#garfield Logs

Sep 03 2018

#garfield Calendar

08:14 PM zhanx: I don't think i was suppose to be on this email list, They just emailed out a ton of passwords for AT&T and the equip
08:29 PM * furrywolf pounces kat
08:30 PM * dumbass_ dodges
08:30 PM * furrywolf lands on kat's couch instead
08:31 PM dumbass_: i do not understand
08:32 PM zhanx: kat have you seen the Sonoff wifi switches?
08:32 PM dumbass_: you gave an url a week ago, i scanned th ewebpage
08:32 PM dumbass_: i have nothing to operate them
08:32 PM dumbass_: i did not check ratings or prices
08:33 PM zhanx: no wifi thats right
08:33 PM dumbass_: laptop has wifi disables (software), and i pukked the wifi antenns off the dsl box to stop unauthorises use
08:33 PM furrywolf: I've been pretty tired today.... spending way, way too much time watching this guy's videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGgAPYv6Qho
08:33 PM zhanx: I ordered some more, and found out the hard way, if the internet router sucks they suck
08:35 PM dumbass_: i have 2 1000+ foot spools of 2cond twisted #24, and full boxes of cat3, 4, 5, 6
08:35 PM dumbass_: so it would be rate if i am forced to use wifi
08:35 PM dumbass_: raRe
08:36 PM dumbass_: due to lightning strikes, i would maybe use it outside
08:37 PM furrywolf: I use pretty much all wifi these days
08:38 PM dumbass_: but you are the smart one here furry, remember?
08:38 PM furrywolf: if by smart, you mean lazy.
08:38 PM rue_: hey kat, I got my headphone amp finished
08:39 PM dumbass_: i dunno, furry, i wrote an irc bot that works fonderfult, cept i used the wrong languate, didn';t follow protocol, and everything else that could be wrong
08:39 PM dumbass_: congrate, rue
08:39 PM dumbass_: and congrates on killing the trans-mountain pipeline
08:42 PM rue_: kat, I want an irc bot I can implement in 1 line of code and will sit idle in a channel, it looks like freenode will allow you to not ignore pings as long as you speak every 300 seconds or so, and I'm gonna hedge a bet they are so lazy about administration that I wont be locked out for flooding
08:42 PM rue_: we killed the pipeline?
08:42 PM rue_: everyone has been trying
08:42 PM zhanx: yep you killed the pipeline, no more cheap oil export to china
08:42 PM rue_: sweet
08:43 PM rue_: the pipeline would be a rash of spills and fires
08:43 PM zhanx: bad plan really
08:43 PM dumbass_: yep, it was sold to the feds the day before the judge said it was approved illegally
08:43 PM dumbass_: and no ont thigs the feds will put anotehr $8 billion into finishing it
08:43 PM zhanx: it like they just wanted to waste time and money on the proposal
08:43 PM rue_: and as you know from a zillion instances like the gulf of mexico, oil companies are NOT responcible for the effects of things their oil did
08:44 PM zhanx: rue_, hopefully your protested don't damage the environment as much as ours did
08:45 PM dumbass_: well, the province over is pissed,, and thi is incentive fot China to buuild the Berring railway and pipeline str8 to the oil sand, bypassing BC
08:45 PM furrywolf: one of these days we'll have useful amounts of renewable energy....
08:45 PM dumbass_: and if China does, Trump will open ANWAR to pumping
08:46 PM zhanx: when the green groups in america protested the dakota pipeline they left 48 million pounds of trash behind
08:46 PM dumbass_: who weighed it?
08:46 PM zhanx: the company that charged for the cleanup.
08:47 PM dumbass_: must have included oil field equi[pment too, no one going camping leaves 48 MILLION lbs of trash behind
08:47 PM zhanx: you see the pics?
08:47 PM dumbass_: no
08:47 PM dumbass_: but i doubt usa national parks make that much trash in a year
08:48 PM furrywolf: probably included a bunch of shitty vehicles that got left there
08:48 PM zhanx: they had over 10,000 people there for a while kat
08:48 PM furrywolf: but, from the amounts of trash they clean out from homeless camps here, it doesn't seem unreasonable...
08:49 PM furrywolf: every time they clean up a homeless camp there seems to be about a ton of trash per person...
08:49 PM dumbass_: 48M / 10k = 4800 lbs per person
08:49 PM zhanx: furrywolf, yes some of the weight was reported as abandoned cars
08:50 PM furrywolf: trimmers abandoning vehicles is a major issue around here. thousands of them a year it seems.
08:50 PM dumbass_: rue, talking in channel is a network event to otehr servers, a ping to yourself involves only the server you are on, big diference when you are considering 20+ bots
08:50 PM zhanx: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/1/dakota-access-protest-camp-crews-haul-48-million-p/
08:51 PM * dumbass_ shrugs uselessly
08:51 PM zhanx: http://archive.is/5ZO48 the times has an adblocker script
08:54 PM furrywolf: since the protestors were removed, that weight includes a lot of stuff that might have been taken with them eventually, like the structures.
08:54 PM rue_: I left, am I in trouble now?
08:54 PM dumbass_: huh?
08:55 PM zhanx: furrywolf, removed due to the fact they wouldn't leave
08:55 PM rue_: bc hydro is doing anti-incentive for solar
08:55 PM rue_: they want to build site C
08:55 PM dumbass_: canada doesn;t get any sun anyhoo, everyone knows that
08:56 PM furrywolf: on one of the homeless camp cleanups here, a camp with approximately 100 people had 114 tons of trash cleaned up in the first two days of the cleanup.
08:56 PM dumbass_: i cannot believe that, i am deficient in beliefe
08:56 PM rue_: kat, I still dont think freenode will care about the traffic, I might be wrong, but fo r years they have not wanted to block spammers, I think cause spamming is something people want to do on freenode, and they dont want to stop or discounrage people from using freenode
08:57 PM rue_: they have gone out of their way to NOT do anything about the spammers in the last 16 or so years
08:57 PM dumbass_: really?
08:57 PM dumbass_: On Sun Sep 02 02:12:54 2018, Kat@designerthinking.com wrote:
08:57 PM dumbass_: > I am using PIA VPN, perhaps you are triggering on the ip and not
08:57 PM dumbass_: > my registered nick? Because, i just changed PIA servers, and can
08:57 PM dumbass_: > log on now.
08:57 PM dumbass_: Indeed, that was a ban on the IP address, not on your account.
08:57 PM dumbass_: Probably someone else using the IP spammed and got you banned as well.
08:57 PM dumbass_: That's due to the nature of VPN services and shared IP addresses.
08:57 PM furrywolf: "An estimated total of nearly 114 tons (228,000 lbs) of trash was collected during the two day clean-up. On Monday alone, more than 60 tons were collected. That number is comparable to a one day collection of garbage within the entire City of Eureka including commercial pickup. Dozens of sharps containers were filled with used hypodermic needles and collected by Eco Medical. "
08:57 PM rue_: and do you know what their checking, cause I was able to connect from an exploited machine
08:58 PM dumbass_: ergo, i was caught in an anti-spammer ban badly placed, THIS WEEK
08:58 PM dumbass_: dunno
08:58 PM rue_: huh
08:58 PM dumbass_: i cannot kow every answer to every question, so i must kow nothing at all
08:58 PM rue_: what was the server?
