#garfield Logs

Sep 08 2018

#garfield Calendar

12:13 AM rue_mohr: tea, yes, indeed more tea
12:17 AM rue_mohr: 9.1k
12:17 AM rue_mohr: I know, wtf?
12:17 AM rue_mohr: I need to wake the rest of the way up
12:17 AM rue_mohr: so..
12:17 AM rue_mohr: I suppose we need to build the circuit to test the code
12:17 AM rue_mohr: and you dont want to switch to a m328?
12:17 AM rue_mohr: na, I'm sure we can get the demo working again later
12:17 AM rue_mohr: or, use another m32 board
12:17 AM rue_mohr: did you even use port A
12:17 AM rue_mohr: all the adc code uses the analog system, maybe your ok
12:17 AM rue_mohr: is the m32 adc system different thant he m328 system?
06:36 PM katsmeow: rue
06:37 PM katsmeow: you asked how i held up a sheet of osb while screwing it to the rafters .....
06:37 PM katsmeow: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF9045m.jpg
06:37 PM katsmeow: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF9046m.jpg
06:37 PM katsmeow: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF9047m.jpg
06:38 PM katsmeow: since i took thepics, i put in a few screws and emove the temp holdup boards
06:38 PM katsmeow: that is all
06:38 PM katsmeow is now known as useless-afk
06:54 PM furrywolf: yay, pile of random yard sale stuff. about 30-40 field-installable hydraulic hose ends, a box of assorted hydraulic fittings, some huge US-made C-clamps, some craftsman, s-k, proto, and snap-on sockets and accessories, a big angle grinder, a bunch of crimp terminals, a box of assorted welding supplies including a bunch of new tweco 2 connectors, a couple pullers, an electric die grinder, an air drill, and generally a pile of assorted stuff.
07:34 PM rue_shop4: ;haha nice kat
07:35 PM rue_shop4: furrywolf, sounds like a whole paycheque
07:35 PM furrywolf: $90, and the car was full. lol
07:36 PM rue_shop4: nice
07:39 PM furrywolf: also got a half roll of roofing and a matching half roll of tarpaper, a s-k screwdriver set, a couple hammers, a slide hammer, some 12/3 sjo cord, a craftsman socket set (meh, but it was cheap), a big pile of hose clamps, two new o-ring assortments (one of which seems to be Cat brand, and contains some really fat thick ones), umm... I'd need to go look at the pile. heh.
07:40 PM rue_shop4: :)
07:40 PM rue_shop4: I have a lot of thigns I want to do right now, but its rainign and I have oen eye proped open with a stick
07:40 PM furrywolf: I can't do anything when it's raining either... I need a shop!
07:41 PM furrywolf: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Outback-power-supplies-VFX-3524-inverter-charger/253857026541 ooh, that's a good price... but I don't have a specific use for it right now.
07:42 PM rue_shop4: shot mosfets
07:42 PM rue_shop4: if I could get my ass out of the chair, I could tell yo uthe part number, but I'll suffice it to say in stock at digikey
07:42 PM rue_shop4: about 3 of them usually
07:42 PM furrywolf: it's listed as working
07:43 PM rue_shop4: ah ait, p[age finished loading, different model
08:08 PM useless-afk: you asked how i held up a sheet of osb while screwing it to the rafters ..... here it is all screwed up to the rafters ....
08:08 PM useless-afk: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF9048m.jpg
08:08 PM useless-afk: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF9049m.jpg
08:09 PM useless-afk: tomorrow, i put another set of rafters, and another osb sheet up
08:10 PM useless-afk: that's the noisey work, i can smear plaster quietly any time it's cool enough
08:11 PM * furrywolf needs a house
08:11 PM useless-afk: it's hard to see the steel angle running on top of the rafters, holding them all level to each other in the middle
08:12 PM useless-afk: once plaster is done, i haveto tear down scaffolding, offset 8ft, and put it back up
08:13 PM useless-afk: then work on the 8x8 ceiling section that turns a corner, the 11ft ridge board is up, and the steel angle is screwed to it
08:14 PM useless-afk: sometime in that, before the osb goes up in the corner, i haveto insulate the exterior wall section and fasten it together semi-properly, because i won;t be able o get to it after the ceiling osb is in
08:16 PM useless-afk: nice haul, furry, can *you* still fit into your trailer?
