#garfield Logs

Aug 27 2020

#garfield Calendar

12:00 AM zhanx_workshop_: barn cat is goofy its hugging me, paw on either side of me
12:10 AM jymmmm: zhanx He luvs you, either that or the hurricane really scares him, or both =)
12:19 AM zhanx_workshop_: jymmmm, he was scare of me the first month and then yesterday decided i was ok
12:19 AM zhanx_workshop_: just been leaving food out for him
12:45 AM zhanx_workshop_: no i think its beyond that
12:45 AM zhanx_workshop_: he is fixed so maybe previous owners cat? this place was empty 3 years
12:50 AM jymmmm: he's been around that long and they left them there?! That always bugs me when people just abandon animals
12:52 AM zhanx_workshop_: the old people kind of died so cant blame them
12:54 AM jymmmm: Ah, well, that's not really abandoned, at least not by choice. I saw a car once throw a pillow case out of the car window with a puppy in it. Just broke my heart. I was SO temped to chase after the car, but I knew I would have done something bad if I caught up to them. Sadly, there were going too fast for me to catch the license plate.
12:59 AM zhanx_workshop_: really i dont mind a barn cat
12:59 AM zhanx_workshop_: its not like it costs a lot to feed it and its pest control
01:03 AM jymmmm: Oh no, it's totally cool. After the wildfire in 2018, we kinda have on of those cats (more like he adopted us) because he was starving after two weeks, he comes up every day to feed him, but he's really just a neighborhood cat.
04:05 AM polprog: morning
04:05 AM polprog: i pulled off some marked inductors off various trash boards
04:05 AM polprog: not many but they will come in handy
04:05 AM polprog: maybe ill be able to make proper LC circuits now
08:31 AM rue_mohr: 3 of the samsung phones are dead
08:32 AM rue_mohr: mighjt have to jumpstart the battery
09:15 AM Tom_L: get out the defibrillator paddles!
09:16 AM rue_mohr: yea, opening these might be ... interesting
09:16 AM Tom_L: heat gun
09:16 AM Tom_L: around the edges
09:16 AM Tom_L: lets the double sided tape come loose
09:16 AM Tom_L: you need more tape to assemble them
09:19 AM rue_mohr: I have a phone toaster
09:19 AM rue_mohr: it was a gift, recently
09:19 AM rue_mohr: it came with guitar picks
09:19 AM Tom_L: odd combination
09:26 AM jymmmm: Tom_L: never heard of tape in a phone? you confirmed that yourself?
09:30 AM Tom_L: i watched them change my battery
09:30 AM Tom_L: S6? iirc
09:32 AM Tom_L: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=how+to+change+an+S6+battery#kpvalbx=_ocNHX7mhCI2ctgXg2Zn4BQ30
09:32 AM Tom_L: they changed that sticky gasket
09:38 AM Tom_L: rue_mohr, now i see why it came with guitar picks :)
09:40 AM jymmmm: Interesting, dbl sided tape, yet a GLASS (not plastic) back, doesn't make sense.
12:41 PM polprog: i think i saw that 5 years ago in iphones
02:23 PM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/various/pcb2.png
02:51 PM aandrew: oh wow, I just found my images of the old OrCAD SDT/PCB386+
02:51 PM aandrew: polprog: you're into vintage stuff, interested in the floppy images?
02:52 PM aandrew: a lot of phone batteries have that 3M command strip type stuff holding them in
02:52 PM aandrew: you pull with constant gentle pressure and the tape lets go
03:05 PM polprog: aandrew: sure, i never used orcad
03:07 PM aandrew: IMO it was the last version of orcad that didn't suck
03:58 PM polprog: heh
03:58 PM polprog: picked up a piece of a cheap router
03:58 PM polprog: the mainboard, last time when i got the vcr boards for scrap
03:58 PM polprog: i found a uart on it
03:58 PM polprog: and it doesnt run linux
03:58 PM polprog: those cheapest ones bascially run some tiny bare metal application
04:07 PM polprog: so OrCAD is a PCB design tool? or a whole EDA?
04:28 PM aandrew: orcad PCB is the layout tool, SDT is the schematic capture
04:28 PM aandrew: it was the first EDA tool I ever used
07:59 PM rue_mohr: ok, I just need to cut a set of 10 rocks,
07:59 PM rue_mohr: 20 times
08:00 PM Tom_L: you need a more efficient method
08:00 PM jymmmm: explosives?
08:01 PM Tom_L: no, the rocks need to be sized
08:01 PM jymmmm: variable sizing
08:01 PM rue_mohr: I need to shape them around the pipes in the corners
08:02 PM jymmmm: ah
08:02 PM rue_mohr: me and buddy have done ~100
08:02 PM rue_mohr: which is ~14 rows
08:04 PM Tom_L: how many rows total?
08:05 PM rue_mohr: about 25-30
08:05 PM Tom_L: so you're about halfway done
08:11 PM rue_mohr: no ~1/4
08:11 PM rue_mohr: 8 corner peices for each layer
08:11 PM rue_mohr: they wrap around the pipe
08:40 PM aandrew: Tom_L: you can size rocks with explosives.... randomly. :-)
08:41 PM jymmmm: OR, if you are really good, you set the explosives to make the size/shape rocks you want
08:41 PM jymmmm: They don't call them SHAPE charges for nuttin ;)
08:56 PM zhanx_workshop_: who needs me to make shape charges?
08:56 PM zhanx_workshop_: oh rue just use a tile cutting saw blade
09:06 PM jymmmm: Where's the fun in that?
09:07 PM jymmmm: YAY 12VDC@65A power supply works =)
09:11 PM jymmmm: Now, to drill 4 holes in the PCB
09:22 PM jymmmm: Think 8/32" SS screw can handle 65 Amps?
09:23 PM jymmmm: (750 Watts)
09:36 PM rue_shop1: heh
09:38 PM jymmmm: hmmm?
10:21 PM zhanx_workshop_: jymmmm, fine i will make rue shape charges
10:21 PM jymmmm: YAY!!!
10:22 PM jymmmm: zhanx detonator or safety fuse?
10:24 PM zhanx_workshop_: det
10:24 PM zhanx_workshop_: its easier
10:24 PM rue_mohr: zhanx_workshop_, I am, its on an angle grinder tho
10:25 PM rue_mohr: my buddy just arranged a larger saw
10:25 PM zhanx_workshop_: rue its not hard to shape charge fyi
10:26 PM zhanx_workshop_: just use a zip lock bag as the backer on it and done
10:26 PM zhanx_workshop_: full of water of course
10:47 PM rue_mohr: k...
10:54 PM zhanx_workshop_: you live rural right?
10:54 PM rue_mohr: yea
10:55 PM zhanx_workshop_: ok so noise is not an issue just dont use more than a 1/4 thick bead
10:56 PM zhanx_workshop_: black powder should do it for you
10:56 PM rue_mohr: what I'v learned is that rock never natually breaks where you want it to
10:57 PM rue_mohr: not even if its the last mm you didn't cut