08:59 PM furrywolf: the latest version of freenode's ircd has experimental support for "hooks" that route messages to other places... I suspect this is for implementing some form of advanced spam filter.
08:59 PM rue_: if I get banned, you need to write me a 3 page "I told you so" letter, ok?
09:00 PM furrywolf: freenode will not tell you __anything__ about what they're doing. they are exceptionally closed about all matters related to administration.
09:00 PM dumbass_: [21:16:pm] <katsmeow> card. and kornbluth. would not let me log on, said i was banned for spamming. I have not spammed anyone. I changed PIA connections, and can now log on. you have apparently banned a PIA server, and PIA financially supports freenode?
09:00 PM dumbass_: i thik it was the Tampa Fla PIA box
09:01 PM dumbass_: i changed to the Texas box and got right on
09:01 PM rue_shop3: furrywolf, the whole spam thing seems to be an internal administration war
09:01 PM rue_shop3: I think thats why little has been done about it in so long
09:02 PM furrywolf: I've never seen another network that so utterly refuses to tell anyone anything
09:02 PM dumbass_: security thru obsfucation
09:02 PM dumbass_: but wtf do i kow
09:02 PM rue_shop3: oh, and this is amusing, I can get the voltage of a 9V battery within 0.5V by licking it
09:03 PM dumbass_: here, i;ll send you a box to get back up to 9v by licking them!
09:03 PM furrywolf: oh, and apparantly that 114 tons does not include anything people wanted to keep, which was palletized without weighing.
09:04 PM dumbass_: give them the pallets, hammers, nails, and soon they won;t be homeless
09:04 PM furrywolf: they'll sell the hammers and nails, burn the pallets, and use the proceeds from the sales to buy drugs.
09:06 PM furrywolf: the homeless here aren't "people without homes"... they're people who've made a wilful choice to be a drain on society in every way they possibly can.
09:06 PM furrywolf: there's programs that give them houses... so what do they do? take a sledge hammer to them. etc.
09:07 PM dumbass_: so open a jail to put them in, they are harder to destroy
09:07 PM furrywolf: jail is full.
09:07 PM furrywolf: you only go to jail here for major violent crimes
09:07 PM furrywolf: (murder, etc)
09:08 PM dumbass_: so open a NEW jail to put them in, callit something else, they are harder to destroy
09:08 PM furrywolf: they're expanding the jail AGAIN soon... it won't help much.
09:08 PM dumbass_: "here's a steel and poured concrete box built exactly like solitary jail cell, and here's your key, enjoy!"
09:09 PM furrywolf: they're currently doing soil cleanup on the site of the new expansion... used to be a dry cleaners, apparantly leaked a large amount of tce.
09:09 PM dumbass_: leaks save disposal fees, funny, that
09:10 PM furrywolf: yeah, we tried that too... they divided conex boxes into thirds with steel walls. they didn't destroy those too quickly, but the project got shut down because everyone who lived in it was stealing from all the businesses around it.
09:10 PM furrywolf: and the business owners quite rightfully protested about it
09:11 PM furrywolf: this wasn't as much of a problem when they all lived behind walmart, because no one cared what walmart thought. :)
09:11 PM zhanx: That is like the guy today with a disable vet sign. He was never a vet, just wanted drug money
09:12 PM furrywolf: my favorite is a group of 5-6 of them shared a wheelchair and took turns pretending to be disabled.
09:12 PM dumbass_: :-/
09:12 PM zhanx: as a disable vet, I know the programs and stuff like that,
09:13 PM dumbass_: and no one reported them
09:13 PM furrywolf: I used to drive by the same group every day on my route, and none of them were actually disabled... but each day one of them would be in the wheelchair holding a sign along the lines of "disabled. need money for medical bills. god bless."
09:13 PM zhanx: no real reason for a disable vet to be on the street besides choice
09:13 PM dumbass_: Jeff is p0racticlaly on the street
09:14 PM furrywolf: (in reality, of course, all the money did indeed go to "medication".... of the black tar variety.)
09:14 PM zhanx: again that boils to choice on that also kat
09:14 PM furrywolf: who is Jeff?
09:14 PM zhanx: a friend kat introduced me too
09:14 PM dumbass_: and who then turned on me
09:15 PM dumbass_: because ia m a dumbaass
09:15 PM * furrywolf thinks kat is significantly smarter than most people
09:15 PM zhanx: furrywolf, join #seastead if you wnat to meet me
09:16 PM zhanx: true but kat is hard on herself
09:16 PM dumbass_: cannot, #seastead is +i
09:16 PM zhanx: one sec
09:16 PM dumbass_: don;t worry, i won;g go in
09:16 PM zhanx: k
09:16 PM dumbass_: but furry, you disparaged everything i said about irc coding the other nite
09:17 PM furrywolf: if by everything, you mean only accepting numeric values, and pasting hundreds of lines in the channel. :)
09:17 PM * furrywolf can't remember any other things
09:17 PM dumbass_: i been writing irc code since 1997, but wtf does that matter
09:18 PM dumbass_: wrote ircd, ircd, data miners, etc etc, screw me
09:20 PM furrywolf: I've never written an ircd... just did a bit of coding on bahamut. (mostly known for being dalnet's ircd)
09:20 PM furrywolf: I did write services for another network, though. (nickserv, chanserv, etc... and, being me, hugserv. it's like memoserv, but it sent hugs instead. :)
09:20 PM furrywolf: you could /msg hugserv send <nick>, and they'd get a <nick> has sent you a hug! message on login. :)
09:21 PM * dumbass_ nods
09:28 PM furrywolf: alas, the days of networks being interesting and/or silly are long gone...
09:29 PM rue_shop3: thats what the world needs, more sillyness
09:29 PM * furrywolf can't, for example, ever imagine freenode doing something silly like that
09:30 PM dumbass_: could be done with registered nicks and a bot
09:31 PM dumbass_: use the ISON , make sure the nick is id's to ns, then send a msg, and scrub the ISON
09:31 PM furrywolf: I don't think freenode's ircd has a watch list, so you'd probably hit rate limiting having to poll to find when people connect.
09:31 PM dumbass_: o
09:31 PM furrywolf: freenode really, really likes rate limiting things.
09:32 PM furrywolf: :hitchcock.freenode.net 421 testwolf watch :Unknown command
09:32 PM furrywolf: nope
09:32 PM rue_shop3: hey, _I_ have 22 registered bots
09:33 PM rue_shop3: wait, I think tobbor is registered
09:33 PM rue_shop3: I made a headphone amp
09:34 PM rue_shop3: I'm gonna hvae some fun
09:34 PM rue_shop3: I want to make a stereo electrstatic pickup
09:34 PM rue_shop3: and a stereo mic set
09:34 PM rue_shop3: see if I can hear in myself in stereo
09:34 PM rue_shop3: and I want to make a freq shifter
09:34 PM dumbass_: does it have a strap on for furry?
09:34 PM rue_shop3: I want to hear ultrasonic pings
09:35 PM rue_shop3: I didn't put a strap holder on it, I have one planned, so it can sit on a belt
09:35 PM rue_shop3: but I'll do that all later
09:35 PM dumbass_: and audio mixer, i think it's been done, somewhere,, both xmit and recieve
09:35 PM furrywolf: I've thought about making such a thing for blind people... an ultrasonic pinger and a frequency shifter.
