#garfield Logs

Sep 07 2018

#garfield Calendar

12:04 AM useless: Fairchild 74LS90 is 42 Mhz
12:11 AM useless: that's all i got, my brain is shuttig off
12:11 AM rue_: ok
12:11 AM rue_: so I should see if these chips will go to 10Mhz!
12:11 AM rue_: I think I got some 7490 off ali express, cause I thought they might be faster
12:11 AM useless: in the olden daze, we'd trickthe chip by hardwiring a parallel load preset (like 6), so after 10 clocks it hit TC, and TC preloaded another 6 into it, presto, a /10
12:13 AM rue_: kat: the 11C90
12:16 AM rue_: hmm I suppose I'm somewhere between supper and soem C code
02:21 PM katsmeow: Tom
02:22 PM katsmeow: there's a storm tween Wich and Springfield (Mo) that's ripe for making tornadoes
02:22 PM katsmeow: there's strong high speed winds in opposing directions
02:28 PM katsmeow: my internet is clogged, i have not been able to get a refresh off that area for 5 minutes
02:29 PM katsmeow: got it, i would not be surprised to see a tornado north of Coffeyville
02:30 PM katsmeow: *you* may be seeing winds from NE to SW, but Eldorado is seeing winds from SW to NE
02:31 PM katsmeow: that is all
07:56 PM furrywolf: yay quackery! I picked up the most wonderful quack device yet at a yard sale. it's almost identical to http://megabrainpower.com/sead.htm , maybe an older version.
09:22 PM zhanx: well kid now has a fast computer than me
09:22 PM zhanx: needs a SSD upgrade
09:23 PM rue_: heh
09:23 PM rue_: furrywolf, how much was it?
09:23 PM furrywolf: $50
09:23 PM zhanx: he is playing mine craft on the big screen
09:30 PM Tom_L: what mb did you go with?
09:30 PM rue_: ok I hav to go get milk before the store closes
09:31 PM Tom_L: still no tea?
09:31 PM Tom_L: i've never heard of tea with milk...
09:31 PM zhanx: Tom_L, one a client left and never paid for
09:31 PM zhanx: alienware
09:31 PM Tom_L: oh
09:32 PM zhanx: 1 year was 18 days ago
09:35 PM Tom_L: ok adobe updater just changed my screen background...
09:35 PM Tom_L: bastards
09:36 PM zhanx: hence why i hate windows Tom_L
09:36 PM zhanx: adobe should of never had those permissions
09:37 PM useless: http://DesignerThinking.com/images/mouw.png
09:39 PM useless: ok, or not
09:40 PM Tom_L: your new look?
09:40 PM zhanx: or not for me
09:41 PM useless: nah, someone on deviant art, but i didn;t chase down who
09:42 PM useless: movie : BBC Towards Tomorrow: Robot
09:45 PM Tom_L: and now it won't let me change it back
09:46 PM zhanx: Tom_L, you need to reboot for it to work
09:46 PM Tom_L: no i did
09:47 PM Tom_L: but i also fixed it
09:47 PM zhanx: delete the current file
09:52 PM furrywolf: kat: did you see my new toy?
09:52 PM useless: better question: do i want to?
09:52 PM furrywolf: yes. yes you do.
09:52 PM useless: ok, i didn;t see it
09:53 PM furrywolf: it's similar to http://megabrainpower.com/sead.htm or http://www.photonsoundbeam.net/products/p19.html , but the company that made mine doesn't seem to have an online presense.
09:53 PM useless: ooooo, Mrs Belmont is feeling Tony's wrist, he has no pulse, but his eyes are reveable
09:53 PM useless: removeable
09:54 PM useless: didja see mouw.png?
09:54 PM furrywolf: it's 100% pure quackery of the best variety. It not only cures cancer, altzheimers, and AIDS, but it also works on sprains and pulled muscles too! it can even improve the healing properties of food that is left near it, and clean the air for the entire neighborhood.
09:54 PM furrywolf: yes. looks like a 3d render.
09:55 PM useless: " resulting in a radiant field that is intended to stimulate the subtle, or non-physical energetic aspects of the human configuration" ??
09:55 PM furrywolf: quackery. :P
09:56 PM * useless agrees
09:56 PM furrywolf: unlike you, it is entirely useless... well, unless you're suffering from being unable to fit your wallet in your pocket.
09:57 PM furrywolf: at $8k, these devices are excellent at solving that problem.
09:57 PM useless: holy cowpies
09:58 PM furrywolf: I got it from an estate sale. the previous owner spent his savings on it... and, somehow, it did not cure his cancer.
