#garfield Logs

Nov 24 2019

#garfield Calendar

01:15 AM zhanx: rue_mohr, you alive?
01:27 AM rue_shop2: got it!
01:27 AM rue_shop2: got the duty and freq measurements working!!!!!
01:28 AM rue_shop2: damnit it took all day!
01:28 AM rue_shop2: I have to dup the work and then get phase measurements working
01:30 AM zhanx: gonna fire up 900 mm of auger parts and sleep soon
01:32 AM rue_mohr: I have the xilinx stuff to do
01:32 AM rue_mohr: this code to do the next step on
01:33 AM rue_mohr: a timer for a water dispencer
01:33 AM rue_mohr: a web thing
01:33 AM rue_mohr: toooo many soft projects, where is something I can weld!
01:57 AM rue_mohr: https://xesscorp.github.io/tang_nano_user/docs/_site/testing_it_out/
02:03 AM zhanx: ok printing a full bed of parts
03:02 AM rue_shop1: sweet, got it working on both channels
03:03 AM rue_shop1: now I just need to work out phase
03:12 AM rue_mohr: ok
03:12 AM rue_mohr: so, I have the serial console
03:13 AM rue_mohr: I have the freq gen control
03:13 AM rue_mohr: I have the sine wave synth
03:13 AM rue_mohr: I have the analog peak detector
03:13 AM rue_mohr: I have the phase and freq meters
03:13 AM rue_mohr: I have the adc
03:14 AM rue_mohr: so I need to measure phase
03:14 AM rue_mohr: then I'm done?
03:17 AM rue_mohr: so, at this point, this thing can go much lower than 1Hz
03:20 AM rue_mohr: 0.017Hz
03:20 AM rue_mohr: I think, at that rate, you leave it running to make a measurement and go get supper
01:55 PM jymmmm: Coil calculator, but also a pipe calcultor and inductor too http://deepfriedneon.com/tesla_f_calchelix.html
02:05 PM jymmmm: rue_mohr: Ok, I had a thought and wanted to get your thoughts... If I take 3" aluminized exhaust pipe, helix coil 18" diameter (maybe a little wider), coils 3" apart, 36" overall height, gives a total length of 28 feet. Maybe stand alone, or in a 55gal drum filled with sand and pea gravel.
02:08 PM jymmmm: Then burn wood pellets hard, hot, and fast. Preferably with no fan/blower, or maybe a 12VDC one. Do you think it it would produce desired results? I also might add a 1/4" copper coil around the combustion area, then feed super heated air for secondary combustion.
02:58 PM rue_mohr: well...
02:59 PM rue_mohr: pulling air thru an exchanger is better than pushing it
02:59 PM rue_mohr: dunno why
03:00 PM jymmmm: They idea is to use the pipe as the "burn chamber / chimney", the 55gal drum as "thermal storage" (essencially)
03:01 PM jymmmm: Basically a sorta rocket stove / pellet stove mutant :)
03:01 PM jymmmm: Basically a sorta rocket stove / pellet stove /thermal mass heater mutant :)
03:24 PM rue_mohr: the other common mistake is overcooling the fire
03:24 PM rue_mohr: you need to take out energy, not heat
03:25 PM rue_mohr: if you make a water-walled firebox, you have severly overcooled it
03:25 PM rue_mohr: to burn properly the fire needs to stay hot
03:26 PM rue_mohr: 0try to pull the heat for the preheat from the final exhaust
03:29 PM rue_mohr: also be aware that the primary energy from a fire is infared
03:31 PM jymmmm: Well, that's kinda the idea of the helix... standalone, just blow a fan across it. In a 55gal drum with gravel, heat the gravel and and let it radiant out even when a cup (2 cups, 4 cups, whatever) has been burned. I don't intened for this to run constantly, but for maybe 30minutes at a time sorta thing
03:33 PM jymmmm: I just dont have the physical space for as much thermal mass as I would like, but I thought the helix might allow me to collect as much heat as possible before it hits the roof exhaust
03:33 PM rue_mohr: it sounds like your good
03:34 PM rue_mohr: I suggest (strange as it is) to design the final exhaust temp to be as low as you can, and pull the exhaust out
03:34 PM rue_mohr: also be aware of sooting, you need to be able to clean out the pipe
03:35 PM jymmmm: Goal is exhaust temps around 200F, still leaving enough for updrafts.
