#garfield Logs

Nov 05 2018

#garfield Calendar

08:58 PM zhanx: so at last minute I got pushed an email
09:02 PM zhanx: tomorrows install is now a prototype install
09:43 PM rue_mohr: hmm
09:44 PM zhanx: rue_mohr, the store was to have 6 people on site at all times, now 2
09:44 PM rue_mohr: uh ho
09:44 PM rue_mohr: its an automated mcdonalds
09:45 PM rue_mohr: 2 peopel not paid enough to even come in on tim
09:45 PM zhanx: fast food but not mcdonalds
09:45 PM rue_mohr: does it matter?
09:45 PM zhanx: no the wages for the thing are in it
09:45 PM zhanx: higher than 20 an hour
09:45 PM rue_mohr: they been trying it since 1960
09:46 PM zhanx: also one needs to be a low level tech
09:46 PM zhanx: its gonna hav
09:46 PM zhanx: happen
09:46 PM rue_mohr: something that is always broken does not make money
09:46 PM zhanx: first year grads for fast food
09:47 PM rue_mohr: the wendys down here bojangled new network lines in , after the last hacks they had resulted in debit machines that were down almost every week
09:47 PM zhanx: nice
09:47 PM rue_mohr: first question was always "is your debit working today?"
09:47 PM zhanx: I swap those all to celluar here
09:47 PM rue_mohr: I'm not getting involved, just laughing
09:47 PM * furrywolf tries to figure out what "bojangled" means from context, and does not succeed.
09:47 PM zhanx: hey i got a job
09:48 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, hi!
09:48 PM rue_mohr: hack job
09:48 PM zhanx: messed up furrywolf
09:48 PM rue_mohr: mickey-mouse
09:48 PM rue_mohr: (I suppose mickey, after his work at disney, did NOT make a good contractor)
09:48 PM zhanx: i suppose not
09:49 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, geting results on the software
09:49 PM rue_mohr: the cam program
09:49 PM rue_mohr: I can pan and zoom
09:49 PM rue_mohr: not quite like I want, but it does
09:49 PM rue_mohr: not sure if I should try to fix it, or move on
09:49 PM zhanx: think my lasers got lost 1 month no updates
09:50 PM rue_mohr: (it does not zoom in on where your mouse is, just the middle of the screen)
09:50 PM furrywolf: well duh, just look at how badly he fails at everything else he does too... can't even do some sweeping without causing a potentially world-ending disaster...
09:50 PM rue_mohr: huh, dont recall
09:51 PM zhanx: mickey mouse runs canada?
09:51 PM rue_mohr: nope, I'll look it up tho
09:51 PM rue_mohr: good thing we dont ahve missles I suppose
09:51 PM zhanx: you do
09:51 PM rue_mohr: do we even have advanced waterbaloon technology?
09:52 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, dont get mixed up, I think those are your guys missles
09:52 PM rue_mohr: there just posted in canada
09:52 PM zhanx: no you have your own
09:52 PM zhanx: like 300 of them
09:52 PM rue_mohr: like the submarine listening station(s?) on vancouver island
09:52 PM rue_mohr: hmm
09:52 PM zhanx: no where near the normal kill the planet amout
09:53 PM rue_mohr: well were canadian, and that wouldn't be polite
09:53 PM zhanx: canada says no but they have tactical ones
09:53 PM zhanx: and they shoud
09:53 PM zhanx: should
09:53 PM zhanx: someone ever steals your socks your good
09:56 PM furrywolf: "President Donald Trump is suggesting that all republicans wait until Wednesday to vote to avoid the crowds on Tuesday." lol
09:56 PM rue_mohr: hah
09:57 PM zhanx: CNN?
09:57 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, can I interest you in trying the new copy of the cam program?
09:57 PM zhanx: They also did with gun rights for Georgia candidate that said she is taking all guns
09:58 PM rue_mohr: its not april fools yet either
09:58 PM furrywolf: I'm tired.
09:58 PM zhanx: sadly
09:58 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, where/in what state is the cnc
09:58 PM rue_mohr: ?
