#garfield Logs

Oct 08 2022

#garfield Calendar

12:48 PM aandrew: What are these things called when the ends are either threaded bolts or threaded sockets? https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/hardware/hinges/small-box/46693-brass-pin-hinges?item=00D8150&utm_source=free_google_shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&gclid=CjwKCAjwv4SaBhBPEiwA9YzZvOvSVtPLVM_9PGSd7kT2hKllIKWBF3gzXBGEneJUwHRwK8UZs0AD8xoCOGwQAvD_BwE
12:58 PM aandrew: That’s a brass hinge pin, but trying to find these to buy seems to be an exercise in frustration
01:04 PM aandrew: Hm, not quite. It’s damn close though, but none seem to be able to accept a bolt nor nut; press fit into a slightly undersized hole on both sides
01:30 PM rue_mohr: maybe a dowel hinge?
05:59 PM rue_mohr: ok, so the truck gets an average of 0.14L/km
05:59 PM rue_mohr: so if I buy 1L of gas
05:59 PM rue_mohr: no
06:00 PM rue_mohr: if gas is $2/L
06:00 PM rue_mohr: thats right
06:01 PM rue_mohr: I multiply the price of gas by 0.14 to get $/km
06:01 PM rue_mohr: gas is about $2.40 now
06:01 PM rue_mohr: so I'm about $0.34/km
06:03 PM rue_mohr: there are two towns
06:10 PM rue_mohr: so the close town, round trip, is $3, and the far town is $12
06:11 PM rue_mohr: I got a bag of that stuff
06:11 PM rue_mohr: its light
06:21 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, its light
06:22 PM rue_mohr: so I worked out I should try to make $312/day
07:56 PM aandrew: 14L/100km is not good mileage by any stretch of the imagination
07:58 PM aandrew: my TDI passat is about 4.5L/100km in summer on highway, and roughly 0.6L/100km higher in winter, and that's pretty damn good. Most gas vehicles are up in the 7-9L/100km for cars and light trucks not doing hauling type work
08:34 PM rue_mohr: I think the o2 sensor bit the dust a long time ago and the computer is guessing
08:34 PM rue_mohr: guessing rich
08:34 PM rue_mohr: or the injector is worn open more than it should be
11:19 PM aandrew: a friend of mine wanted to deek out his O2 sensor; a straight resistor divider wasn't cutting it (the computer correctly guessed something was wrong since the signal never changed) and he ended up making a slow triangle wave generator with a 555
11:19 PM aandrew: seemed to make the computer happy