09:35 PM rue_shop3: but in stereo
09:36 PM furrywolf: yes, in stereo. to help with echolocation.
09:36 PM rue_shop3: I want to hear in me
09:36 PM rue_shop3: w/ultrasonic
09:36 PM * dumbass_ thinks of several ways it could be done, prolly all wrong
09:36 PM rue_shop3: the pinger can be seperate
09:36 PM rue_shop3: point is, I have the headphone driver now
09:36 PM rue_shop3: goes up to the whole 1w the headphones can take
09:36 PM rue_shop3: my margins worked out
09:37 PM rue_shop3: used a white led for a power light
09:37 PM dumbass_: what's the headphone impedance?
09:37 PM furrywolf: bah, freenode won't let me register hugserv. I'm guessing they have *serv banned.
09:37 PM rue_shop3: 430k resistor
09:37 PM rue_shop3: kat, according to the datasheet I found, 24 ohms
09:37 PM furrywolf: build an amp for my headphones. :)
09:38 PM dumbass_: [09:39:pm] dumbserv Erroneous Nickname
09:38 PM rue_shop3: I could give you my plans
09:38 PM rue_shop3: its 3 3d prints, and two LM386
09:38 PM furrywolf: my headphones need >50V p-p.
09:38 PM rue_shop3: electrostatic?
09:38 PM furrywolf: yep
09:38 PM rue_shop3: cool
09:38 PM rue_shop3: DONT CHEW THE CORD
09:38 PM * dumbass_ throws TDA7294 around the room
09:39 PM furrywolf: it's stepped up to a couple kV by two big transformers in the driver box
09:39 PM rue_shop3: kat, I didn't want to use the LM386, its output swing is horrid, I didn't want to use a 9V battery
09:39 PM dumbass_: sounds like the electrostatics RS sold ~ 1970
09:39 PM rue_shop3: furrywolf, use a cathode driver from a CRT monitor
09:39 PM furrywolf: these are audio-technica's from the '80s
09:40 PM rue_shop3: they respond clear to about 200Mhz
09:40 PM dumbass_: the one by RS made my Sansui oscillate at high volume
09:40 PM furrywolf: they use an electret diaphragm, and a high-voltage audio signal.
09:40 PM furrywolf: rue_shop3: I don't actually need an amp for them... they connect to the speaker output of a normal amp.
09:41 PM rue_shop3: and the little 3W class D amps I got from china dont operate with a common, so I cant use them for headphones
09:41 PM * dumbass_ takes back the TDA7294 from rue and puts them into the trash
09:41 PM furrywolf: rue_shop3: the driver box has a speaker/phones switch on the phone, which either runs the headhones (through the big step-up transformers) or bypasses it to speaker connectors on the back.
09:43 PM rue_shop3: kat, I'm still looking up the datasheet!
09:43 PM furrywolf: I don't actually like them that much... electrostatics seem to be poorly suited for the type of music I listen to.
09:43 PM rue_shop3: oof, 100W
09:43 PM furrywolf: even with "upgrading" the protection polyfuses in them, I still can't force much bass out of them. heh.
09:44 PM Tom_L: ok rue_shop3
09:44 PM rue_shop3: so, +-10V min for power..
09:44 PM dumbass_: they cannot push 100w into headphones with +/- 12v supply, and ouptup limiting resitance network
09:44 PM rue_shop3: definitly not a unit for driving headphones :)
09:45 PM dumbass_: why not? small, plenty of power, and good distorton specs, few parts
09:45 PM rue_shop3: the lm386 was an ok fit that way, the peak from the headphones is 1000mW
09:45 PM dumbass_: that they CAN make power, doesn;t mean you MUST make power
09:45 PM rue_shop3: kat, I didn't want to have to use _1_ 9V battery
09:46 PM rue_shop3: I wanted to use a li-ion battery
09:46 PM rue_shop3: but I dont have any low voltage power amps in stock
09:46 PM rue_shop3: and the objective was to use the headphone amp, not make it
09:46 PM dumbass_: sorry rue, i'm a dumbass, i';ll toss all the chips i have later tonite
09:46 PM rue_shop3: kat your being odd
09:46 PM rue_shop3: I should show you this
09:46 PM rue_shop3: its a portable headphone amp box
09:46 PM rue_shop3: smaller than a walkman ;)
09:47 PM dumbass_: well, everything i say is WRONG
09:47 PM rue_shop3: kat
09:47 PM * furrywolf sees kat's TDA7294, and raises her an apex pa03.
09:47 PM rue_shop3: objectives, I'm not going for a 100W amp that needs a lot of battery
09:47 PM dumbass_: apex cost $$
09:48 PM dumbass_: rue, so simply don;t drive 2 ohm loads with it, and don;t feed it +/- 50v
09:48 PM Tom_L: rue_shop3, http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/encoder/encoder1.jpg
09:48 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/rue/encoder/encoder2.jpg
09:48 PM furrywolf: that they do.
09:48 PM rue_: wow geez tom
09:49 PM Tom_L: the tab needs filed off
09:49 PM rue_: nice
09:49 PM Tom_L: that's what holds it while milling the last bit
09:49 PM dumbass_: rue, i had a 289 that could get 25mpg or 4 gpm, really depended on how i ran it
09:49 PM rue_: I'm sure I see lash tho
09:49 PM furrywolf: how about an stk4050?
09:49 PM Tom_L: and i didn't debur them
09:49 PM rue_: I have a vibration finisher now :)
09:50 PM furrywolf: one of these days I want to build a _big_ power amp, just to say I did... I have a dozen 600V, 400A darlingtons in storage...
09:50 PM * furrywolf has several vibration "finishers" too
09:50 PM furrywolf: http://fw.bushytails.net/transistor.jpg I could build a really nice amp with a few of those. :)
09:51 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/finisher/p1100378.jpg
09:51 PM rue_: did you see it?
09:51 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/finisher/p1100379.jpg
09:51 PM Tom_L: yeah
09:51 PM dumbass_: use 100 tip10x on each leg of a H-bridge running +/- 40v ,, 2 rack router psus, swing 80v @ 200amps to the spkrs
09:51 PM rue_: kat ---> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1100662.jpg
09:52 PM zhanx: rue_, that is not the type of finisher furrywolf was talking about
09:52 PM Tom_L: do you think the 'disk' part is too thick?
09:52 PM rue_: Tom_L, no, it looks fine,
09:52 PM Tom_L: it's .062 approx
09:52 PM dumbass_: but wtf do i know
09:52 PM rue_: if you feel like it see how thin you can get it tho!
09:52 PM furrywolf: the weak point on the transistors I have is they're only 1500W dissipation... I might need to do some rail switching to make full use of them.
09:52 PM Tom_L: it's not hard
09:53 PM rue_: kat what do you think of it?
09:53 PM furrywolf: or use some of them as a switching tracker before the AB output stage.
09:53 PM Tom_L: i won't run anymore tonight, just wanted to prove the program
09:53 PM dumbass_: how will you remove 1500 w from such a small space?