09:58 PM useless: heh
09:59 PM furrywolf: the best part? he was a fucking doctor.
09:59 PM furrywolf: a shrink, of course, but that's still a form of doctor.
10:01 PM * useless is speechless
10:03 PM furrywolf: the things you find at estate sales. :)
10:03 PM useless: howmuch did you pay for it, and are you reselling it on ebay?
10:04 PM furrywolf: $50, and not sure what I'm doing with it yet.
10:04 PM furrywolf: it looks like a fucking nightmare to ship.
10:05 PM useless: isn't halloween coming up?
10:05 PM furrywolf: heh, just put in out in the driveway with a "do not touch" sign? :)
10:05 PM furrywolf: it runs at some impressively high voltages...
10:05 PM useless: ssomeone may get fried tho
10:06 PM furrywolf: it's a moderately beefy tesla coil with a bunch of off-the-shelf spectrum tubes
10:07 PM useless: ~1970, i put a speaker in a mailbox for halloween, no one was impressed
10:07 PM furrywolf: it's all built from the highest quality materials possible... like genuine CDX plywood and real PVC pipe. you're definitely getting your $8k worth!
10:08 PM furrywolf: someone laughed all the way to the bank
10:09 PM useless: who needs a wall-sized tv screen? just use a small screen and physically put it where you are looking, and display only that part of the video!
10:10 PM useless: i am watching a huge crt b&w tv set being swug around the guy
10:10 PM furrywolf: the level of quackery on web pages about these is utterly amazing
10:12 PM furrywolf: "He observed this oscillatory nature of healthy cells and the fact that, during an invasion by microbes, the cells entered into a state of oscillatory disequilibrium or disease. Lakhovsky went on to observe that high frequency radio waves could energize malfunctioning cells due to the spiral helix or coil found in each cell (RNA-DNA) that acted as a receiving antenna for he radio waves the MWOs produced."
10:12 PM useless: yanno, microwave ovens also run at frequencies that can excite molecules in the human body
10:13 PM furrywolf: lol
10:13 PM furrywolf: I love how these are the same people who say cell phones cause cancer, but these radio waves cure it.
10:14 PM useless: obviously, said the dead man
10:16 PM furrywolf: a fool and his money...
10:16 PM rue_: true procrastinators motto: "dont put off now what you can put off later"
10:17 PM furrywolf: there are logical flaws in that motto. for example, not putting it off now would mean doing it now. :P
10:18 PM * useless got a 15ft piece of 1" angle screwed down to the tops of the new ceiling rafters, to hold them all to the same level,,, does that make me a domme?
10:18 PM rue_: i know eh?
10:18 PM furrywolf: ?
10:19 PM useless: ?
10:19 PM rue_: so, i get home after a hards days work, ok.. but it was long, anyhow the lever on the toilet flusher breaks
10:20 PM furrywolf: lift lid, pull chain.
10:20 PM rue_: AFTER 5:00, so the hardware store is closed
10:20 PM rue_: yea, but DAMNIT....
10:20 PM useless: you manually flush the toilet?
10:20 PM furrywolf: tie string to chain, run out hole where lever goes.
10:20 PM rue_: hah
10:21 PM rue_: I'll pull on the broken lever for now, and get a new one tommorow morning
10:21 PM furrywolf: toilets are, fortunately, very simple.
10:22 PM furrywolf: well, old ones.
10:22 PM furrywolf: mine has stepper motors, sensors, valves, pumps.... lol
10:22 PM rue_: why did I buy 2500 9.1k resistors?
10:23 PM furrywolf: I do not know.
10:23 PM rue_: hmm
10:23 PM useless: because it was 99 cents
10:23 PM rue_: it was so long ago now that I dotn know
10:23 PM rue_: I presume I was out of them
10:23 PM rue_: it a pretty strange value to go balistic on
10:23 PM useless: mostly, you can use them for 10k in many places
10:24 PM rue_: ok, their 1%
10:24 PM furrywolf: while fixing your flush lever, you should install a bidet seat. they rock.
10:24 PM rue_: less tech the better
10:24 PM rue_: a second bathroom would be nice
10:24 PM useless: one in the shop, even
10:25 PM furrywolf: I wish I had a shop. :(
10:26 PM * furrywolf moves into kat's shop
10:26 PM * useless shows furry the bridge crane
10:26 PM furrywolf: ohh! I have a spare CM electric chain hoist if it needs a hoist...