08:17 PM * useless-afk has gotten some really nice hauls from one of thelocal metal recycling places
08:18 PM rue_shop4: I wish I could do that
08:18 PM furrywolf: most of my tools are in a storage unit, not here...
08:18 PM rue_shop4: carefull, they tend to burn-down / get broken into
08:18 PM useless-afk: tools are for doing things, how can you do things if you don;t have the tools where you are?
08:19 PM rue_shop4: I'd seen people use storage rentals for workshops
08:19 PM furrywolf: I do things there whenever I can. it also gets me away from my pot grower neighbors.
08:19 PM furrywolf: plus, there's simply no place here to put toolboxes or such.
08:20 PM rue_shop4: kat, what do I do when the Bcomplex+asa wont keep me awake?
08:20 PM rue_shop4: speed?
08:20 PM useless-afk: B and asprin isn;t a stimulant
08:20 PM furrywolf: sleep more?
08:20 PM rue_shop4: it worked sometimes
08:20 PM furrywolf: go to bed on time, wake up refreshed?
08:21 PM rue_shop4: furrywolf, people dont understand that I'm already sleeping more than I should
08:21 PM useless-afk: huoperzine, D-Ribose, garlic, cayene
08:21 PM rue_shop4: it shouldn't be so hard for me to be awake
08:21 PM furrywolf: a good hot curry?
08:21 PM rue_shop4: furrywolf, I just wake up tired, and weekend-less
08:21 PM furrywolf: I've had some vindaloo that would wake anyone up. :)
08:21 PM useless-afk: furry, you can ingest hotter if it's in a capsule
08:22 PM rue_shop4: if I dont mind not ever having any awake time outside of work, I could just sleep all the time til I die
08:22 PM rue_shop4: nobody will hear me when I say I shouldn't be this tired
08:22 PM rue_shop4: but people are also telling me to take 2 hours cooking, and 1 hour to eat lunch
08:22 PM furrywolf: see a doctor?
08:23 PM rue_shop4: and breakfast and supper
08:23 PM rue_shop4: maybe you didn't catch when I said NOBODY
08:23 PM furrywolf: see a different doctor? lol
08:23 PM rue_shop4: whats the illegal drug that makes you be awake and stuff
08:23 PM useless-afk: also, cinnamon, vit C, DHEA or 5HTP , D-Ribose
08:23 PM rue_shop4: the doc ignored me
08:24 PM rue_shop4: meth puts you out right?
08:24 PM useless-afk: yeas, if you your thyroid is quitting, get 2x the prescription dose and send me half, ok?
08:24 PM rue_shop4: is it speed that wakes you up and you work like crazy?
08:24 PM furrywolf: meth makes you awake... and useless at the same time. it also ruins your life utterly in every way.
08:24 PM rue_shop4: obviously
08:24 PM useless-afk: see how fucking useless i am, i do the research, i give the info, and bloody rue talks about meth
08:25 PM rue_shop4: I need to tell the doctor I'm gonna resort to ______ soon
08:25 PM rue_shop4: speed?
08:25 PM rue_shop4: coke?
08:25 PM rue_shop4: name something
08:25 PM furrywolf: meth
08:25 PM furrywolf: but, it doesn't actually help.
08:25 PM rue_shop4: no, there is a drug that wakes you up and makes you work really fast and hard
08:25 PM rue_shop4: and screws your nerves
08:26 PM furrywolf: sounds like meth. you work really fast and really hard on figuring out how you'll get more meth.
08:26 PM rue_shop4: I cant remmeber the names cause I'm haivng brain problems that cause me to acciednely put saussages in the cupboard without noticing
08:26 PM rue_shop4: which everyone is telling me is normal too
08:26 PM rue_shop4: people are going out of their way to not help me
08:26 PM furrywolf: lol
08:27 PM useless-afk: fuck you
08:27 PM furrywolf: here, with legal marijuana, such things are entirely normal.
