#garfield Logs

Jan 25 2022

#garfield Calendar

04:56 AM Tom_L: morning
05:45 AM rue_bed: blink
06:03 AM rue_mohr: I had a dream one of the guys at work bought 6000 useless asset trackers
06:48 AM rue_mohr: do you think I can cut a microscope cover slide?
06:49 AM rue_mohr: 20x20mm thin thin glass
08:15 AM Tom_L: no
08:15 AM Tom_L: maybe if you're really careful
08:18 AM rue_mohr: I think I have a thing to score them with
08:18 AM rue_mohr: its for a cnc glass cutter
10:03 AM aandrew: 36h awake is just a bit too long for me. I seem to have a sweet spot of about 17h or so, and my ideal sleep time seems between 7-9h, which of course does not fit nicely in a 24h day
10:04 AM aandrew: actually 17h awake 7h asleep perfectly fits, but it's not often that 7h is the right amount of time for me. I guess I'm missing the roughly 1h of "unwind" time I need which is pushing sleep to 6h and causing trouble
08:36 PM rue_mohr: I'm gonna wake up later and play with some lasers
09:15 PM rue_mohr: and a projection digit