10:27 PM useless: got a 1 ton winch as a hoist
10:27 PM useless: can pick up most anything small and set it down anywhere in a 16x30 ft (?) space
10:28 PM furrywolf: this is one like https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/292009117308_/Cm-Series-627-Model-Rr-2-Ton-Electric.jpg
10:30 PM useless: i'd much prefer a chain hoise, mine is a cable hoist
10:30 PM useless: been trying to talk Tom into make chain sprockets , but he isn;t interested in any part of it
10:31 PM * furrywolf tries to remember who tom is
10:31 PM useless: if the gearmotors i have could pull on chain, they's be much more useful for driving things
10:31 PM * useless points to Tom
10:31 PM furrywolf: oh, that tom
10:31 PM useless: yeas
10:32 PM furrywolf: I thought you finally had someone helping out around your shop. heh.
10:32 PM useless: like that will ever happen
10:32 PM rue_: kat, he cant make those
10:33 PM useless: cannot make the disks with proper centered and *round* holes in them?
10:33 PM rue_: kat, you need the special side profileing for the links tho
10:33 PM rue_: he cant do that
10:33 PM useless: no, *i* don't
10:33 PM rue_: oh, but thats what you posted an image of
10:33 PM useless: just slice the sprocket into thirds, see where i am going?
10:34 PM rue_: no
10:34 PM useless: ok
10:34 PM rue_: I cant picture it sliced
10:34 PM rue_: which is odd, must be low on processor power
10:37 PM useless: DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF2529.jpg
10:37 PM useless: it's big you can zoom some
10:37 PM * furrywolf is pretty tired too
10:38 PM useless: that's a 3-layer of washers, that's the smallest needle-nose visegrips i have holding it
10:38 PM furrywolf: tiny.
10:39 PM useless: now, imagine i cut slots in the side washers to accomodate every other chain link laying flat around the pulley circumference
10:39 PM useless: and i cut difefrent slots to allow for the chain links on edge
10:39 PM useless: then i stacked them up, drilled, pinned, and bolted
10:40 PM useless: however is appropriate
10:40 PM furrywolf: world's smallest chain hoist?
10:40 PM useless: actually, a car part, the electric window hoist
10:40 PM rue_: wow, I wonder if my brain is ok
10:40 PM furrywolf: we don't wonder.
10:40 PM rue_: then again, I been trying to write some simple code for 2 days now
10:41 PM rue_: I'm sorry kat, I cant seem to put it togethor
10:42 PM rue_: maybe I can later, now it just not happening
10:42 PM useless: k, simpler for you, here's a roller chain sprokect on a winch : DesignerThinking.com/images/onshaft2.jpg
10:43 PM rue_: ok
10:43 PM furrywolf: rue_shop4: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTkY40qCOrTiLo-8Z_Ms-ofp6RDBZHeYJtdQZIT8tVm35GZ_dWK
10:43 PM rue_: you split it, cool
10:43 PM useless: yeas
10:43 PM rue_: furrywolf, I cant see how shes splitting it tho
10:43 PM furrywolf: https://www.ketten-waelder.de/fileadmin/user_upload/images/produktbilder_loRes_free/nautic/Taschenrad_new_product.png bigger
10:44 PM furrywolf: rather than machining it, she's using a small washer in the middle as a spacer, the notching the two outer washers, rather than the complex profile.
10:44 PM useless: for various reasons, i will be pinning one disk to the end disk of the cable drum, just to prevent slipping on the shaft, which is too thin to key, and aluminum
10:44 PM furrywolf: at least, if I understood her correctly.
10:45 PM rue_: even that image you posted is not making sense, furrywolf
10:45 PM useless: basically, yeas, but profiling the center washer too
10:45 PM rue_: I know thats a chain pulley
10:45 PM rue_: but
10:45 PM rue_: the links render as long and short when I try to match what chain goes into it
10:45 PM useless: long and short?
10:46 PM rue_: (==)O(==)O(==)O
10:46 PM rue_: ouch, and headahe, wtf
10:46 PM useless: because every odd one is 90 degres to the ones thru it? so?
