#garfield Logs

May 30 2019

#garfield Calendar

09:16 PM zhanx: wow
09:20 PM zhanx: So i had an install tonight the manager refused it
09:20 PM zhanx: I billed the whole amount anyways
09:20 PM Tom_L: why did he refuse it?
09:20 PM zhanx: they are remolding next month
09:20 PM zhanx: 1 hour drive time each way and I had a helper hired etc
09:20 PM Tom_L: and that's somehow your problem?
09:20 PM zhanx: nope
09:20 PM Tom_L: why did they call if they knew that/
09:20 PM Tom_L: ?
09:20 PM zhanx: who knows
09:20 PM Tom_L: think he'll buck paying it?
09:20 PM zhanx: nope its wal-mart
09:20 PM Tom_L: oh
09:20 PM zhanx: wal-mart will pay it and write it off
09:28 PM zhanx: either way Tom_L i had a good day
09:28 PM zhanx: i fixed a "computer" on a tractor
09:29 PM Tom_L: i had a slow day
09:29 PM zhanx: one of the operators swapped the wifi from 2g to 5g and the gps lost the wifi
09:29 PM zhanx: 10 minutes work and good pay
09:33 PM zhanx: rue sleeping again?
09:34 PM Tom_L: haven't heard from him today