr: and make the pullies, and mount the other motor and
01:01 AM rue_mohr: stop sleeping so much
01:02 AM Tom_L: yeah
01:05 AM Tom_L: oil dry gonna work ok?
01:37 AM rue_mohr: have not opened the bag yet!
01:38 AM rue_mohr: I'll finish gridning the kitty litter I ahve it working on and try that next
01:40 AM rue_mohr: https://github.com/johnsonwust/TD4-4BIT-CPU
02:51 AM rue_mohr: so, the injection molder was getting closer, i needed to figure out temperates better
02:51 AM rue_mohr: mostly with preheating the mold
02:51 AM rue_mohr: it seemed like there was a tipping point
02:51 AM rue_mohr: easy to be way too far on the wrong side of it
04:20 PM rue_shop3: its curious, ever since I stopped working, nobody has come to visit at the house...
04:21 PM polprog: rue_mohr: that sounds good
04:21 PM polprog: rue_mohr: ive been using markdown recently, there is a simple compiler that outputs html
04:22 PM polprog: you can also just put HTML code inside markdown files and it will include it, so you can have an MD file that you just append your post to and then re-run `markdown foo.md > foo.html` every time you finish
04:23 PM polprog: its easy to embed images too
04:50 PM rue_mohr: oo
04:50 PM rue_mohr: muttdown?
04:51 PM rue_mohr: so, what does markdown do to make it easier?
05:43 PM polprog: it has simpler syntax
05:44 PM polprog: its the syntax used in github readme.md
05:44 PM polprog: just less typing of <p> <p> <p>
05:44 PM polprog: and with a block of css at the beginning you can make it look nice
05:45 PM polprog: http://modem.lol/symbol_term/ this was written in markdown
08:20 PM rue_shop3: so the bank wont give me back my old business account name
08:20 PM rue_shop3: ugh
08:20 PM rue_shop3: I cant get myself to do things
08:21 PM rue_shop3: I had a list for today and I'v bascially avoided all of it
09:55 PM Tom_L: what was their excuse?
11:10 PM rue_mohr: they say I have to register the name, and, after waiting a monthe the govt said "Require distinctive, nondescriptive first word or prefix * E.G. Person's name, initials, geographic location, etc."