09:59 PM zhanx: house is gonna be super red after tomorrow
09:59 PM zhanx: so much for out 2 party system
09:59 PM zhanx: our not out
10:00 PM furrywolf: the router table? it's in storage, all electronics disconnected.
10:00 PM zhanx: So its safe to make it smaller?
10:01 PM furrywolf: ?
10:01 PM zhanx: it was too big before it had issues
10:02 PM furrywolf: it's about the right size for a full 4x8 sheet cutting area
10:02 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:03 PM rue_mohr: need to find room for an outdoor router table
10:03 PM zhanx: yea but it sucked at 4x8, make it cut 4x4 for now
10:03 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, did you understand what I meant by tilting it up?
10:04 PM rue_mohr: instead of |--| to be /|
10:04 PM furrywolf: it has a really nice steel frame, no reason to butcher it.
10:04 PM zhanx: you dont have to, just don't use it all
10:04 PM furrywolf: rue_mohr: having gravity help hold your parts in the right place is really nice.
10:05 PM rue_mohr: no, they get snagged by the bit, you use holding tabs
10:05 PM zhanx: vacuum table
10:05 PM rue_mohr: and it doesn't matter if the material is at 0 degrees or 75 degrees
10:05 PM rue_mohr: little ledge ont eh bottom of the table,
10:06 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, throw your advice in on this
10:06 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, its like the cut height, if you ahve 4" your find for about ANYTHING
10:06 PM rue_mohr: caus anything your not, you put in a dropped section of the table
10:07 PM furrywolf: it does 7.5" Z the way it's built now
10:08 PM furrywolf: that is, it has 7.5" between the bed and the bottom of the gantry, and it can move Z so the cutter tip is in the bed or above the gantry.
10:08 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc4/p1090485.jpg
10:08 PM rue_mohr: when I made that last machine I gave up on the idea of lots of Z
10:08 PM rue_mohr: and I was right
10:09 PM furrywolf: what is the really shitty scrap to the right? :P
10:09 PM rue_mohr: what I wasn't right about was the amount of overhang I ended up with on the gantry, I have to cut them off and move them back like 3"
10:09 PM furrywolf: the Z is a nice precision slide assembly, that I have no reason to modify in any way.
10:10 PM rue_mohr: we didn't cut it deep enough, zeroing issue
10:10 PM rue_mohr: I'm not suggesting modding that, I'm just saying its not soemthing to worry about
10:10 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/dscn7641.jpg
10:11 PM rue_mohr: the 2nd machine i ever made, has like 18" of z
10:11 PM rue_mohr: I'v used about 3" of it
10:11 PM rue_mohr: I'm up a lot at the moment, cause I stuck a big vise on the table
10:11 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/p1100586.jpg
10:11 PM rue_mohr: :) I made the vise
10:12 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/cnc/p1100589.jpg
10:12 PM rue_mohr: poor old thing
10:12 PM rue_mohr: that alum pushes it right up to its max for its ridgidity
10:13 PM furrywolf: lol @ the brass linear bearings.
10:13 PM rue_mohr: yea, waaay before I had real tools
10:13 PM zhanx: i still use brass
10:13 PM rue_mohr: I reamed it out with a custom ground wood spade bit
10:14 PM rue_mohr: I nipped the corners off :)
10:14 PM rue_mohr: that was an awesome discovery
10:14 PM rue_mohr: 1/2" brass pipe + 5/8 ? bar
10:15 PM rue_mohr: yea, the ink says 5/8"
10:16 PM furrywolf: 850-3700... the router on my router table is 30,000rpm. I knew it sounded fast the first time I powered it up, then I cleaned the dust off the label so I could read it...
10:16 PM rue_mohr: burn everything, esp at those feed rates
10:17 PM furrywolf: I plan on re-engineering it for a lot higher feed rates.
10:17 PM rue_mohr: how many ipm did you say it would do without comming apart?
