#garfield Logs

Nov 06 2018

#garfield Calendar

12:00 AM furrywolf: I worked out how to modify the AWD version of the transmission to use an external low-range gearbox...
12:03 AM furrywolf: it's harder on the 4wd version
12:03 AM furrywolf: would need to build a locking center differential for the awd version to go with the low-range gearbox.
12:03 AM rue_mohr: electric, all the torque you want
12:03 AM furrywolf: there isn't enough room in the transmission to fit a non-instantly-failing low-range better than 1.7:1.
12:03 AM rue_mohr: and the range is as much as you choose to pay for the cord
12:03 AM rue_mohr: gas is $1.51/L here
12:03 AM rue_mohr: electric. go electric
12:03 AM furrywolf: they're decently low geared... 4:1 axles, 4.1:1 first, 1.7:1 low... but that still doesn't give a good enough crawl ratio.
12:08 AM rue_mohr: making it an ellite luxury thing
12:08 AM rue_mohr: everyone here is selling their 'extra' cars
12:08 AM rue_mohr: market is flooded
12:08 AM rue_mohr: ma was just saying how her car is costing $200/mo in gas
12:09 AM rue_mohr: I think the way the usa is denying it, will make it extra crippling
12:10 AM rue_mohr: for those hard-core gas fans, maybe someone will refind woodgas tech
12:10 AM rue_mohr: 8-| whoa
12:11 AM rue_mohr: there are 100x more woodgas engine links from google now than there were like 10 years ago
12:24 AM rue_mohr: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b9f19c_fc063ad4beb24918aaae3ed9dbecd73c~mv2_d_2048_1536_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_1200,al_c,q_90/file.jpg
12:24 AM rue_mohr: its the future of the american automobile market
09:39 PM rue_mohr: ok I wrote a 2d matrix library
10:17 PM Tom_L: tested?
10:18 PM rue_mohr: yea
10:18 PM rue_mohr: it works!
10:18 PM rue_mohr: :)
10:18 PM rue_mohr: I dont know what I want to use it for, but if I find outm, its there
10:19 PM Tom_L: unless you forget where you put it
10:19 PM rue_mohr: /files/programming/c/DAlib/