09:53 PM dumbass_: rue, lotta jacks on it
09:53 PM furrywolf: or just build a class D amp, which is what they were meant for.
09:54 PM Tom_L: i'll go for maybe .050" and see what happens
09:54 PM rue_: kat signal in, headphones out, power led, power switch, volume knob (I didn't have a combined power/volume, and I decided to forgo the balance control
09:55 PM rue_: matter-a-fact I didn't even have a small stereo volume pot :(
09:55 PM furrywolf: all I know is that with 600V, 400A transistors, I should be able to melt any speaker ever made. :)
09:55 PM rue_: I had to use one of those 24mm ones
09:56 PM rue_: Tom_L, so what feed rate were the slots?
09:56 PM Tom_L: 4k rpm 6 ipm
09:56 PM Tom_L: .062 cutter
09:56 PM rue_: oo thats fast
09:56 PM rue_: 152mm/min
09:56 PM rue_: I use 200mm/min as 'fast'
09:57 PM Tom_L: the other was .125" cutter 4k rpm 6.5 ipm
09:57 PM rue_: oh what pass depth
09:57 PM Tom_L: wasn't sure where to put the .062 one but it did fine
09:57 PM rue_: looks like you have 4 passes on the slots
09:57 PM dumbass_: furry, you can get the TIP10x for $15/100 ($60 for 400), and solve the power per area issue, and not need high voltage, and get the two 40v200amp psu off ebay for $50
09:57 PM Tom_L: .062 depth on both
09:57 PM Tom_L: the little cutter was one pass
09:57 PM dumbass_: this is where you tell me how wrong i am
09:58 PM Tom_L: it pulls a little but should be ok. like i said, i just did a single line, not a profile of the slot
09:58 PM rue_: I see it pulled
09:58 PM Tom_L: plunge
09:58 PM rue_: thats why I said lash
09:58 PM Tom_L: but i figured it would
09:58 PM rue_: huh
09:58 PM Tom_L: no i don't think it was that
09:59 PM Tom_L: i expected it would do that
09:59 PM Tom_L: but they should all be the same or real close so it shouldn't matter
09:59 PM rue_: hmm 1/16"
09:59 PM Tom_L: yeah
09:59 PM dumbass_: **Lot of 2** CISCO WS-CAC-6000W AC Power Supply 341-0092-03 6000 Watt 6509-E JWA
09:59 PM dumbass_: ( 390868132989 )
09:59 PM dumbass_: Add note
09:59 PM dumbass_: ITEM PRICE:
09:59 PM dumbass_: US $50.00
09:59 PM rue_: zippo:/files/graphics/pictures/2018/temp# fraction 0.062
09:59 PM rue_: Best Match for 0.062000, is 1/16 (0.062500)
09:59 PM rue_: Error is -0.000500
09:59 PM Tom_L: .0625 i rounded
10:01 PM dumbass_: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=WS-CAC-6000&_sacat=0
10:01 PM rue_: 1.57mm
10:01 PM rue_: Tom_L, have a 1mm bit?
10:01 PM Tom_L: no
10:02 PM Tom_L: i have 1/32
10:02 PM dumbass_: 42v @ 137 amps
10:02 PM Tom_L: .0325 or something like that
10:02 PM rue_: "Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at tpc.googlesyndication.com" <-- huh imagine that, must be something with my DNS records! }:]
10:02 PM dumbass_: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/BOgAAOSwzJ5XbEEl/s-l1600.jpg
10:02 PM Tom_L: i was afraid to try it
10:02 PM furrywolf: that's a lot of amps for not a lot of money
10:03 PM dumbass_: use 2 for +/- 40 into an H-bridge
10:03 PM dumbass_: your spkr will see +/- 80v at 130amps
10:03 PM rue_: I wonder if the output is floating?
10:03 PM dumbass_: i don;t remember
10:04 PM dumbass_: can always float it, one way or another
10:04 PM furrywolf: think they can easily be modded to 32V?
10:04 PM rue_: I ungrounded a few supplies once to make a Q&D 48V supply
10:04 PM rue_: they just had one little cuttable trace between - and frame
10:04 PM dumbass_: +42v@137a;+12v@12a;+3.3v@25a
10:04 PM furrywolf: I'm tempted to adjust one to 32V and use it as a battery charger for 24V banks. :)
10:04 PM rue_: kat well, is the headphone amp cute?
10:05 PM dumbass_: rue, yeas
10:05 PM furrywolf: I guess that would depend on it current limiting rather than folding over, shutting down, or melting, though...
10:05 PM rue_: in this modern day we live in, I was frustracted it had to be so big, I' was sure I should have some 3V headphone amps around
10:05 PM dumbass_: furry, they do adjust, i dunno the range
10:06 PM rue_: ok, I'm going to live for another 1.75 hrs
10:06 PM rue_: hmm, what to do...
10:06 PM furrywolf: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Cisco-WS-CAC-6000W-AC-Power-Supply-341-0092-03-6000-Watt-6509-E-HSS/232782192893 $30 with free shipping.... probably costs that to ship. lol
10:06 PM * dumbass_ wonders if Tom does https://www.ebay.com/itm/322366624102
10:06 PM Tom_L: i thinned it to .050 and will try it maybe tomorrow. i might try .030 once and see
10:07 PM dumbass_: furry, there's some good deals on the 24v psu too
10:07 PM zhanx: Tom_L, what are you making?
10:07 PM furrywolf: it's usually easier to adjust a supply down than up...
10:07 PM rue_: picked a bucket of potatoes from the garden
10:07 PM Tom_L: kat, i couldn't make that
10:07 PM Tom_L: zhanx top secret canadian military parts
10:07 PM furrywolf: that is, a 42V suply at 32V is likely to be happier than a 24V supply at 32V.
10:07 PM zhanx: so frisbees?
10:07 PM dumbass_: i didn;t mean that, i mean i have used him before for something else, and need anotehr thing made
10:08 PM Tom_L: about the size of a nickel
10:08 PM Tom_L: rue tried printing some encoders so i tried milling some
10:08 PM dumbass_: furry, i'd offer to look up p[arts number of 36v psu, but i'm a dumbass
10:08 PM rue_: are they allowed to make listings liek that on ebay?
10:08 PM zhanx: Tom_L, just don't charge Canada too much their army is broke still
10:09 PM furrywolf: my current charger can put out 160A @ 28V. drops down to around 150A at 32V.
10:09 PM rue_: zhanx, dude, the canadian military has water guns too, geez.
10:09 PM dumbass_: 150a is too little?
10:09 PM zhanx: rue_, yep and they are back to issuing cotton for cold weather gear...
10:09 PM rue_: and we can go over the border and buy tanks from wallmart if we feel like it.
10:10 PM zhanx: Well you can buy anything in russia rue_
10:10 PM rue_: Tom_L, did you see the snowflakes I cut out of cd's on the sherline?
10:10 PM furrywolf: I have 2500Ah of batteries right now...
10:10 PM rue_: if you want a challange, try it!
10:10 PM Tom_L: i think so
10:10 PM Tom_L: that crap is brittle
10:11 PM Tom_L: these might be a little tight... i went with 5mm with no tolerance
10:11 PM Tom_L: you can ream em if you need to
10:12 PM furrywolf: mostly, it'd be so I could charge off a crappy generator if I had to.