10:17 PM rue_mohr: consider a belt or rack drive
10:18 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, had to do a data run at the hospital
10:18 PM rue_mohr: some asshole cut the tray string into 4' peices , with none of the longer ends tied off
10:19 PM furrywolf: I've been contemplating the chain-as-rack idea... I have some spare 40 chain...
10:19 PM rue_mohr: so we had to go thru the t-bar in the psyc unit shuttling cable...
10:19 PM rue_mohr: }:|
10:19 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, yes,
10:19 PM rue_mohr: my advise is to do it, see if there is anything you want to improve
10:19 PM rue_mohr: it'll prolly work find right off
10:20 PM rue_mohr: _______n______
10:20 PM rue_mohr: with 3 sprockets?
10:20 PM rue_mohr: and stationayry chain?
10:21 PM rue_mohr: ^^^ chain path
10:21 PM furrywolf: I was just going to use one sprocket rolling on the top
10:21 PM furrywolf: of a stationary chain
10:21 PM rue_mohr: its 40 wider than bicycle?
10:23 PM furrywolf: yes
10:23 PM furrywolf: 40 is many times stronger than bicycle chain
10:28 PM rue_mohr: k, the n was for contact area
10:30 PM furrywolf: yeah, but that means I need two idlers, and can't pull the chain as tight. :)
10:30 PM furrywolf: times two, since it'll be on both sides...
10:45 PM furrywolf: do you not like the plan of just rolling a sprocket on top of the chain?
10:45 PM zhanx: rue_mohr, honest question
10:45 PM zhanx: van with rack or truck
10:47 PM zhanx: I want a truck but I think a van would be better
10:48 PM furrywolf: do you plan on moving more bulk materials, like lumber and gravel, or more finished or boxed products?
10:48 PM zhanx: combo really
10:49 PM zhanx: some days its boxes others raw stuff
10:49 PM furrywolf: gravel in a van really sucks. :P
10:49 PM zhanx: gravel i don't do
10:50 PM zhanx: on a good note I might get my back fix in feb
10:50 PM zhanx: if
10:50 PM furrywolf: what kind of fix, and are you aware that fixes often don't?
10:50 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, prolly van
10:50 PM zhanx: well 4 crushed vert are not an easy thing to fix
10:51 PM rue_mohr: er, for work, van
10:51 PM zhanx: rue thanks that is what i meant as you know
10:51 PM rue_mohr: my work van is a ford transit
10:51 PM rue_mohr: dont get a ford
10:52 PM furrywolf: I solved the problem by having both a van and a truck.
10:52 PM zhanx: yea the transits i don't like
10:52 PM furrywolf: the ford e-series is great. the transits suck.
10:52 PM rue_mohr: but that size of van is ok till you ned to transport 10' panduit, then it takes some creativity
10:52 PM furrywolf: the e-series is extremely reliable and parts are cheap when things do break
10:52 PM furrywolf: I can fit 12ft lumber in mine. lol
10:52 PM zhanx: rue you have to remember my size also
10:52 PM rue_mohr: ford and front-ends dont go well
10:52 PM furrywolf: I have the extended version
10:52 PM rue_mohr: oh yea, you would NEVER fit in a transit
10:53 PM furrywolf: the e series is pretty roomy.
10:53 PM rue_mohr: I barely fit, and I'm just about the smallest guy in the crew
10:53 PM zhanx: i need a full size for sure
10:53 PM zhanx: and the truck or van at the point is weird
10:53 PM rue_mohr: ecept for headroom, who the hell desiged the transit anyhow?
10:53 PM zhanx: germany
10:53 PM furrywolf: being a delivery driver, I see a _lot_ of vans come and go... the ford e-series is by far the best choice for most things. avoid chevy and dodge under all circumstances.
10:54 PM rue_mohr: so, super-tall, short legs, and eyes in chest?
10:54 PM zhanx: furrywolf, I am 6'5 280 and large not fat. so based on that?
10:54 PM furrywolf: the mercedes (and the dodge branded version) are reliable but ungodly expensive, and the nissan is nice too but still pricey. ford is the best bang-for-the-buck.