03:36 PM jymmmm: The pellet burn area would be removable from the helix at the base. then can use a 3" brush to clean
03:36 PM rue_mohr: I suggest forcing it
03:37 PM jymmmm: Norhtern California has been having 3 to 5 day Blackouts due to wildfire dangers, so while I have a generator, being "non electric" or 12VDC, or none at all would be better
03:38 PM jymmmm: I might consder one of those wood stove peleter fans
03:42 PM rue_mohr: heh, a wind up fan
03:42 PM rue_mohr: there is also the option of sterling
03:43 PM rue_mohr: or steam
03:45 PM jymmmm: Eh, $30 from china... https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32988101503.html
03:45 PM rue_mohr: https://www.instructables.com/id/ATtinyPowerMeter/ <-- thats for me later
03:45 PM rue_mohr: how much is just a peltier from china?
03:46 PM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1920892048.html
03:46 PM rue_mohr: heh $4
03:46 PM rue_mohr: thats a big gap
03:48 PM jymmmm: Well, either one of those would be the "power less" option
03:48 PM jymmmm: I carry my deep cycle battery in when I turn off the generator at night, then take it out and charge it the next morning. It's getting cumbersome
03:49 PM jymmmm: ...but necessary evil, and glad I have it available
03:51 PM jymmmm: I was thinking 3" pipe and 3" gap between coils... you think the spacing is okey? should be closer?
03:56 PM rue_mohr: doing 15 things, cant quite visualize
03:56 PM rue_mohr: just remember the fire itself needs to stay at ~1300c
03:56 PM rue_mohr: use insulation between the fire and the load to adjust the rate that energy is removed
03:56 PM rue_mohr: because your load is operating at a differnt temp range than the fire
03:57 PM rue_mohr: the insulation bridges the temps
03:57 PM rue_mohr: tho, because its not really col (100c) water your working with, its easier
03:57 PM rue_mohr: cold
03:58 PM rue_mohr: and that peltier does notput out 12V at 5.8A
03:58 PM rue_mohr: its open circuit is 15v, and its short circuit current is 5.8A
03:58 PM rue_mohr: if its 30w
03:59 PM rue_mohr: well I'd be surprised if its actaully 30
04:12 PM jymmmm: I was thinking the first 18" or so, to "wrap" in perlite to keep the burn chamber up to combustion temps, then add the "super heated air" injected right after that for secondary combustion.
04:13 PM jymmmm: When I was molting table salt, 1" thick of perlite exterior temp was 140F, while interior was 1400F +)
04:13 PM jymmmm: =)
04:15 PM jymmmm: I'm trying to avoid water for the thermal storage... would cool too much, and I'd hate leaks. That why I'm considering gravel/sand
05:59 PM rue_mohr: yup
06:00 PM rue_mohr: you can store the most thermal energy in helium iirc, but its temp range is a bit awkward (for liquid state)
06:00 PM jymmmm: My only thing is will I be able to suck enough heat out of that 36" tall helix to be worth the cost of having it made
06:02 PM jymmmm: I THINK they said 3" 10ft long was $40, so I'm looking at $120 in pipe alone, plus whatever they charge for bending
06:05 PM Tom_L: diy
06:07 PM jymmmm: I don't have anything to make a helix with
06:14 PM rue_mohr: spacer
06:15 PM rue_mohr: tho it took me 3 years to makea pipe bender
06:17 PM jymmmm: Eh, they have a hydralic bender, If they fubar a coil, it's on them
06:18 PM zhanx: cooking venison soon
06:18 PM jymmmm: zhanx: Weill be there in 10 minutes
06:18 PM zhanx: jymmmm, its stuffed backstrap wrapped in bacon (homemade bacon)
06:19 PM rue_mohr: how about doing a 4 bin fft with me on a tiny13 for demodulating FSK?
06:19 PM jymmmm: zhanx: MAke that 3 minutes
06:20 PM rue_mohr: I'm gonna start by falling asleep
06:20 PM jymmmm: 4 bin?