10:46 PM furrywolf: http://static.cisco-eagle.com/catalog/images/category/Harrington%20Hoists/SimpleChainHoistImage.jpg
10:47 PM rue_: yes, but eh upright links would have to be extremely short
10:47 PM rue_: ooh, I was rendering with infinitly thin chain
10:47 PM useless: the last link furry posted, just bandsaw the outer washers to that profile, the sides do not need to be higher than the chain, because the upright links will drop into the ceter goove and guilde the chain thataway
10:47 PM rue_: I was haivng the problem that the hand chain on the left of that image has
10:48 PM furrywolf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j55IAg3GgE chain hoist
10:48 PM useless: furry, exactly like the enclosed sproket in http://static.cisco-eagle.com/catalog/images/category/Harrington%20Hoists/SimpleChainHoistImage.jpg
10:48 PM rue_: but I still dont understand how to divide up the construction of it
10:49 PM rue_: oh dang, I'm hungry too
10:49 PM useless: rue, http://static.cisco-eagle.com/catalog/images/category/Harrington%20Hoists/SimpleChainHoistImage.jpg maked the two outer plates visable, the inner one is in shadow
10:50 PM rue_: so, like a washer, with two bike sprockets on either side, with larger washers outside of that?
10:51 PM furrywolf: the only reason I see to split is to allow it to be made with multiple 3-axis operations instead of a 4-axis job.
10:51 PM Tom_L: rue_, the threads are lefthand
10:51 PM Tom_L: i just replaced one
10:51 PM useless: furry, or that it can be made on a bandsaw after the holes are bored in the plates
10:51 PM rue_: what threads!?
10:52 PM rue_: Tom_L, ?
10:52 PM rue_: Tom_L, context error, WHAT!?
10:52 PM furrywolf: I, in theory, have enough parts to make my mill 4-axis.
10:53 PM rue_: kat, fix my brain!
10:53 PM Tom_L: the handle you need to replace
10:53 PM useless: if i wanted the slots rounded at the ends to better fit the curve of the links, just drill thoe places befor bandsawing them
10:55 PM Tom_L: luckily i had a spare tank to swipe one from though
10:56 PM furrywolf: speaking of chain hoists, mine came with a cute i-beam trolley.... https://www.mbglick.com/wp-content/uploads/imported/1/CM-1-Ton-I-Beam-Crane-Trolley-w-3-RollerBeam-Width-132521311111.JPG I'd never seen that style before.
10:56 PM useless: make the entire shaft assy from stainless?
10:58 PM rue_: kat, he can only make it in aluminum
10:58 PM rue_: Tom_L, I need to replace a handle?
10:58 PM rue_: oh, the toilet one
10:58 PM rue_: I can buy a whole new leverarm thingle
10:59 PM Tom_L: it's all one piece
10:59 PM * useless is disappointed that drilling ahole in 3/16 common steel plate is so difficult
10:59 PM rue_: the handle is all gettin old and corroded anyhow
10:59 PM furrywolf: he's pointing out that when you go to remove the old one, it will unscrew opposite the way you think.
10:59 PM rue_: the one I ahve is a multi-part
10:59 PM rue_: and the long lever is just plastic
10:59 PM Tom_L: what furry said
10:59 PM rue_: cool, thanks
10:59 PM Tom_L: at least mine was
10:59 PM furrywolf: _many_ are left-hand, but not all.
10:59 PM rue_: the thought went thru my mind to 3d print a new one
10:59 PM rue_: screwit
11:00 PM furrywolf: if the lever is on the left side of the tank, and rotates counterclockwise to flush, using a left-hand thread makes it tighten every time you push on it, not loosen.
11:01 PM useless: furry, test fit of the trucks on the ends of my traveling bridge crane : DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF1967.jpg
11:02 PM useless: furry, test fit of the trucks on the ends of my traveling bridge crane : DesignerThinking.com/images/DSCF1968.jpg
11:02 PM * furrywolf needs a shop to put such things in
11:02 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gantry/p1020360.jpg
11:02 PM rue_: kats are better than mine
11:02 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gantry/p1020359.jpg
11:03 PM rue_: awe:( all my trees were alive
11:03 PM furrywolf: kat is good at a lot of things. she just refuses to admit it.
11:03 PM furrywolf: yours, however, looks especially death-trap-y. :P
11:03 PM useless: i do admit it, it's everyone else who canot use my ideas, says they are not woth it, etc
11:04 PM rue_: the pine tree behind the 3 leg ladder and the fir next to it died
11:04 PM Tom_L: fuel for the winter
11:04 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gantry/p1020271.jpg
11:04 PM rue_: it did good tho
11:04 PM furrywolf: you need to make the truss trussy the entire length, to keep the tubes from buckling. you can't have gaps in the triangle structure.
11:05 PM furrywolf: anything that's not a triangle is evil.
11:05 PM rue_: that top bar is really thick
11:05 PM rue_: schedule 80?
