#garfield Logs

Dec 10 2018

#garfield Calendar

09:38 PM rue_mohr: during finishing, I phone line I put in got mashed in something
09:42 PM rue_mohr: we replaced it, but access to the crawlspace was DAMN TIGHT as the owners had moved in a heapload of stuff
09:42 PM rue_mohr: end of story, everyone lived happily ever after
09:42 PM * furrywolf has spent way too much time stomach-wiggling in crawlspaces
09:45 PM rue_mohr: hmm I been acquiring extra stomach too
09:45 PM rue_mohr: :/
10:01 PM Tom_L: happens when you eat right
10:09 PM zhanx: rue_mohr, laugh, i couldn't find the right drill bit today to go with the tap
10:09 PM zhanx: picking it up tomorrow
10:10 PM zhanx: not breaking a tap
10:11 PM zhanx: I have a bunch of phone lines etc to fix tomorrow
10:11 PM zhanx: leaking roofs
10:11 PM furrywolf: ah, if only having the right bit guaranteed you didn't break a tap... :P
10:11 PM zhanx: furrywolf, no but i go slow so it helps
10:46 PM __M00N__: rue_bed, im off to watch more mash, throw me that URL when you can.
11:15 PM rue_mohr: ok, finish floor heat thermostat autopsy
11:16 PM rue_mohr: D7 went open, which is odd, cause its a forward biased diode
11:16 PM rue_mohr: and the base power supply is dead
11:16 PM rue_mohr: I'm guessing surge
11:16 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, shall I put up the files or a tgz?