#garfield Logs

Jul 09 2022

#garfield Calendar

03:07 AM rue_livingrm: ok, thats better
03:16 AM rue_livingrm: can anyone toss me that link to that decompiler thing?
03:16 AM rue_livingrm: ?
03:25 AM * rue_livingrm tries saying it while standing on his head
03:37 AM rue_livingrm: the jre11 /64 bit for ghirda is being really hard
03:37 AM rue_livingrm: I'm on a dediated machine now
03:37 AM rue_livingrm: just for that
04:24 AM rue_livingrm: even with a 64 bit machine with jdk 11 ghirda will not run
04:25 AM rue_livingrm: why am I the only person who cant run it?
04:41 AM rue_livingrm: ok, I got ghirda to run
04:49 AM rue_livingrm: ok, I got a project with the jetdiret file
04:49 AM rue_livingrm: polprog, ?
09:06 AM aandrew: heh a new rue
09:06 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: yeah I talked to my brother about the outage (he's a sr core network architect at bell)
09:07 AM aandrew: he said basically rogers stopped advertising their routes at 6am
09:07 AM aandrew: we got talking a bit and he said that while he doesn't know *why* it happened, if somethign where to happen in Bell's core the result would've been the same
09:09 AM aandrew: it blows me away that voice traffic can be affected so easily but he wasn't at all. depending on the specific failure you might not be able to recover
09:10 AM aandrew: he mentioned a specific issue they had on their enterprise router network where the actual routing fabric was not doing what it should but was reporting that it was in fact doing what it should so none of the reporting/monitoring tools were saying anything was wrong
12:43 PM rue_mohr: hah, sounds similar to the facebook thing
12:44 PM rue_mohr: but that was dns.,. iirc
12:44 PM rue_mohr: I wonder why they brought it all back to 1 machine instead of segregating it across a few
04:20 PM aandrew: it's not
04:20 PM aandrew: it's all about BGP updates
04:20 PM aandrew: core routers advertise their routes and learn about the routes on its ports and advertise them along with its own
04:21 PM aandrew: and for whatever reason (doubt we will ever know why) it stopped advertising so the networks on the other side of those ports said "hmph, guess they're not there anymore" and forgot how to get traffic to their networks
04:21 PM aandrew: it'll be fully redundant with multiple ports and multiple routers, but if you stop telling the world how to reach you, the world forgets you
04:40 PM aandrew: hm
04:41 PM aandrew: 250mOhm rdson at minimum Vgsth, if I'm passing 2A through it that's P=I^2R = 2*2*.25 or 1W, and if Rthja is 178C/W then it will want to rise 178C above ambient
04:47 PM aandrew: another fet has about 35mOhm at the Vgsth I can put out, 223K/W would be 2*2*.035 or 140mW * 223 for 31C above ambient
04:55 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
04:58 PM rue_shop3: aandrew, I know, I was kinda meaning it on an information propigation/refresh level
04:58 PM rue_shop3: or did facebook issue bogus records?
04:58 PM rue_shop3: I thought they stopped issuing dns updates
04:58 PM rue_shop3: aandrew, what ya switching?
04:59 PM rue_shop3: I'm trying to print 2 more of that bowden button thing and none of the 3d printers want to work
05:12 PM aandrew: rue_shop3: an LED string driven from a PAM2841, trying to see what I can get away with for switching mosfets (basically PAM2841 is a current regulating boost converter for driving LEDs, its feedback voltage is 200mV and lets the voltage rise to whatever needed, I have two strings I want to drive so I'm using two mosfets on the bottom end of the LED strings to come back to the feedback network
05:12 PM aandrew: I wanted to see if I could get away with a SOT23 mosfet and I can, for brief moments
05:13 PM aandrew: the SO8-type package parts can do dozens of A which I don't need so I'm looking for something inbetween
05:13 PM aandrew: I kind of like the PMPB14XN
05:13 PM rue_shop3: huh
05:13 PM aandrew: tons of 'em available, goofy package but lots of alternates anywhere from 40-80V and more than enough current for me
05:27 PM Tom_L: soruemohrwtfyoubeenuptolately?
05:27 PM rue_shop3: playing with an X10 plug module
05:27 PM rue_shop3: they use a toggle relay so they dont have to remember state or keep the coil powered
05:27 PM Tom_L: i got a boxfull of x10 somewhere
05:27 PM rue_shop3: :)
05:28 PM Tom_L: unless i tossed it
05:28 PM rue_shop3: the coil on the relay takes a really heavy hit to toggle
05:28 PM rue_shop3: like 2A 60V
05:28 PM rue_shop3: they use an SCR
05:28 PM Tom_L: yeah i would imagine
05:28 PM rue_shop3: to pulse it
05:28 PM rue_shop3: then it just mechically toggles on/off
05:30 PM rue_shop3: Tom_L, did you ever try X10 control?
05:31 PM Tom_L: nothing permanent
05:31 PM Tom_L: it's been ages
05:33 PM Tom_L: kinda surprised it's still a thing
05:33 PM Tom_L: with all the speech ones available
05:43 PM rue_shop3: hah, I didn't know
05:43 PM rue_shop3: thought everyone had gone to the newer methods of signal-over-power
07:05 PM Tom_L: i used to have some mains routers but got rid of em
07:05 PM Tom_L: somebody gave em to me
07:06 PM Tom_L: they wouldn't cross over the buss
07:06 PM Tom_L: but i don't think any will
07:21 PM rue_shop3: for the newer stuff you can get a bus linker
07:21 PM rue_shop3: its just a capacitor
09:02 PM aandrew: they generally will not because the pole pigs don't really have great RF performance. :-)
09:03 PM aandrew: there was a technology company must be 20 years ago now that claimed they had made a small (solid state?) MASER which made their powerline communications work just fine across the two phases
09:03 PM aandrew: it was bullshit of course, but that was their clai
09:03 PM aandrew: claim
09:22 PM rue_shop3: the springs for these buttons are being a pain in the ass