06:21 PM rue_mohr: yup
06:21 PM zhanx: jymmmm, and it was shot last night and I processed it today
06:21 PM rue_mohr: dataSsmples[4]
06:21 PM zhanx: after all that work tracking the deer, the dude decided he didn't want it and gave it to me
06:21 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, I thought your supposed to let it sit for a bit
06:22 PM zhanx: rue it was 70 here today so no
06:22 PM rue_mohr: ok
06:22 PM rue_mohr: so after all my workign comming up with code to wait for a wave to hit 50%
06:23 PM rue_mohr: I'm going to change directions and make code to wait for a value to settle over a few samples
06:23 PM rue_mohr: dunno if I'll watch the duty or the adc values, but yea
06:23 PM zhanx: just add a flag alert to tell ou
06:24 PM zhanx: i am printing more augers to test for casting
06:24 PM zhanx: i want to see how the plastic melts out
09:57 PM zhanx: dinner https://imgur.com/a/a3omf1k
10:46 PM rue_mohr: arg, I need a non-software roject
10:46 PM Tom_L: http://www.ece.eng.wayne.edu/~sjiang/ECE2610-winter-11/Verilog%20tutorial.pdf
10:46 PM Tom_L: verilog tutorial
10:46 PM rue_mohr: opened
10:46 PM rue_mohr: but I need to build something I can hold
10:46 PM Tom_L: mostly so i can find it
10:47 PM Tom_L: i loaded my test files from way back into xilinx
10:47 PM Tom_L: forgot all i knew about verilog
10:47 PM rue_mohr: why would you not just use AND
10:47 PM rue_mohr: I suppose its a demo of a hidden
10:48 PM Tom_L: what?
10:48 PM rue_mohr: the half adder
10:49 PM Tom_L: that was part of al williams stuff
10:49 PM Tom_L: you can find his on hackaday
10:49 PM Tom_L: wish i could find his original post on it but i'm sure it's long gone
10:50 PM rue_mohr: already a buinch of things make more sense
10:51 PM Tom_L: http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/veritut.html
10:51 PM Tom_L: some bookmarks i had from long ago
10:55 PM rue_mohr: why is #100 1 cycle?
10:56 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:56 PM Tom_L: http://www.xess.com/projects/
10:56 PM Tom_L: what are you looking at?
10:56 PM rue_mohr: the first link
10:57 PM rue_mohr: the pdf
10:57 PM Tom_L: #100 is like a goto in basic?
10:58 PM Tom_L: i'm guessing
10:58 PM rue_mohr: no it seems to be a delay
10:59 PM Tom_L: maybe it loops 100 times
10:59 PM Tom_L: i don't know
11:00 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/temp/xilinx/
11:01 PM Tom_L: those are my test files
11:01 PM Tom_L: test is led blink or button push on
11:01 PM Tom_L: something like that
11:03 PM Tom_L: i wonder if the #100 is part of the simulator they're using
11:03 PM Tom_L: i've never seen that before
11:04 PM Tom_L: https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~hadi/teaching/cs3220/doc/verilog/An%20Introduction%20to%20Verilog.pdf
11:04 PM Tom_L: they show some basic gates
11:07 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLOLBYxLXcE
11:07 PM Tom_L: walks you thru xilinx webpack and how to use it
11:08 PM Tom_L: i forgot how to get to the schematic editor part
11:08 PM Tom_L: where you map the pins
11:11 PM Tom_L:
11:11 PM Tom_L: #(number | (expr)) sequential_statement
11:11 PM Tom_L: in answer to the #100
11:11 PM Tom_L: maybe not
11:11 PM Tom_L: http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/vqref1.html#EXPRESSIONS
11:19 PM rue_mohr: I dont have it installed yet
11:19 PM rue_mohr: and honestly I cant remember what I'm doing about getting an fpga
11:20 PM rue_mohr: right now I just want to have bolted something togethor
11:20 PM rue_mohr: I been doing untangable stuff for days
11:20 PM rue_mohr: I have like 7 software things I could do
11:20 PM Tom_L: yeah
11:22 PM Tom_L: gnite