#garfield Logs

Sep 27 2022

#garfield Calendar

12:21 AM rue_mohr: I wonder how many of the twitter followers are bots
12:31 AM rue_mohr: I think I have over 30 real followers
09:01 AM aandrew: this has got to be a solved problem by rue_mohr ... is there a cheap/fast way to sort gears by their module? I have a ton of recovered gears and such but finding ones that work well together means they need to have the same the same module. Taking a pair and meshing them by hand is how I do it now which is ... okayish
11:10 AM rue_mohr: :/ I sit down a mesh them
11:10 AM rue_mohr: I bag them similar each time I'm searching for a set
11:53 AM rue_mohr: lots of my stuff I only sort when I'm looking for something
11:54 AM rue_mohr: it kinda creates a balance between the amount of sorted stuff I have and use vs the amount of time I spend sorting
12:33 PM aandrew: ah ok, so you solved it the way I was hoping not to :-)
12:36 PM polprog: perhaps you could proceduratty generate a set of common module racks to 3d print and fit against?
12:36 PM polprog: procedurally*
12:36 PM polprog: sounds like a useful gadget
12:36 PM rue_mohr: what I want to do is take a set and work out the pitch radius
12:37 PM rue_mohr: so I can space them properly
12:37 PM polprog: There are fancy formulas for that we had to do this in drafting class
12:37 PM rue_mohr: *some* gears will almost seem right but they aren't
12:38 PM rue_mohr: yea, but unless you know the exact angle they were designed with, you cant calculate the pitch radius
12:38 PM rue_mohr: now, you COULD... come to think of it
12:38 PM rue_mohr: design a set with the woodgears tool and print them for matchup
12:38 PM rue_mohr: but it would be faster to mesh them
12:38 PM polprog: just build a gear stretcher/shaver
12:39 PM rue_mohr: come to think of it, you COULD calibrate up a high rez camera, like from a pi
12:39 PM rue_mohr: and opencv might be all you need to have it measure up the gear for you
12:39 PM rue_mohr: thats a bit out of my leauge tho
12:40 PM Tom_L: haha, kid got walked out today
12:40 PM rue_mohr: hows your opencv?
12:40 PM Tom_L: called the next place and they said show up tomorrow
12:40 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, didnt' want him to take the expensive bits with him eh?
12:40 PM Tom_L: it's pretty common in that industry
12:40 PM rue_mohr: ? thats sad
12:41 PM polprog: reminds me of the joke when two programmers talk
12:41 PM rue_mohr: ?
12:41 PM rue_mohr: polprog, brain storm
12:41 PM rue_mohr: I have a pi, do you have a pi?
12:41 PM Tom_L: lots of military etc contracts
12:41 PM polprog: A: I got fired today.. ; B: No way! That mus thave been tough! Did you find a new job? A: Yeah, but it was the worst 20 minutes of my life
12:41 PM Tom_L: have some pi
12:41 PM polprog: rue_mohr: yeah, and i even have the camera
12:41 PM rue_mohr: polprog, hah
12:42 PM rue_mohr: polprog, hey
12:42 PM rue_mohr: why dont _WE_ develop something!
12:42 PM polprog: hmm
12:42 PM polprog: id love to
12:42 PM rue_mohr: openvc
12:42 PM polprog: the camera is a pita on the pi though
12:42 PM rue_mohr: put a gear under it and it gives you the count and sizing
12:42 PM polprog: but when it finally works, its quite good
12:42 PM rue_mohr: hell no
12:42 PM polprog: (i will be away for the next 2 weeks tho, not at home)
12:42 PM rue_mohr: I got a program that takes a pic
12:43 PM rue_mohr: mine uses it for 3d scanning
12:43 PM rue_mohr: I can dig it all up
12:43 PM rue_mohr: I'm not working so I can sync with ya
12:43 PM polprog: ive only used opencv to scale and convert images
12:43 PM rue_mohr: ok!
12:43 PM polprog: like, i have no idea how to make it detect a shape or somethin
12:43 PM rue_mohr: I'v never got opencv working
12:44 PM rue_mohr: me either
12:44 PM rue_mohr: but everyone does it, we must be abel to work it out
12:44 PM polprog: bbl, off to the supermarket
12:45 PM rue_mohr: the camera is crazy high resoltuon too
12:48 PM aandrew: rue_mohr> and opencv might be all you need to have it measure up the gear for you
12:48 PM aandrew: hah that's slick and beyond me as well
12:48 PM aandrew: but it'd be nice to throw a gear under the camera and have it say "bore size 1.8mm, 80T, M1.0"
12:48 PM aandrew: Tom_L> haha, kid got walked out today
12:49 PM aandrew: oh wow, by $OLDCOMPANY? Did he give notice and they said no notice necessary?
12:52 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, do you have a pi with a camera?
12:57 PM Tom_L: gave notice yesterday, walked out today, starts new one tomorrow
12:58 PM Tom_L: iirc, that leaves 1 in his department
12:59 PM rue_mohr: I alsmost could have done that here, I didn't completely notice
12:59 PM rue_mohr: but I need some spindown time
12:59 PM rue_mohr: I reaaaaly do
01:00 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: indeed I do
01:00 PM aandrew: I'd be doing it on a PC with a webcam first
01:00 PM aandrew: but then moving to a pi
01:00 PM rue_mohr: but I'll bet the pi camera is way higher rez
01:00 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: I have a number of very high res cameras, including some I designed for the pi for this medical application :-)
01:02 PM rue_mohr: ah ok
01:02 PM rue_mohr: well
01:02 PM rue_mohr: have you ever used openvc?
01:02 PM rue_mohr: cv
01:06 PM aandrew: very, very, very, little
01:07 PM rue_mohr: cool, so your our leading opencv person!
01:11 PM rue_mohr: I have a beagleboard I should do soemthing with at some point too
02:13 PM aandrew: hahaha I would struggle to say I'm any kind of leading person let alone opencv
02:28 PM polprog: back
02:28 PM polprog: i wonder if it would be hard to set up opencv on the ZynqMP board
02:29 PM polprog: Or the cheaper Zynq EBAZ bitcoin miner board
02:29 PM polprog: these seem to be around for $20 no sweat
02:42 PM polprog: i ned to get it, hopefully i get my paycheck soon
04:21 PM rue_mohr: ooo?
04:21 PM rue_mohr: the point with the pi is its natural ability to take a camera of course
04:35 PM rue_mohr: back from the landfill, I'll try and cast another pulley in a bit
06:34 PM Tom_L: https://youtu.be/0QrynzJ_lZ4?t=108
06:34 PM rue_mohr: ?
06:34 PM Tom_L: how inserts are made
06:35 PM rue_mohr: ah
06:35 PM rue_mohr: it was starting to look like that
08:11 PM aandrew: Tom_L: that is cool
09:18 PM rue_shop3: ok so I cast it the other way up, it came out better
09:19 PM rue_shop3: the mold sprung a leak, but it sealed without draining all the material
09:19 PM rue_shop3: or enough to make a difference
09:20 PM rue_shop3: lots of flash, I forgot to put a weight on the top of the mold
09:20 PM rue_shop3: might be why it leaked
10:03 PM rue_mohr: so I could start by dusting off my pi
10:03 PM rue_mohr: polprog, aandrew want to follow suit?