10:54 PM furrywolf: zhanx: should be fine.
10:54 PM zhanx: which one
10:54 PM furrywolf: ford e-series
10:54 PM zhanx: k
10:55 PM rue_mohr: some of our vans are the sprinters, expensive to get serviced
10:55 PM furrywolf: I'm 6'0 and there's more than 5" between my head and the roof. :)
10:55 PM rue_mohr: yea mercedes
10:55 PM furrywolf: yeah, everything to do with sprinters is fucking expensive
10:55 PM zhanx: so my head gets to hit the roof
10:55 PM furrywolf: especially buying them.
10:55 PM zhanx: I am body tall
10:55 PM furrywolf: zhanx: go sit in one and find out?
10:56 PM zhanx: asking before i waste time
10:56 PM furrywolf: the chevy and dodge non-rebranded-sprinter vans are incredibly unreliable, and you should never buy them.
10:56 PM rue_mohr: the dodge grand caravans worked well,
10:56 PM furrywolf: ... until they threw rods at 175k...
10:56 PM furrywolf: all of them. ever made.
10:57 PM rue_mohr: something to be carefull of is the height of mounting a ladder
10:58 PM rue_mohr: thats my first grief with the ford transit
10:58 PM rue_mohr: trying to reach the damn ladder
10:58 PM zhanx: well your short
10:58 PM furrywolf: the ford full-size vans seem to be good to over 400K without major work. around then they start to develop typical old vehicle issues depending on use, like slipping transmissions.
10:58 PM rue_mohr: then my problems get into the fact that, if a ford sprinter is on ANY kinda slope, nothing works
10:58 PM zhanx: see rue_mohr that i need to know
10:59 PM zhanx: I live in the mountains
10:59 PM rue_mohr: sorry, ford sprinter
10:59 PM rue_mohr: no
10:59 PM rue_mohr: transit
10:59 PM rue_mohr: arg
10:59 PM rue_mohr: transit
10:59 PM furrywolf: the only common failure I've seen with the e-series is ones that are stopped and re-started at every stop tend to develop worn ring gears on the flex plate. not an expensive fix, but annoying. and, again, this is at >300K miles.
10:59 PM rue_mohr: if its on a hill the doors wont stay ope, it wont give you the seatbelt
10:59 PM furrywolf: transits suck.
10:59 PM rue_mohr: and the ford transits turning radius is about 1.5 larger than the larger sprinters
10:59 PM furrywolf: they're meant for driving around london, not the real world.
11:00 PM rue_mohr: all the way down to the wiper timer, wtf, how do they mess that up?
11:00 PM zhanx: ok full size van with a engine swap then
11:00 PM rue_mohr: if its rainign just go to low, screw the timer
11:00 PM furrywolf: ... engine swap? what are you doing?
11:01 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, __moon
11:01 PM zhanx: furrywolf, I have 5 grand for a truck is all
11:01 PM rue_mohr: took the 351 from one of our old e series vans and put it in a car
11:01 PM zhanx: rue will tell you i can fix and engine
11:01 PM rue_mohr: gave it a rebuild
11:01 PM furrywolf: I got my 2001 e-350 for $3500 five years ago, and have put nothing in it but gas and a set of spark plugs.
11:02 PM furrywolf: full-size non-sprinter vans are cheap.
11:02 PM zhanx: well i am just starting to look etc
11:02 PM furrywolf: well, I did some other minor maintenance... a PCV valve, break pads, and last month I replaced a brake caliper because it was starting to leak.
11:03 PM furrywolf: brake
11:03 PM zhanx: i don't want something with my knees over my elbows
11:03 PM furrywolf: I find them roomy, but I'm 6'0 185lbs.
11:03 PM zhanx: dont help my last contract i have to wear a suit to repair stuff
11:03 PM zhanx: I am 2 of you
11:04 PM furrywolf: they're wiiide, too. I can't reach the passenger window handle to roll it down unless I actually lay onto the passenger seat.
11:04 PM furrywolf: suggestion: get one with power windows. :)
11:05 PM furrywolf: we had a driver named "big al"... he fit...