10:12 PM dumbass_: or arc welder if you put a regulator on it
10:12 PM furrywolf: I can't actually equalize all my batteries at once with my charge current limit... have to equalize them in banks.
10:12 PM furrywolf: heh, my welder-generator will do 225A at 32V... that's not a bad idea. :)
10:13 PM * dumbass_ faints
10:13 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/objects/snowflake.dxf
10:13 PM rue_: ^^ layer 1
10:13 PM rue_: but there was another one...
10:14 PM furrywolf: actually, range on the CV mode is only up to 28V, but it probably goes up a bit past that.
10:14 PM zhanx: rue_, loves snow so much he makes it out a material that is brittle
10:15 PM Tom_L: should have tried ice
10:15 PM rue_: oh yea!
10:15 PM rue_: Tom_L,
10:15 PM zhanx: Tom_L, rue_ can't do ice he gets side tracked worse than me if that is possible
10:15 PM furrywolf: I should remember that next time I need to fast-charge my batteries... make a tweco 2 to anderson adapter so I can plug the welder into the dc panel.
10:16 PM rue_: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/objects/snowflake3.dxf
10:16 PM dumbass_: Sony APS-122 is 42v 27amp and a few more
10:16 PM rue_: ^^ Tom_L thats the challanging one!
10:16 PM furrywolf: now, if only the welder actually fucking RAN... I couldn't get it started last time I needed to use it.
10:16 PM rue_: furrywolf, cmon dude, its just an engine
10:17 PM rue_: fuel, compression, ignition.
10:17 PM Tom_L: furrywolf put pedals on it
10:17 PM furrywolf: rue_: yes, and it's just an engine that needs me to pull off the heads and figure out what's wrong with the exhaust valves.
10:17 PM rue_: their not sealing?
10:17 PM furrywolf: no
10:17 PM dumbass_: Cisco N7K-AC-6.0KW is 50v @ 120amp
10:18 PM rue_: ah, well, I usually give up and move on if the engine dosn't actually have any compression
10:18 PM zhanx: run ethanol in it that will seal them
10:18 PM dumbass_: Sony APS-172 is 50v @ 28amp
10:18 PM furrywolf: it's always been a total bitch to start (5+ minutes of cranking with starting fluid), and last time it wouldn't start at all. when diagnosing it, I felt the exhaust pipe, and it sucks in just as much as it pumps out.
10:18 PM rue_: ? how doe that work?
10:18 PM rue_: furrywolf, is the head hard to get off?
10:19 PM zhanx: it gums up the engine
10:19 PM furrywolf: that is, on what should be the power stroke, you can feel it suck your hand tight against the exhaust pipe.
10:19 PM rue_: some heads are a lot of work to get off
10:19 PM rue_: some are easy
10:19 PM furrywolf: it has two heads, and they're not too bad, but a lot of cowling has to come off, and then the intake and governor and such.
10:19 PM rue_: oo two heads,
10:19 PM rue_: wish I head two heads
10:20 PM rue_: tho that might cause me to get less done...
10:20 PM zhanx: 2 heads 1 mouth?
10:21 PM dumbass_: i dunno if the 50v ones will adjust upto 55v, but i imagine they will, for charguing 48v packs
10:22 PM furrywolf: got to go higher than that... absorb on a 48v flooded pack is likely to be 57.6v, equalize 60-62v.
10:23 PM dumbass_: for a short while Emerson DS760SL were cheap by the crate, 12v @ 60amp and 5v @ 2amp
10:23 PM dumbass_: 14v x 4 = 56v , why go way over that?
10:24 PM furrywolf: normal charge is 14.4v-14.5v, and you usually go higher to minimize generator runtime on off-grid systems... and every few months you need to do an equalize, which is 15.5v...
10:25 PM dumbass_: i am talking a set charge-to voltage, not battery maintenance, if you need 65v every 6 mo, switch in anotehr 12v
10:25 PM dumbass_: or 5v, or 6v
10:25 PM * dumbass_ shrugs
10:26 PM furrywolf: somewhere in storage I have a 13V supply I made by duct taping two 5V supplies together, with the remote sense leads having resistors pulling them to the opposite supply.
10:26 PM dumbass_: i dunno of any cheap 60v psu
10:26 PM dumbass_: i know of cheap 50v supplies
10:27 PM furrywolf: I made a cheap 65V supply for my cnc mill... transformer + bridge + big cap. lol
10:28 PM furrywolf: and some big 75V zeners... the stepper drives dump deceleration power back into the supply, and can push the rails up quite a bit when stopping the motors. (big heavy leadscrews)
10:29 PM dumbass_: get a 240v to 120v isolation transformer, run it on 120 in, get 60 out, 60vrms is 84v peak
10:29 PM furrywolf: I only have a 24V battery system... much more options.
10:30 PM dumbass_: for a while, 1500w isolation xfmrs were like $15 + s&h
10:31 PM furrywolf: currently I have 40 golf cart batteries and 4 L16s, and some assorted random batteries for backup.
10:31 PM dumbass_: i thought you had a couple pallets of edison cells
10:31 PM furrywolf: I have one pallet of russian NiFe, but they're not functional.
10:31 PM dumbass_: o
10:31 PM furrywolf: need an electrolyte change
10:32 PM furrywolf: which I've learned costs more than just buying lead-acid.
10:32 PM rue_shop3: yea, wehre is my teamug?
10:32 PM dumbass_: what's a team ug ?
10:33 PM * furrywolf throws a pillow at kat
10:33 PM * dumbass_ ducks at it
10:34 PM furrywolf: heh, I now have throw pillows on my sofa... got them a few months ago. I've never had throw pillows before.
10:34 PM rue_: cat ducks a pillow
10:34 PM rue_: hmm
10:34 PM rue_: cat duck, pillow...
10:34 PM dumbass_: Pelican eats pigeon - Imgur.gif
10:34 PM rue_: ok, I need some help, this week,everyone keep asking me how the force feedback code is going
10:35 PM dumbass_: how the force feedback code is going, rue?
10:35 PM dumbass_: i hope that was as helpful for you as for me
10:35 PM furrywolf: mostly because I decided to leave my liberator heart wedge on the sofa, since it looks just like a nice red velvet pillow, but decided I should get a couple other pillows to disguise it.
10:36 PM rue_: furrywolf, ok, not going to ask
10:37 PM furrywolf: https://media.aswechange.com/images/a348175_4_lg.jpg it's a pillow
10:37 PM * dumbass_ secretly mods a you know what to be a surprise 2 quart you know what
10:38 PM furrywolf: a very expensive pillow, but a pillow.
10:38 PM dumbass_: <coff>
10:39 PM furrywolf: hrmm...