11:05 PM furrywolf: triangles are still what makes it strong.
11:06 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/patio/patio22.jpg
11:06 PM useless: really needs feet on the ends of the legs, such that the legs caot jump off the tiny piece of brick it's sitting on
11:06 PM rue_: yes, its designed to be able to -\_/- a bit under load
11:06 PM Tom_L: i thought about putting a roller on that when i did the patio
11:06 PM furrywolf: bending under load is not a feature. :P
11:06 PM rue_: flex not bend
11:07 PM furrywolf: that's like the power switch on my chainsaw... which, according to the manual, will do you a favor and helpfully burn out if you stall the saw.
11:07 PM useless: you'd be WAY happer with the travling bridge crane, Tom
11:07 PM Tom_L: i don't need one, it was just a thought at the time
11:08 PM useless: k
11:08 PM furrywolf: I've thought about building a gantry crane, but I really need a shop.
11:09 PM furrywolf: you have no idea how much I want a shop. heh.
11:09 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gardenbeds/p1020497.jpg the cement garden beds turned out ok too, yay precast concrete!
11:09 PM rue_: I did a bunch of finishing after all that, did n't post thepics
11:09 PM furrywolf: I reload the housing listings every single day...
11:09 PM useless: slotted rounds?
11:10 PM rue_: posts are cast aroundteh side ends
11:10 PM useless: oh, not portable!
11:10 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gardenbeds/p1020500.jpg
11:10 PM rue_: no, not portable
11:11 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gardenbeds/p1020101.jpg <-- adjustable length form :)
11:11 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gardenbeds/p1020105.jpg <-- getting it to make that shape was a nice trick
11:12 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/gardenbeds/p1020202.jpg <-- cast
11:12 PM useless: i made adjustable length troughs to go from the concrete truck to my footing molds, lift out 2ft sections of the trough bottom to change where the pour happened as it was still pouring
11:12 PM rue_: nice
11:12 PM * furrywolf can't do heavy things like that
11:12 PM rue_: kat cant either
11:13 PM rue_: nor can zhanx
11:13 PM furrywolf: I haven't done much of anything since my back got fucked up. :(
11:13 PM * furrywolf is fairly useless these days
11:13 PM useless: back brace, be very careful when lifting, and use the freaking bridge crane and portable winches
11:13 PM furrywolf: if I at least had a shop, I could set things up so I could be more useful... but that seems impossible.
11:14 PM useless: in Fla as i was leaving, the LAST THING on the truck, an after thought, no back brace, i lifted, and twisted back to turn, and was instantly down for a week
11:15 PM useless: i heard and felt a grinding in my lower back
11:15 PM furrywolf: I did that a couple months ago... went to pick up a small winch that was behind something, so I had to lift bending over the obstacle... and that was the end of my week.
11:15 PM useless: when i finally did get back tot he truck , it was days before i could put on shoes and socks
11:15 PM furrywolf: but it's not just the back... now that I don't get any exercise, I'm tired and useless feeling all the time.
11:16 PM useless: furry, what helped the most was TALL corset brace, and body (re)building protein shakes
11:17 PM useless: your body can push against the brace, use it as an exoskeleton
11:17 PM furrywolf: my back is fucked up pretty high up... in my ribs, not lower back.
11:17 PM useless: and, it won;t let you twist your back or hips, you haveto move your feet to relocate
11:17 PM furrywolf: (T9-T10 if you want to be precise)
11:17 PM useless: i have L3, L4, and T10
11:18 PM useless: T10 is not a disk any more, as if the late 1980's it;s been a thin black line on the mri
11:18 PM furrywolf: heh
11:19 PM useless: but it causes the least worries, the least pain
11:20 PM rue_: I wonder where the issue is in my back
11:20 PM rue_: I cant get anyone to look
11:20 PM rue_: hey, I have nerve maps now
11:20 PM * rue_ goes to his biology folder
11:21 PM useless: it's actually hard to find upper back braces, people are risk adverse to compressing the ribcage in a grip to stabilise it
11:21 PM useless: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=thoracic+back+corset&t=ffsb&iax=images&ia=images
11:22 PM useless: chances are, you'll need to take one for the lower back, and modify it to ,,w ait, you do;t have tits, shit, no excuse, just ride it up where you need it,, remove the steel in the back of it first
11:22 PM rue_: L3?
11:23 PM furrywolf: ... there's a bit of an assumption there.