11:05 PM furrywolf: then he had a heart attack. being big is bad for you.
11:05 PM furrywolf: big dave also died of a heart attack, at my last job...
11:05 PM __M00N__: has dan been talking smack about Windsors?
11:05 PM zhanx: on a good note rue va doc said if the surgeries go well I will be over 6'8"
11:05 PM zhanx: __M00N__, yep
11:05 PM __M00N__: :P
11:06 PM furrywolf: I have the 5.4 triton... seems like a decent motor.
11:07 PM furrywolf: I'd prefer a powerstroke, but they raise the price.
11:07 PM zhanx: 5.4 is ok
11:07 PM furrywolf: I'd also prefer a front axle, but that _really_ raises the price.
11:07 PM __M00N__: is that a more moder ford block?
11:07 PM __M00N__: modern*
11:07 PM furrywolf: yes
11:07 PM zhanx: modular
11:07 PM zhanx: and yes
11:07 PM __M00N__: Oh
11:07 PM __M00N__: cool
11:07 PM zhanx: its decent on the rebuild time also
11:07 PM __M00N__: aluminium crank case?
11:07 PM zhanx: I have all the tools for it
11:08 PM zhanx: journals yes
11:08 PM furrywolf: __M00N__: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Modular_engine
11:08 PM furrywolf: zhanx: you good at working on them? I have a problem I've been ignoring because I can't figure out why it's happening. :P
11:09 PM zhanx: go for it
11:10 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__,what was that engine out of?
11:10 PM furrywolf: zhanx: at certain ignition timings, the ecu loses the crank/cam phasing, and starts firing on the exhaust strokes. doing anything that changes the ignition timing, like changing the throttle position, load, or having the rpms drop because it's not making any power, and it re-synchronizes and goes back to running great.
11:10 PM __M00N__: E-350
11:10 PM zhanx: furrywolf, bad ground on the engine bank
11:10 PM furrywolf: zhanx: I've 'scoped the cam and crank sensors, and they have some some ignition noise, but nothing I'd consider enough to confuse a properly-designed ecu.
11:10 PM zhanx: i knew that as soon I as i read it
11:11 PM furrywolf: any ground in particular? the engine-body-battery one is fine.
11:11 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, that van was sold as a set of 4 new tires with attached vam
11:11 PM furrywolf: none of the harness ones I spotted on the engine looked bad, but I don't know where they all are.
11:11 PM zhanx: furrywolf, you have a ground pin on the ecu that goes to body check that
11:11 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, do you know how many km is had?
11:12 PM __M00N__: HA! cant remember
11:12 PM __M00N__: something HIGH no doubt
11:12 PM furrywolf: it only does it at very specific timing advances... I'm guessing it's where the noise exactly lines up with some feature of the signal the ecu is looking for.
11:12 PM __M00N__: rue_mohr, how do you spell aluminium?
11:12 PM furrywolf: I've just been making sure not to press the throttle exactly the wrong amount for the rpm. heh.
11:12 PM zhanx: furry needs to look up emi and fords
11:13 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, there is a fellow i know with a v10 and he's making his own ecm,
11:13 PM rue_mohr: aluminum, its a canadian thing
11:13 PM __M00N__: k
11:13 PM rue_mohr: furrywolf, he was getting me to help with the crank sensor
11:13 PM furrywolf: zhanx: I looked up a lot of things, and didn't find anything useful.
11:13 PM __M00N__: rue_mohr, is that the dude with the 68K
11:13 PM rue_mohr: cause its a really strange seq, I had to use an ADVANCED state machine to work it out
11:14 PM zhanx: fords have a very low ground loop issue its under ngr I think
11:14 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, robert H
11:14 PM zhanx: or is it nsgr
11:14 PM __M00N__: yeah
11:14 PM rue_mohr: for most of a rev, you could be in 1 of 4 positions
11:14 PM furrywolf: zhanx: several people fixed this problem by replacing a bad coil, but nothing I see points to a bad coil... I 'scoped every coil, both primary and secondary, and the waveforms were fine... no excessive primary current draw or lack of ringing generally indicative of a bad coil...