08:27 PM rue_shop4: no, kat, I'm listinging to you
08:27 PM rue_shop4: cinnamon, vit C, DHEA or 5HTP , D-Ribose
08:27 PM rue_shop4: and get thyroid checked
08:28 PM useless-afk: then why are you talking meth, and taking only vit B and asprin? you have asked for info before, and i told you before, for YEARS now
08:28 PM rue_shop4: it was all noted
08:28 PM furrywolf: "whoooa, duude, I like totally put the sausages in the cupboard and, like, put my frying pan in the fridge instead... this is some gooood shit..."
08:28 PM useless-afk: [08:22:pm] <useless-afk> huoperzine, D-Ribose, garlic, cayene
08:28 PM useless-afk: [08:22:pm] <useless-afk> B and asprin isn;t a stimulant
08:28 PM rue_shop4: I'm not, I'm SAYING that I NEED to tell the DOCTOR that I'm gonna resort to one of those drugs if he ignores me again cause this is getting so bad
08:29 PM useless-afk: everything i told you is legal
08:29 PM furrywolf: someone I know managed to microwave their tablet and wonder why their rice was still cold...
08:29 PM useless-afk: adrafinal may or may not be legal in Canadia
08:29 PM rue_shop4: yes, but I'd like to trigger him to get me tests that say WHY I'm having a problem
08:29 PM furrywolf: (both tablet and microwave were total losses)
08:30 PM rue_shop4: I'm glad thats normal for some people, its NOT for me
08:30 PM rue_shop4: I'm losing words, I'm making screwups like that, I'm always tired
08:30 PM rue_shop4: SOMETHING IS WRONG
08:30 PM useless-afk: age?
08:30 PM rue_shop4: and nobody will look, they just say its all normal, like kat just did
08:31 PM furrywolf: are you eating healthy? veggies and meat, not grains and starches?
08:31 PM useless-afk: i never said it was normal
08:31 PM rue_shop4: we just totally chened my diet like 4 months ago
08:31 PM rue_shop4: <useless-afk> age?
08:31 PM useless-afk: chene it agai
08:31 PM useless-afk: alzheimers isn;t "normal" part of aging
08:32 PM useless-afk: early onset senility isn;t normal
08:32 PM useless-afk: fine, you don;t wanna say your age, fuck you ahgain
08:32 PM rue_shop4: how about a diagnostic to figure out what the problem is instead of blindly throwing more things at it that take months to get results on?
08:32 PM furrywolf: you should buy the quack-o-tron that I got at the estate sale. it claims to cure altzheimers.
08:32 PM useless-afk: you have had years to get that diagnostic
08:32 PM rue_shop4: NOBODY WILL DO IT
08:32 PM rue_shop4: they just say all these things are normal
08:33 PM rue_shop4: yes, but I sitll need to know what hte problem is
08:33 PM useless-afk: i cannot run a thyroid series on you, or on me, i haveto do the shotgun approach and see wtf works
08:33 PM rue_shop4: I need to know how to find out what the problem is, in a way that does not take months to get results on, cause its been over 3 years now
08:33 PM useless-afk: stop bithing and try something
08:34 PM rue_shop4: I can see if I can push the doc into a throid test then
08:34 PM rue_shop4: tahts something
08:34 PM furrywolf: depression?
08:34 PM rue_shop4: and I'v read a lot about doctors who dont detect that properly
08:34 PM rue_shop4: yea, I got a bit of that too
08:35 PM useless-afk: comprehensive thryoid test is a series, most docs do ONE test
08:35 PM rue_shop4: ok, this is good for me to know
08:35 PM useless-afk: maybe you have pre-diabetes, you eat starches before going to bed <shrug>
08:35 PM rue_shop4: I kinda have to drive my doc manually
08:35 PM rue_shop4: I have really high cholesterol
08:36 PM rue_shop4: aka, the new diet
08:36 PM useless-afk: stop having high cholesterol
08:36 PM rue_shop4: but everyone is arguing with me about what I can and cant eat
08:36 PM rue_shop4: thanks kat
08:36 PM useless-afk: well, it's as useful to you as suggesting what works for me
08:36 PM useless-afk: damnit
08:37 PM rue_shop4: your Bcomplex and asa worked for a while
08:37 PM rue_shop4: when that worked, it REALLY worked, day and night
08:37 PM * useless-afk feels like going out ansd shedding to hell some of theplants in rue's garden, and hten peeing n the potatoes
08:37 PM rue_shop4: and I'd tried almost all the energy drinks, which didn't even put a dent in it
08:38 PM useless-afk: please freaking note i did not mention any energy driks, ever, and yet you wasted money on them instead of DHEA or 5HTP
08:38 PM rue_shop4: BUT when I tried the melatonin, I realized that some of it is like my system just dumping melatonin into me
08:38 PM useless-afk: melatonin is to put you to sleep
08:38 PM rue_shop4: yea
08:39 PM rue_shop4: and sometimes its like my system dumps it suddenly on me,
08:39 PM rue_shop4: I'd never known the affect of it till I took the pills
08:39 PM useless-afk: i bet you are not starting the day with a bodybuilding high protien shake
08:39 PM rue_shop4: it shed light on some things
08:39 PM rue_shop4: should I have to?
