#garfield Logs

Apr 30 2021

#garfield Calendar

01:16 AM rue_bed: well, over the course of 2 movies and supper I got most of it written
03:39 AM polprog: i just found an error in the labs excel
03:40 AM polprog: turns out i couldnot transform the formula in my head :v
03:40 AM polprog: ratio from dB is 10^(dB/20) not (10^dB)/20
03:40 AM polprog: :P
08:34 AM rue_mohr: carefull the log fn isn't log
08:34 AM rue_mohr: log vs natural log
09:23 AM rue_mohr: oh, I missed the fpga webinar?
09:23 AM rue_mohr: I didn't get the hardware yet!?
09:48 AM aandrew: yeah you missed the email where they said "due to overwhelming demand we can only ship hardware out to european countries"
09:49 AM rue_mohr: ah
09:49 AM rue_mohr: well, that wont do me much good then
09:49 AM aandrew: yeah I was a little disappointed
09:50 AM aandrew: hm, someone wants me to write a video game hardware emulator for them. They know about MAME so I'm kind of curious why they wouldn't just go that route
09:50 AM aandrew: I like to goof around with emulated games but I certainly dont' have a passion for it
09:53 AM aandrew: heh everyone has holddown clamps that expect the threaded bolt to be immovable and then have a knob with a captive nut which spins down to hold the clamp in place
09:53 AM rue_mohr: hmm
09:53 AM rue_mohr: for awhat?
09:53 AM aandrew: my spoilboard has a bunch of M6 nuts in it and want a bolt with a nut held in it to spin down to hold the clamp
09:54 AM aandrew: I think I can print https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:41382 and https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:21057 and achieve what I want with some M6 bolts in the knob
09:54 AM rue_mohr: did you ahve a cnc?
09:56 AM aandrew: yes, a tiny 3018
09:57 AM rue_mohr: ?
10:01 AM aandrew: https://www.amazon.ca/Genmitsu-3018-PRO-Control-Engraving-300x180x45mm/dp/B07P6K9BL3 like that
10:01 AM aandrew: actually https://www.amazon.ca/SainSmart-Genmitsu-3018-PROVer-Switches-Emergency-Stop/dp/B07ZFD6SKP is the exact one I have
10:02 AM aandrew: I've got a ... 500w? spindle but that's for (much) later
10:05 AM aandrew: https://www.banggood.com/Machifit-ER11-Chuck-CNC-500W-Spindle-Motor-with-52mm-Clamps-and-Power-Supply-Speed-Governor-p-1027937.html is the spindle, it's gone up in price, wow
10:21 AM aandrew: in unrelated news, I replaced the brass nozzle in my printer with another. the old one was the original (3yo, printed lots with it)
10:21 AM aandrew: the biggest change I see is that the layers seem to stack "tighter" now
10:51 AM aandrew: printing hotter (I was printing at 195, now 220) REALLY increases the strength (not surprising), now I'm trying to see if I can reduce stringing
10:51 AM aandrew: the print quality is good and I've got it dimensionally accurate now with some little tweaks
11:07 AM aandrew: I think I'd like to try an 0.8mm or even 1mm nozzle but I'm not sure the stock hotend could support such high flow rates
03:03 PM rue_shop2: i found shrinking got too troublesome with extra heat
04:13 PM aandrew: hm, I have not noticed that with PLA+
04:13 PM aandrew: I wouldn't mind trying ABS or PETG or even nylon but I need a better/hotter hotend and this printer is working too well to screw with it like that
04:13 PM aandrew: I'd sooner buy a whole printer to muck around with than muck with this one
09:14 PM aandrew: The 1995 movie 'Hackers' was released 1337 weeks ago today.
11:08 PM rue_mohr: ha