11:14 PM __M00N__: was that a 68k unit or PPC?
11:14 PM zhanx: furrywolf, easy fix witha diode
11:15 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, he was using a 68k
11:15 PM zhanx: furrywolf, talk to the race track guys
11:15 PM rue_mohr: but a fancy one with a subprocessor
11:15 PM furrywolf: I even got a fancy non-contact secondary pickup paddle, since it's coil-on-plug with no easy way to 'scope them directly. :)
11:15 PM rue_mohr: that he was having a hell of a time with tech support for :)
11:16 PM zhanx: furrywolf, if i was under the hood 20-30 minutes
11:16 PM * furrywolf isn't sure what "ngr" or "nsgr" are.
11:16 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, did you recover the drive?
11:17 PM zhanx: furrywolf, they are internal ford systems
11:17 PM __M00N__: have not tried yet
11:17 PM furrywolf: zhanx: I can usually fix electrical issues in 20-30 minutes too... but this one has me stumped.
11:18 PM furrywolf: and I'm not the type of mechanic who's going to throw a set of coils at it just to see what happens...
11:18 PM zhanx: its a computer issue
11:18 PM rue_mohr: I think the EGR transistor shorted on my truck
11:18 PM furrywolf: well duh it's a computer issue... it's not the seat belts making it fire on the exhaust strokes. :P
11:18 PM rue_mohr: from what I could tell, its just stuck on
11:18 PM zhanx: I might have a non programmed computer in my play toy
11:19 PM furrywolf: sure the valve isn't physically stuck? that's more common.
11:19 PM rue_mohr: I know, its not eh mechanics they are fine
11:19 PM rue_mohr: and I put in a temp solinoid, and it just kept it open
11:19 PM zhanx: rue that s10?
11:19 PM rue_mohr: yea
11:19 PM rue_mohr: I think the transistors stuck
11:19 PM rue_mohr: the odo failed with a bad cap
11:20 PM rue_mohr: (fixed long ago)
11:20 PM furrywolf: also check for a false feed... unplug the ecu and make sure it closes.
11:20 PM rue_mohr: for now, there is a screw in a pipe, and a check engine light after it warms up
11:20 PM furrywolf: zhanx: so you think I should double-check grounds... again, any particular one I should check?
11:20 PM rue_mohr: __M00N__, well, thanks anyhow
11:20 PM furrywolf: the vehicle has no other symptoms of a bad ground...
11:21 PM zhanx: furrywolf, pull up the ecm grounds
11:21 PM __M00N__: rue_mohr, HU?
11:21 PM zhanx: right side ones there are 2 forget which one
11:21 PM rue_mohr: I think its the e-350 we neded to know,
11:21 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, is gettin a work van
11:21 PM furrywolf: I'd usually expect a bad ground to have a lot more less-picky symptoms. :)
11:21 PM furrywolf: also, keep in mind this is a van, and you can't fucking get to __anything__...
11:21 PM zhanx: unless you lowest bidder it
11:22 PM furrywolf: to change the spark plugs, you have to remove all the intake plumbing, a bunch of smog stuff, the fuel rail and fuel injectors,...
11:22 PM zhanx: furrywolf, I can pull that engine and stuff it in a pinto
11:22 PM furrywolf: all through a 3" wide slit.
11:23 PM furrywolf: it'd probably be easier to work on in a pinto than a van. :P
11:23 PM zhanx: thats why rue loves to hate me
11:23 PM furrywolf: last engine swap I did was my '84 subaru... it's a '96 impreza engine...
11:23 PM zhanx: i won't use an engine hoist
11:24 PM furrywolf: yeah, forklifts are much easier. :P
11:25 PM furrywolf: http://fw.bushytails.net/subaruunderhood01.jpg not what was originally there.
