#garfield Logs

Mar 23 2021

#garfield Calendar

12:00 AM rue_mohr: SetSampleTime(int NewSampleTime)
12:07 AM rue_mohr: SampleTime = (unsigned long)NewSampleTime;
12:07 AM rue_mohr: unsigned long SampleTime;
12:07 AM rue_mohr: void PID::SetSampleTime(int NewSampleTime) {
12:07 AM rue_mohr: if (NewSampleTime > 0) {
12:07 AM rue_mohr: why is this an int then and not an unsigned int?
12:09 AM rue_mohr: so a few things are comming to light here
12:09 AM rue_mohr: - ALWAYS write your own libraries
12:10 AM rue_mohr: - incorperate monitoring mechanisms into the pid code
12:10 AM rue_mohr: - use pointers so the PID code can directly access the input/output values
12:11 AM rue_mohr: - it looks like you get a rate servo if you add the proportionate to the error?
12:18 AM rue_mohr: -apparently calculation timing isn't critical
06:12 AM polprog: Tom_L: tried Classic Shell yet?
09:52 AM rue_mohr: must have scrolled on my as I clicked, arg
11:03 AM polprog: :)
11:05 AM aandrew: so I started taking an adhd med today. we'll see if it helps anything. first dose taken an hr ago and feel a little "weird" but also fully aware of placebo effect so I doubt there's anything real there this early
11:05 AM polprog: you have adhd?
11:06 AM polprog: id never thing you could have it
11:07 AM polprog: think*
11:07 AM aandrew: I show a LOT of the signs for it, have my whole life. daughter also shows signs of it
11:08 AM polprog: hmm
11:08 AM aandrew: the hyperfocus in particular is something I've come to really appreciate and use for my career
11:08 AM polprog: my maths teacher said i might have it
11:09 AM aandrew: but the expert levels of procrastination are never good, have cost me lots of different things over the years
11:09 AM polprog: but we never did anything in that matter
11:10 AM aandrew: yeah I've not done anything about this but she was struggling like crazy and doc was adamant she was depressed not adhd
11:10 AM aandrew: but finally agreed to try
08:07 PM rue_shop1: do they have meds to enhance it?
08:08 PM aandrew: well that's kind of what I'm wondering
08:08 PM aandrew: today I slipped really easily into ~2h of it, but could have been a few different things
08:09 PM aandrew: I was playing some downtempo house which I never ever listen to but man I was just groovin
08:35 PM polprog: hmm someone is selling Nd:YAG rods on aliexpress
08:36 PM polprog: you could build a pumped laser out of them in theory
08:36 PM polprog: thats what they are for
08:36 PM polprog: expensive though
08:36 PM polprog: but they are nice and pink
08:46 PM aandrew: one thing I absolutely love is how you can find damn near anything for sale these days and it's not impossible to get
09:21 PM rue_mohr: I hope my numbers are about right on those led circuits
09:45 PM aandrew: which led circits are those
09:58 PM rue_mohr: radui tube 555 is cute, but I dont get why its pentodes and not triodes
09:58 PM rue_mohr: https://twitter.com/RueNahcMohr/status/1374539953720332292
09:58 PM rue_mohr: radio
10:04 PM rue_mohr: I didn't play with that beaglebone yet
10:08 PM aandrew: oh the capacitive reactance current limited LED driver
10:11 PM Tom_L: radio tubes!?
10:53 PM rue_mohr: yea cause, watts