11:23 PM rue_: hmm L2-L3ish
11:23 PM useless: rue, a external for your next robot : https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fab%2F7d%2F08%2Fab7d085ac531e8091edad53556de2c25--occupational-therapy-chronic-pain.jpg&f=1
11:24 PM rue_: ah L2-3
11:27 PM useless: well, if i am wrong and you have mammaries, get a 4-velcro-closure and remove the 2nd from top one, and nearby material, to provide an open space
11:27 PM useless: atm, you can get one on ebay for $30 or so
11:34 PM rue_: temp = (AdcValues[0]-AdcValues[1])/Kp0;
11:34 PM rue_: pwm0 = limit(temp, -127, 127) + 127;
11:34 PM rue_: send8(pwm0);
11:35 PM rue_: ?
11:35 PM rue_: that prettymuch took me 3 days
11:35 PM useless: ouch
11:36 PM rue_: I cant think
11:36 PM * furrywolf curls up on kat for bedtime
11:38 PM * rue_ offers furrywolf a treat, that secretly has a 100mg Bcomplex in it
11:39 PM rue_: !!! its to eat!!!
11:39 PM rue_: 8-|
11:42 PM useless: what was that civil war song with the line "we powdered his behind" ?
11:42 PM rue_: ? I'm not up on american stuff
11:42 PM furrywolf: battle of new orleans?
11:43 PM furrywolf: sleep!
11:43 PM useless: yeas!
11:43 PM furrywolf: bbl
11:43 PM useless: We fired our cannon 'till the barrel melted down
11:43 PM useless: So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
11:43 PM useless: We filled his head with cannonballs 'n' powdered his behind
11:43 PM useless: And when we touched the powder off, the gator lost his mind.
11:44 PM * rue_ tries to tell if furrywolf ate the treat...
11:44 PM * rue_ wonders if something bad happened to it..
11:44 PM * useless hands rue a treat with a D-Ribose pill in it, as sees if he eats it
11:45 PM rue_: oo I do need supper
11:45 PM useless: i do need to lay down, sleepy pill has caught up with me
11:46 PM rue_: what eh 8253 again?
11:46 PM rue_: timer?
11:46 PM rue_: or uart?
11:46 PM useless: i don;t remember
11:47 PM useless: timer
11:47 PM useless: 3 independant programmable timers, to 2.6 Mhz
11:48 PM rue_: ah cool
11:48 PM rue_: and I think the A was the fast one
11:48 PM * useless wonders if rue is going to use her suggestion about the first (and second) /10 being a 74F269, for gofast turbo clock rate
11:48 PM rue_: oh kat
11:48 PM rue_: 11C90
11:49 PM rue_: whats that then (its a 7490)
11:49 PM rue_: is that before ttl?
11:49 PM rue_: but its cmos
11:50 PM rue_: kat, the first and second stages are only exposed to 10Mhz anyhow, wasn't even the old 7490 good for it?
11:50 PM rue_: or did you say 3Mhz
11:50 PM useless: the vanilla 7490 data sheet says 3Mhz
11:51 PM rue_: oh
11:51 PM rue_: ok
11:51 PM rue_: refreshing on what the 269 is
11:51 PM useless: the 11C83 is 1 GHZ ecl /248-256
11:51 PM useless: 8 bit counter, up/down, presetable
11:51 PM rue_: ecl
11:51 PM rue_: emitter coupled logic?
11:52 PM useless: yeas
11:52 PM rue_: huh
11:52 PM rue_: the 90 is the same as 7490
11:52 PM rue_: what age is the 11C83?
11:52 PM rue_: must be OLD
11:52 PM rue_: 269 was only made in F?
11:53 PM useless: and LS, iirc
11:53 PM rue_: cant find any record of ls
11:53 PM useless: i do not recall a C or any otehr cmos (HC, HCT, etc)
11:54 PM useless: there's a 74HC590
11:56 PM rue_: two 269's could make a nice 1 bit ADC/DAC
11:56 PM useless: 74HC590 is close to beng LS, it's 25Mhz max at 5v
11:56 PM rue_: (tracking)
11:57 PM useless: i need goto bed, my brain may shut off entirely at midnite tonite
11:57 PM useless: in 2 minutes
11:57 PM useless: gnites
11:57 PM rue_: hey, if you clocked the DAC faster, it would give you amplitude gain
11:57 PM useless: huh?
11:57 PM rue_: I think my brain is waking up
11:58 PM useless: gnites
11:58 PM rue_: tracking adc, with the 269 and a comparitor against the input signal
11:58 PM rue_: meh
11:58 PM * rue_ pokes furrywolf to see if he's sleeping