11:25 PM zhanx: the human body has a more tactile interface
11:27 PM furrywolf: I made a bellhousing adapter plate and adapted flywheel... fit the ECU and other fuel-injection bits and spliced them to the old harness, which was of course for a carburator... high-pressure fuel system... lots of custom hoses and lines... the fun of swaps.
11:28 PM zhanx: I did one like that for a nissan roots supercharger to a 4.0 ohv ford
11:28 PM furrywolf: I even made the new catalytic converters fit, with custom exhaust plumbing. :)
11:29 PM zhanx: nice
11:29 PM furrywolf: merged the evap system and everything, too.
11:30 PM zhanx: wow the doughnut dough machine takes 3 cat6 connections
11:30 PM zhanx: and 440c
11:30 PM zhanx: 440v
11:30 PM furrywolf: the only thing I never finished was the oil pressure gauge... I need to remote-mount the original sender, as I can't fit it where the new engine fits a tiny little switch, and I have too many other projects to work on. for now I just hooked the gauge up to the switch with a resistor...
11:31 PM furrywolf: oh, and I need to make one more a/c line so I have a/c again.
11:32 PM furrywolf: the fuel injection wiring came out nicely... I even got the ECU mounted up inside the dash.
11:32 PM furrywolf: there are _no_ interior signs a swap was done. it all Just Works.
11:33 PM furrywolf: my biggest annoyance is the new engine has a rev limited, which the old one did not... I need to find someone with the right software to fix that. :)
11:33 PM furrywolf: limiter
11:33 PM furrywolf: cuts fuel on me before I hit the solid red on the tach!
11:34 PM furrywolf: (yes, I even made the tach work, despite being meant for a distributer)
11:34 PM zhanx: thats in the ecm
11:34 PM zhanx: fords can kill that
11:34 PM furrywolf: yes, I know that. I don't have the interest needed to figure out how to reprogram my own ecm.
11:34 PM zhanx: resistor
11:35 PM furrywolf: someone who already has the software, cables, and skills would be able to do it in a few minutes, while for me it would be a process.
11:35 PM furrywolf: I transplanted all the original diagnostic plugs, including mounting the obdii plug under the dash.
11:35 PM furrywolf: resistor?
11:36 PM zhanx: sorry bad joke
11:36 PM zhanx: tps is i2c
11:36 PM __M00N__: SDL_SysWMinfo systemInfo;
11:36 PM __M00N__: SDL_VERSION(&systemInfo.version);
11:36 PM __M00N__: SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &systemInfo);
11:36 PM __M00N__: HWND handle = systemInfo.info.win.window;
11:36 PM furrywolf: what does the tps have to do with anything?
11:37 PM zhanx: what does the air flow sensor have to do with anything
11:37 PM furrywolf: what does the tps have to do with anything being discussed in any of the current conversations?
11:38 PM zhanx: furry you are rpm'in out right?\
11:38 PM furrywolf: on my subaru, yes. it cuts fuel right where it's supposed to, which I find too low. :P
11:38 PM zhanx: the tps and the air flow plus the rpm sensor do what?
11:39 PM furrywolf: the first two have nothing to do with the rev limit, and the second can't be played with in any way that would raise the limit without making the engine nonfunctional.
11:39 PM zhanx: ok then
11:39 PM zhanx: never mind
11:40 PM furrywolf: what needs to be done is one number in the ecu eeprom needs to be twiddled... and I lack the software, cables, and skills to do it.
11:40 PM rue_mohr: 2d_vect * rotate ( 2d_vect * foo, struct details)
11:40 PM rue_mohr: 2d_vect * translate ( 2d_vect * foo, struct details)
11:40 PM zhanx: i was just over here thinking you wanted more power
11:41 PM rue_mohr: translate(rotate( myvector, details));
11:41 PM rue_mohr: translate(rotate( myvector, details), details); :)
11:42 PM furrywolf: can't do too much to get more power out of these without mechanical work. the stock tune isn't bad.
11:42 PM rue_mohr: colour()
11:44 PM rue_mohr: void (*)() foo = colour;
11:44 PM furrywolf: the biggest issue it has with fuel is an intake resonance issue at low rpms... I couldn't find any way to fit the resonator box into this body, and it turns out it's useful.