10:39 PM * dumbass_ has dl'd 2.5 GB from a United Nations dept so far today
10:40 PM * furrywolf gladly accepts the 2qt slow cooker, and makes a stew
10:40 PM * dumbass_ shudders
10:41 PM furrywolf: I've never actually used a slow cooker, but it seems everyone is always giving them as surprise gifts. :)
10:42 PM dumbass_: Tom, i am thinking of a round block of steel with ~1.25 hole thru it, and indentations milled into the circumference
10:42 PM dumbass_: i could simulate it by stacking 1/4 thick plates, but it will be lots less strong
10:43 PM dumbass_: and i still canot drill that big of a hole
10:43 PM dumbass_: furry, those favorite lesbians would be giving it to you
10:44 PM dumbass_: and, it would need to go on an existing 1.25 (?) shaft between two plates already mounted, clamshell type
10:45 PM rue_: oh damnit, I was supposed to ask a guy for a round block of steel today
10:45 PM * furrywolf has a distinct lack of favorite lesbians
10:45 PM rue_: ok, force feedback code
10:45 PM rue_: and .... oh yea, I need to redo that encoder disk I made
10:46 PM * dumbass_ has a distinct lack of favorite humans at all
10:46 PM rue_: :( I always hoped you just assumed I was human
10:48 PM rue_: did I bend my elbow the wrong way again or something?
10:48 PM dumbass_: no, you rejected well thought-out irc procedures
10:48 PM dumbass_: <shrug>
10:48 PM rue_: but what I want is borderline works
10:49 PM rue_: I COULD just use acidblood (tobbor)
10:49 PM rue_: but 22 instances of that would be... heavy
10:49 PM dumbass_: pings gives you data back as well, which PRVTMSG doesn;t
10:49 PM rue_: and less easy to bang off in a shell script
10:49 PM * dumbass_ shuts up
10:50 PM rue_: but, apparently (unless I get banned on traffic) I dont need to answer pings...
10:50 PM furrywolf: rue_: part of designing software is picking the right platform. :P
10:51 PM rue_: for( i = 0; i < 22; i++) forkIRCBot(i);
10:51 PM dumbass_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra_(metaphor)
10:51 PM dumbass_: if you DO answer YOUR OWN pings, you get lag data and don;t flood the channel
10:52 PM rue_: I'm not saying your wrong
10:52 PM rue_: wait, tahts somethingnew
10:52 PM rue_: if I ping me, do I ahve to answer?
10:52 PM furrywolf: no.
10:53 PM rue_: and that will be traffic that keeps my from being bumped off the server?
10:53 PM furrywolf: yes
10:53 PM dumbass_: yeas
10:53 PM rue_: you didn't say that before, did you?
10:53 PM dumbass_: but if you DO answer, you get lag data, but you do not NEED to otehrwise
10:53 PM rue_: how do I raw-level a ping?
10:54 PM dumbass_: i dunno, i am a dumbass, i only sent you the code to do so
10:54 PM rue_: I dont need lag data, I need the bot to not get bumped off the server accept when freenode crashes
10:55 PM rue_: furrywolf, if I put bash code in (--code here--)& will it be forked off?
10:55 PM Tom_L: [Tom_L PING]
10:55 PM Tom_L: -
10:55 PM Tom_L: [Tom_L PING reply]: 0secs
10:55 PM * dumbass_ looks at Tom
10:55 PM * dumbass_ wonders if Tom scrolls up
10:55 PM Tom_L: no, i've been busy
10:55 PM dumbass_: k
10:55 PM furrywolf: Tom_L: your client doesn't do ms? your client sucks. :P
10:55 PM furrywolf: ��� CTCP PING reply from Tom_L: 0.444 seconds
10:56 PM dumbass_: irc is slow, i don;t botehr with ms
10:56 PM rue_: furrywolf, ?
10:56 PM Tom_L: well it probably does but it communicates with the likes of you
10:56 PM dumbass_: ms timers eat more cpu too
10:57 PM furrywolf: rue_shop4: yes, but managing multiple processes in bash gets annoying
10:57 PM furrywolf: kat: it doesn't use timers... it sends the time, with microseconds, in the ping, and then just subtracts that from the current time when it gets it back.
10:58 PM dumbass_: rue, one well written irc bot can connect to a whole list of servers, and it's trivial for as little as you seem to wanna do
10:58 PM furrywolf: e.g. :furrywolf!~furrywolf@ PRIVMSG testwolfy :PING 1536033448 45041
10:58 PM dumbass_: furry, i fucking know
10:58 PM Tom_L: oh, kat... the mill doesn't do steel very well
10:58 PM dumbass_: Tom, k
10:59 PM Tom_L: i tried a little and decided not to push it there
10:59 PM zhanx: lots of anger tonight.
10:59 PM dumbass_: the idea was a small link chain wrapped around what is normally a cable hoist drum
10:59 PM rue_: furrywolf, I dont want to manage them, just spawn them
11:00 PM zhanx: rue_, did you research the laws you are breaking?
11:00 PM zhanx: if you use them
11:00 PM rue_: I'm not flooiding with them
11:00 PM dumbass_: winch is ~ 2000lb/inch of torque, the chain is thicker and 750 lbs rated , so the added diameter of the chain vs cable is fine
11:00 PM rue_: I need ~22 nicks in a channel
11:01 PM Tom_L: i've been too busy to read everything tonight though
11:01 PM furrywolf: I got a nice(ish... it's "well loved") CM chain hoist at a yard sale a couple months ago... too bad I don't have anywhere to put it. :(
11:02 PM rue_: the docs just say ping server
11:02 PM dumbass_: zhanx, afaik, there's o written rule against one person linking one bot to each server in the net, and NOT using them to flood or annoy
11:02 PM * furrywolf wishes kat would change nicks
11:02 PM dumbass_: why? this is so appropriate when you feel the need to explain to me how a ping works
11:03 PM furrywolf: some clients do use timers... I thought you were talking about those when you said ms timers.
11:03 PM rue_: kat, do you notice I refuse to call you dumb every time you use that nick?
11:03 PM dumbass_: nope, my point was irc is dead slow compared to everything else, i don;t use ms *anything* for irc
11:04 PM rue_: I cant see how to ping a person
11:04 PM dumbass_: rue, you notice i never call you rue_ or rue_shop3 ?
11:04 PM furrywolf: also, I figured rue might learn something. :)
11:04 PM furrywolf: I was apparantly mistaken about that too. :P
11:04 PM rue_: I dont want to ear how to write an irc bot!
11:05 PM dumbass_: rue, pretty sure i emailed that to you a few days ago
11:05 PM rue_: just need soething thats stays in a channel
11:05 PM rue_: yes and no
11:05 PM dumbass_: do a werd serce fur ping
11:05 PM furrywolf: rue_shop4: to ping someone else, use privmsg nick :\x01PING <number or string of your choice>\x01
11:05 PM rue_: you wronte me how to look for a nd reply to pings
11:05 PM rue_: I dont need to reply to them
11:05 PM dumbass_: k
11:05 PM dumbass_: sorry
11:05 PM rue_: furrywolf, kat... so
11:06 PM furrywolf: but, if you're writing a bot that's talking to itself... you can send yourself whatever the hell you want. you don't need to follow the CTCP standard.
11:06 PM rue_: PING <server1> [<server2>]
11:06 PM rue_: does not need to be a server
11:06 PM furrywolf: that's a server ping, not a ctcp ping.
11:06 PM rue_: ooo, you mean msg myself
11:06 PM furrywolf: other than the name, they're entirely unrelated.
11:06 PM dumbass_: yea, you could talk to yourself
11:06 PM rue_: ctcp...
11:06 PM rue_: oh
11:06 PM furrywolf: the "ping" command is only used by a server. it's not used by clients.
