#garfield Logs

Dec 01 2020

#garfield Calendar

12:00 AM rue_bed: tlp-305
12:07 AM rue_bed: no red herring
12:07 AM rue_bed: whats the real part number
12:10 AM rue_bed: I came across these when I was looking for the 8x8 for to use as roms, but they are more expensive than the 8x8
12:10 AM rue_bed: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1329334255.html
12:10 AM rue_bed: their not the same
12:12 AM rue_bed: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32879702750.html heh, less than $10 ea... and can emulate...
12:13 AM rue_bed: huh
12:13 AM rue_bed: usually china has some retro stuff
12:15 AM rue_bed: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jgoWrw6x4LM/VncZvmeDzqI/AAAAAAAABX4/au48kjZrfzc/s1600/til305-on-attiny4313.jpg
12:15 AM rue_bed: hah
12:15 AM rue_bed: if you use an 8 bit latch, like the 574, you can set one side of the pins and hold the other value on the inputs
12:20 AM rue_bed: https://hackaday.io/project/161694-diytil305
12:22 AM rue_bed: 0201
12:22 AM rue_bed: yea, wow
12:22 AM rue_bed: WHY, nomatter what time I'm up, do I ever seem to be the only person awake
02:26 AM polprog: morning
02:26 AM polprog: its december already :/
02:26 AM polprog: sorry to hear about your liver rue
03:04 AM rue_bed: I just finished a test quiz, It was a disaster, but I got 71% which was above the class average
03:05 AM rue_bed: I'm going to be interested to see what they can tell me about my liver, I think they have been totally screwing up my symptom diagnosis for years
07:02 AM polprog: is it ok to mix two eproms with different access times for high and low eproms?
08:11 AM rue_mohr: as long as the slow one is fast enough
10:50 AM aandrew: yeah I was just going to say as long as your access time is slow enough for the slowest device
10:50 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: I use those little 0.92" I2C OLEDs all the time
10:51 AM aandrew: I have a bunch on hand all the time, handy for spitting up the IP address and basic debug info when developing
11:00 AM polprog: hmm
11:01 AM polprog: good to know. i found two eeproms anyway
11:01 AM polprog: https://i.ibb.co/W2b9gdT/IMG-20201201-160629.jpg
01:01 PM rue_mohr: nice
01:02 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, what processor do you use them with?
04:23 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: anything, but mostly stm32
04:55 PM rue_shop1: do you use your own lib or a public one?
05:32 PM polprog: i think i have an oled somewhere
05:33 PM polprog: took apart a broken fitness tracker which would not boot
05:33 PM polprog: i should poke around it more
05:33 PM polprog: with an LA
05:33 PM polprog: i made a nice breakout for it the other day
06:24 PM polprog: nighters
08:07 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: the driver is really simple, but I stole some pretty nifty font/primitive drawing code that is completely display agnostic
08:07 PM rue_mohr: ok
08:07 PM rue_mohr: I was pondering a dot font like the led displays
08:13 PM aandrew: well you can do whatever you want of course :-)
08:13 PM rue_shop1: maybe later I can get you to point me to a hello world for one
10:16 PM aandrew: you can suck up metal filings/shavings/etc with a regular old shop vac can't you?