11:44 PM zhanx: furrywolf, my grandfather raced for ford as an engine builder just saying
11:45 PM rue_mohr: int colour(char *s)
11:45 PM furrywolf: people who stick cone filters on this engine when it's in the proper vehicle also have the exact same issue, so it's not a property of my swap.
11:45 PM rue_mohr: int (*)(char *) foo = colour;
11:45 PM furrywolf: the big odd-shaped box in the fender is actually important.
11:45 PM furrywolf: ok... did your grandfather get a lot of experience with tuning ECUs on little aluminum japanese cars? :P
11:45 PM zhanx: yes
11:46 PM zhanx: its his 86 old fun time
11:46 PM zhanx: he has an rx7
11:46 PM rue_mohr: actions.string = "touch"; actions.proc = (void (*)())touchfn; XtAppAddActions (app, &actions, 1);
11:46 PM furrywolf: lol
11:46 PM zhanx: i know right
11:46 PM furrywolf: rx7s are annoying slow. nible, but slow.
11:46 PM rue_mohr: "<Btn1Down>: touch(down) "
11:47 PM furrywolf: also, unreliable.
11:47 PM zhanx: he also has the only ford elvis ordered
11:47 PM furrywolf: can he change apex seals in under 20 minutes yet? :)
11:47 PM rue_mohr: void touchfn( Widget widget, XEvent *event, String *args, int *num_args) {
11:47 PM zhanx: at his age 20 days is a better metric
11:48 PM zhanx: bet you his slowest "car" would bet your fastest
11:48 PM furrywolf: https://t2.rbxcdn.com/1e215e7e38641848551d332513a96758 still one of my favorite t-shirts.
11:48 PM rue_mohr: XButtonEvent *bevent = (XButtonEvent *) event;
11:49 PM rue_mohr: heh
11:49 PM furrywolf: I briefly had a Pantera... 550hp mid-engine, 14" wide tires, light fiberglass body...
11:49 PM furrywolf: if he likes ford power, he would have loved it.
11:49 PM rue_mohr: they rev to like 30k dont they?
11:49 PM furrywolf: step on the gas in 5th and the tires break free.
11:50 PM rue_mohr: wankle? ....
11:50 PM furrywolf: but, I'm not really into going fast... all of my nice slow vehicles are fine for me.
11:50 PM rue_mohr: but every RX7 engine I'v ever heard of was blown
11:50 PM furrywolf: the subaru is reasonable nimble... about 145hp in a 2200lb body.
11:50 PM zhanx: only thing i asked for in the will. his 2nd off f1 mclaren body that was a mis pull in 93
11:51 PM furrywolf: rue_mohr: yep. rx7s are pretty much always in a semi-permanent state of needing a rebuild.
11:52 PM furrywolf: zhanx: you should get him the t-shirt I pasted for a christmas present. :P
11:52 PM zhanx: dont thin it would go with his boots
11:52 PM zhanx: think
11:53 PM zhanx: you know how everyone wants to be rich and not worry about money?
11:53 PM zhanx: that is him
11:54 PM furrywolf: my subaru with 145hp and 2200lbs isn't fast, but it's as fast as I need.
11:54 PM zhanx: I am his only genetic grandson oddly enough
11:55 PM furrywolf: it's definitely faster than an rx7. especially since 99% of them have a top speed of "needs seals".
11:55 PM zhanx: top speed of you missed an oil change today
11:57 PM rue_mohr: the car that Moon put that engine in did pretty well witht hat engine
11:57 PM rue_mohr: slide on a dry day going up a hill
11:57 PM rue_mohr: said it just about got away from him
11:58 PM furrywolf: if I were to do any major mechanical upgrades to the subaru, it would be to build a low-range doubler of some variety. the 1.7:1 low range just isn't low enough.
11:58 PM furrywolf: (for those unfamiliar with old subarus, some have a t-case lever like a truck, for 2hi, 4hi, 4low)