11:06 PM Tom_L: i do that alot already
11:07 PM furrywolf: when your client pings someone, it's sending a CTCP ping, which is entirely different.
11:07 PM dumbass_: there's ctcp ping and server PING
11:07 PM rue_: I have 22 bots, they can talk to each other
11:07 PM furrywolf: CTCPs are privmsgs with \x01s around them. \x01TYPE STUFF\x01. to reply, you send a notice, in the same format. this is what is used between clients.
11:07 PM dumbass_: in my note to self : servername = "hobana.freenode.net:6667" -- does PING-PONG
11:08 PM rue_: client to client! thats what it stands for
11:08 PM rue_: yes, thansk kat
11:08 PM * Tom_L heads to bed
11:09 PM rue_: so I use
11:09 PM rue_: https://www.mirc.com/help/html/index.html?ctcp_events.html
11:09 PM dumbass_: that's 3 ways top not flood a channel, but exchage info tween the bots, or just make like you are not idling
11:10 PM rue_: so
11:10 PM furrywolf: PING is one of the standard CTCP types, and the other client will reply (using a NOTICE with \x01s) with the same data. Note that, like every time ever anywhere on anything, you should never trust the ctcp response to be what you expect it to be.
11:11 PM dumbass_: rue, look for procedure keepaliveping() -- this is an endless loop task, because that works
11:11 PM rue_: furrywolf, your one to speak, kats code filters for non-numberic pings :)
11:12 PM dumbass_: sending garbage to mirc was a favorite way to crash some versions,, so i default filter to numeric replies only
11:12 PM furrywolf: rue_: which is actually wrong... because for ctcp pings, many clients send non-numeric values (like mine, which is two numerics with a space between them), and for server pings, the data is a server name. :)
11:12 PM dumbass_: some servers do send hex valuse, which include A thru F
11:13 PM dumbass_: you will see that in the notes in the code i sent you , rue
11:13 PM furrywolf: the actual rfc standard server ping always has the server name (i.e. foo.freenode.org) as the argument, not numeric at all.
11:13 PM dumbass_: i STILL do not reply to ctcp ping with non-numerics
11:13 PM furrywolf: yeah, which breaks clients like mine that send non-numeric pings. lo
11:13 PM furrywolf: lol
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- PING :A70C82EE -- from the irc server you connected to
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- PONG :A70C82EE -- how you reply
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- some servers send PING and no value
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- some send no PING and just drop you for inactivity
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- some won't PING if they know you are active (1/2 the reason for keep-alive pings)
11:14 PM dumbass_: -- this is NOT the same as a ctcp ping.
11:14 PM dumbass_: <shrug> it WORKS
11:14 PM furrywolf: freenode follows the RFC, and sends the server name as the argument... i.e. PING :asimov.freenode.net
11:15 PM dumbass_: some ircd push you tot he bottom of a stack of activity, and eventually drop you if you stay there
11:16 PM dumbass_: i have not seen a freenode server PING in years
11:16 PM rue_: whois mann27534
11:16 PM rue_: ugh
11:16 PM rue_: ok, it identified, good
11:16 PM furrywolf: dumbass_: I get them every time I'm inactive.
11:16 PM dumbass_: i self-ping, so i am never nactive
11:17 PM rue_: ok, so what I have to do it build a ctcp self-ping
11:17 PM dumbass_: rue, you got 5 nicks on fromt eh same addy
11:17 PM furrywolf: oh, and on the ctcp note... rue: if you do send CTCPs, don't forget the trailing \x01. some clients will work without it, but some fail if you don't include it.
11:18 PM mann27534: Hello\?
11:18 PM rue_: yes, if it were a company and we were all employees, it would all be valid
11:18 PM dumbass_: yeas, or a "lan party"
11:18 PM furrywolf: rue_: if you want to actually send a ctcp ping to yourself, send privmsg <thebotsnick> :\x01PING <current unix time>\x01
11:19 PM rue_: does the identity have to change?
11:19 PM rue_: \x01PING 42\x01
11:19 PM dumbass_: not for me
11:19 PM dumbass_: furry, i sent rue the code, and examples, to ctcp ping
11:20 PM mann27534: Hello\?
11:20 PM furrywolf: kat: and he seems to be making excellent non-use of it. :)
11:20 PM dumbass_: sequence ctcp_magicbytes = {"
11:20 PM dumbass_: and more
11:21 PM dumbass_: send("PRIVMSG "&my_nick&" :
11:21 PM dumbass_: etc
11:21 PM rue_: I'm typing!
11:21 PM * dumbass_ looks at the strangeness in her status window
11:22 PM mann27534: Hello\?
11:22 PM rue_: privmsg <thebotsnick> :\x01PING <current unix time>\x01
11:22 PM dumbass_: try typing /raw in front of it
11:22 PM rue_: I'm crafting code...
11:23 PM dumbass_: bare code vs typing in a clinet works difefrently
11:23 PM furrywolf: as to why your code works even when it doesn't return the correct non-numeric string... freenode doesn't even look at the arguments to PONG. as long as it gets the PONG, it's happy, even if whatever is after it isn't the original string, or is blank.
11:23 PM furrywolf: replying to "PING :card.freenode.net" with simply "PONG" is enough to make freenode happy
11:23 PM rue_: privmsg <thebotsnick> :\x01PING 42\x01
11:24 PM furrywolf: yes, if you want to send an actual ctcp ping
11:24 PM rue_: I'm cRaFtInG
11:24 PM mann27534: Hello\?
11:24 PM furrywolf: you seem to be well on your way to crafting a spam bot...
11:25 PM rue_: the 22 bots are going to occupy 20 of my own channels
11:25 PM * furrywolf kills mann27534 for spamming the channel
11:25 PM rue_: the 20 channels will pick up the real spammers and I can get their ip's and stuff
11:25 PM dumbass_: if you cannot get the ctcp ping to work and you do not need lag data anyhow, just send a few chars to yourself, or to anotehr bot
11:26 PM dumbass_: to yourself will eat the least network bandwidth
11:27 PM rue_: the problem I have is that data about who the bot is needs to get into a place I dont have access to it from
11:27 PM rue_: ( cat $1 | while read op; do echo -e $op; sleep 5; done ; while true ; do sleep 128 ; echo -e 'privmsg #garfield :Hello?'; done ) | netcat irc.freenode.org 6667
11:27 PM rue_: that is the whole bot right now
11:27 PM furrywolf: on most other networks you could set yourself +k, but freenode's don't-let-the-users-know-anything policy means they of course disabled it
11:29 PM dumbass_: [11:30:pm] -> [ping] DUMMYSERV
11:29 PM dumbass_: -
11:29 PM dumbass_: [11:30:pm] ping No such nick/channel
11:29 PM dumbass_: [11:30:pm] -> [ping] PINGSERV
11:29 PM dumbass_: -
11:29 PM dumbass_: [11:30:pm] ping No such nick/channel
11:29 PM dumbass_: -
11:30 PM dumbass_: i dunno how much bandwidth that eats up, depends on hos smart the server is
11:30 PM furrywolf: the server shouldn't propogate anything to an unknown nick anywhere
11:30 PM dumbass_: i agree
11:34 PM rue_: ok, what if all the bots ctcp ping one of the bots
11:34 PM rue_: and it pings itself
11:34 PM dumbass_: one way i used my httpd was to know my tor exit ip, and i used several puter to have several ip, to data mine a site that limited each ip to 3 data req per day, then each puter simply changed tor connections till it got a new unique ip, and did it again
11:34 PM zhanx: Ok, I am off i need to write on the windows and make a whiteboard
11:35 PM dumbass_: pinging across the net is network traffic, which i was trying to avoimd for your 20 bots
11:35 PM rue_: privmsg <thebotsnick> :\x01PING 42\x01
11:35 PM rue_: it has to hit the server either way
11:35 PM dumbass_: yeas, but it can stay n the one server it's connected to if done right
11:35 PM rue_: I'm not so sure freenode cares
11:35 PM rue_: they all connect tot eh same server
11:35 PM dumbass_: i dunno
11:36 PM rue_: hmm
11:36 PM dumbass_: er,, the same server? might cause an issue
11:36 PM rue_: ok, if I get banned, you back me up by telling them I did soemthing stupid, ok?