08:40 PM useless-afk: i duno, but most humans do not get the recommended dose of protien
08:40 PM useless-afk: you'd darned near need to eat a serving of meat at every meal
08:40 PM rue_shop4: the new one does
08:41 PM useless-afk: new what does what?
08:41 PM useless-afk: diet?
08:41 PM rue_shop4: yes, well breakfast is the same
08:41 PM useless-afk: start the day with protien
08:41 PM useless-afk: START
08:41 PM rue_shop4: as I understand, different blood types take to things differently
08:42 PM useless-afk: nevermind, i'm a daumass
08:42 PM useless-afk is now known as fckng_stupid
08:42 PM rue_shop4: and that if I knew my blood type (which they wont tell me) I could help undersand more about how I should be eating
08:42 PM fckng_stupid: keep doing like you are doing, keep feeling like you are feeling
08:42 PM rue_shop4: kat, its that everyone is telling me to eat differently
08:42 PM fckng_stupid: you are more complicated than your blood type
08:42 PM rue_shop4: then when I say "like this?" they say "NOT LIKE THAT"
08:43 PM furrywolf: I'm telling you to eat veggies and meat. are other people saying something else?
08:43 PM rue_shop4: but they wont tell me what to eat
08:43 PM rue_shop4: I am
08:43 PM fckng_stupid: eat veggies and meat, get most protien early, load carbs ONLY if you are definately going to be doing heavy work
08:43 PM rue_shop4: lots of meat and veggies, and I been at it for 4 months and its not making a difference
08:43 PM fckng_stupid: try and stay away from fruit, or anything with added fructose
08:44 PM rue_shop4: and how you fix a problem is not with a shotgun, but by taking an idea, running tests to prove it, and applying a change
08:44 PM fckng_stupid: no one said "lots" , don;t overeat
08:44 PM rue_shop4: so I'm not too interested in heraing about diet changes I should make, I'm intested in tests that will come back in no more tha 3 days to prove an idea
08:45 PM fckng_stupid: so trying many things like you said is only an idiot idea when i say it, gotcha
08:45 PM furrywolf: ok, trying eating more carpet and/or sausage, whatever works for you... that's always good for waking you up.
08:45 PM rue_shop4: kat, think of this like a machine, you dont adjust the 5V rail on a computer and see if it makes a difference to how often firefox crashes over the next month, then adjust it again
08:46 PM fckng_stupid: in the daze before caffine was widely available, people put killer amounts f pepepr on breakfast as a stimulat, and lots of salt to raise blood pressure
08:46 PM fckng_stupid: you are out of the ballpark now, rue
08:46 PM rue_shop4: so lets not talk about changes to make to a diet, but ways of testing if the changes would make a difference
08:46 PM rue_shop4: ugh
08:47 PM rue_shop4: idea->test->change
08:47 PM rue_shop4: we all fix things using this method, why is this any different
09:07 PM furrywolf: I just replaced one of my garden hoses... because it had been shrinking.
09:07 PM furrywolf: it's at least 10% shorter now
09:36 PM rue_shop4: ?? shrinking!?
09:37 PM rue_shop4: one of the green one with the woven string?
09:37 PM furrywolf: yep
09:37 PM rue_shop4: they go from about 3/4dia to about 1.25 over the course of... 6 years?
09:37 PM furrywolf: it's been growing in diameter while shrinking in length
09:37 PM rue_shop4: haha
09:37 PM furrywolf: it's less than 6 months old.
09:37 PM rue_shop4: !
09:37 PM rue_shop4: thats some impressive water pressure
09:37 PM furrywolf: it's probably grown 50% wider and shrunken 20%...
09:38 PM rue_shop4: airmuscle
09:38 PM furrywolf: water pressure is normal, and all my other garden hoses, many of which are much older, are fine.
09:38 PM rue_shop4: ... hydromuscle
09:39 PM rue_shop4: damn
09:39 PM rue_shop4: In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow, or you may feel depressed.
09:39 PM rue_shop4: ""
09:39 PM rue_shop4: all 3...
09:40 PM rue_shop4: you wouldn't beleive how much of a challange it is for me to make it to the kitchen and remember why I'm there
09:45 PM rue_shop4: "Conversely, taking in too much iodine can cause hypothyroidism."
09:45 PM rue_shop4: so, wait, I'm a salt freak
09:45 PM rue_shop4: and its all iodized
09:46 PM rue_shop4: Depression may occur early in hypothyroidism
09:46 PM rue_shop4: Hypothyroidism can also cause slowed mental functioning.
10:27 PM Tom_L: i made my garden hose from industrial hose with machined ends
10:27 PM Tom_L: same place i got my chip guard neoprene from
10:27 PM Tom_L: sea salt is better
10:32 PM furrywolf: I got a Flexzilla hose to replace the incredible shrinking hose.
10:36 PM Tom_L: i had the kind you find on the back of cement trucks but it was too heavy so i went with some similar but lighter hose
10:36 PM Tom_L: neither will likely ever give out
10:42 PM furrywolf: I've never had a hose fail like this before.
10:55 PM rue_shop3: oh wow, I pulled some nice button/switches off a medical machine, it turns out they have NO.COM.NC so you can do hardware bounce prevention
10:56 PM rue_shop3: furrywolf, was it delaminating too?
10:56 PM Tom_itx is now known as Guest64656
10:56 PM furrywolf: no
10:56 PM Guest64656: ok that didn't work
10:56 PM Guest64656: sasl
10:56 PM Guest64656: do you know how to configure it?
10:57 PM Guest64656: on hexchat
10:57 PM rue_shop3: sasl? no
10:57 PM Tom_L: it's how they recomend you connect now
10:57 PM rue_shop3: why use sasl? to prevent isp snooping?
10:58 PM rue_shop3: oh god, its more pointless securrity
10:58 PM rue_shop3: ok, I'm taking lots of asa and its making me borederline able to do things
10:59 PM rue_shop3: unsustainable solution, but hmm
10:59 PM Tom_L: the /msg nickserv + password works but i can't figure out sasl
10:59 PM Tom_L: http://freenode.net/kb/answer/hexchat
11:01 PM rue_shop3: a complete drop of non-encrypted irc would kill the bots, none of them that I know of have any of the encryption code
11:01 PM rue_shop3: but then, they would be talking about dropping all support for non-sasl
11:01 PM rue_shop3: AND the hackers would just add sasl support
11:04 PM Tom_L: hmm said Tom_itx was in use but it's not
11:04 PM Tom_L: but it didn't change me to guest at least
11:04 PM Tom_shop: test
11:05 PM Tom_shop: yeah that didn't work in robotics
11:05 PM Tom_shop: sasl didn't authenticate me
11:12 PM rue_shop3: isn't sasl a whole link encrytion like ssl?
11:13 PM Tom_L: i don't know anything about it
11:13 PM Tom_L: just trying to set it up so i can speak in the channels i'm blocked in with it now
11:14 PM Tom_L: but their directions aren't working
11:17 PM Tom_L: now the old method won't work either... dammit
11:17 PM Tom_L: and i deleted xchat in favor of hexchat
11:19 PM Tom_L: says a grouped nick won't work
11:22 PM Tom_L: ok i figured it out
11:23 PM Tom_L: the 'user name' and primary nick need to be the same name