11:36 PM dumbass_: ok
11:36 PM dumbass_: how will i know?
11:36 PM rue_: well, gee there are always 4 or 5 of me on irc, if they all go poof either the power went out or I got an IP ban
11:37 PM dumbass_: i slap the table, the laptop wakes up asna asks wtf?
11:37 PM furrywolf: why do you need so many connections?
11:37 PM * dumbass_ nods
11:37 PM rue_: furrywolf, I need to attract the spam bots
11:37 PM dumbass_: he wants 20 nick in a channel
11:37 PM furrywolf: each connection can be in up to 120 channels...
11:38 PM rue_: NOBODY will go idle in a channel for me to attract them
11:38 PM dumbass_: he thinks they can smell out 20 nicks without a whois on this net
11:38 PM furrywolf: just have one connection and join a bunch of popular channels. :)
11:38 PM rue_: 22 across 20 channels
11:38 PM furrywolf: list, probably.
11:38 PM * dumbass_ nods
11:38 PM rue_: it tkaes somwerhe between 7 and 22 people in a channel to attrack the spam bots
11:39 PM dumbass_: how do the bots know the nicks are idle unles they already join and check each nick?
11:40 PM dumbass_: if they are whoising each nick to get idle time, no wonder the command is rate limited
11:40 PM dumbass_: btw, talking to yourself isn;t looking idle
11:40 PM rue_: I'm not spamming, I'm just making a honeypot
11:40 PM * dumbass_ didn;t say you are spamming
11:41 PM rue_: I think its borderline, but I dont think I'm adding any load they care about
11:42 PM furrywolf: I can't imagine the bots check for idle nicks
11:42 PM furrywolf: or care
11:42 PM dumbass_: ditto
11:42 PM rue_: no, they are looking for channels with more than 7 users
11:42 PM rue_: mroe than 9, this channel has still never been spammed
11:43 PM rue_: can join have a channel list?
11:43 PM furrywolf: yes
11:43 PM zhanx: fyi home-automation has 13-19 users on average never gets spammed
11:43 PM furrywolf: you can join up to 120 channels on freenode. you'll need a few lines to do that, due to the line length limit.
11:44 PM rue_: I only have 20 channels
11:44 PM furrywolf: ##furry has 25 and gets spammed frequently
11:44 PM furrywolf: (smallest channel I'm in, other than this one)
11:44 PM rue_: I know 22+ does
11:45 PM dumbass_: i dunno about ALL BOTS, but those that cause trouble on sorcerynet once joined the channels in the order that /list sent them, not alphabeticlaly organised like most irc clients present them
11:45 PM zhanx: so the magic number is 20-22?
11:45 PM furrywolf: however, that's assuming the bots actually do a /list each time they connect... and don't have a master /list generated at some time in the past, to avoid the bandwidth, sendq exceededs, and bannability of doing a /list repeatedly.
11:45 PM rue_: join ##abalastphus ##betacarotine ##charlieplex ##lamebots
11:45 PM rue_: ARG
11:45 PM dumbass_: well, one bot will doa list, and then all the bots feed off that list
11:46 PM furrywolf: but, I mean, the list could have been made once, at the start of the spam campaign.
11:46 PM rue_: dont think so
11:46 PM furrywolf: and a new channel since then, even if it has the right number of users, might never get spammed.
11:46 PM rue_: but this will help prove it
11:47 PM zhanx: it would make sense to pull a channel list once ever 6 monts
11:47 PM rue_: how do I deliminate the channels to join?
11:47 PM furrywolf: by reading rfc1459
11:47 PM dumbass_: 6 months? i;d do it at least every day
11:47 PM furrywolf: or rfc2812
11:47 PM dumbass_: deliminate them? what's that?
11:47 PM zhanx: kat, its a bot net, so new changes can be slow
11:48 PM rue_: kat, that channel list didn't work
11:48 PM rue_: it only joined the first channel
11:48 PM furrywolf: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812#section-3.2.1
11:48 PM dumbass_: rue, what your code does isn;t my fault
11:48 PM zhanx: man i turned rue on a rabbit hole
11:49 PM dumbass_: zhanx, i have written soms damned fine bot code, change can be one sec across them all
11:49 PM zhanx: k
11:49 PM furrywolf: just because you can write damn fined code doesn't mean your average spammer can. :)
11:50 PM rue_: ok, I'm getting results
11:50 PM zhanx: furrywolf, I think these are paid not average
11:50 PM * furrywolf curls up next to kat for bedtime
11:50 PM dumbass_: true, but don;t most get c&c from ne channel they all get it at once, in under the 1 sec lag of irc?
11:51 PM furrywolf: rue_shop4: did you look at the link I just pasted?
11:51 PM dumbass_: heck, Tiggr cold write a custom http page and have it hot online in under 2 secs, depending on how big it had to be
11:52 PM rue_: yea I got it, comma, NO spces, thanks
11:53 PM furrywolf: the rfc is somewhat confusingly worded in places, but it tends to give useful examples for most commands... and, as such, you should check it when you have questions. :)
11:53 PM dumbass_: and that, denizens of irc, is the boilerplate cover-thy-ass
11:54 PM furrywolf: no, that's the boilerplate "you really shouldn't be asking questions that have answers given as examples in the relevant RFC." :)
11:54 PM * furrywolf curls back up for bedtime
11:55 PM dumbass_: close enough
11:55 PM dumbass_: i didn;t find the rfcs to be all that helpful, they did say what was available
11:55 PM dumbass_: luckily, mirc <coff> has a /debug mode that dumps most of the bare traffic to a file
11:56 PM furrywolf: how about "don't ask questions which you could find the answer for yourself quicker than asking other people"?
11:56 PM furrywolf: but, sleep! bbl
11:56 PM dumbass_: it obviously gives tyou no clue what numeric 127 is, but the rfc did
11:57 PM dumbass_: i just referenced more than the frc
11:57 PM dumbass_: rfc
11:57 PM dumbass_: i sent rue a copy of the numerics
11:57 PM rue_: ok I have one bot working
11:57 PM rue_: I just need to write config for the toehr 21 and then make a spawner program
11:59 PM dumbass_: raw 001= RPL_WELCOME ; ":Welcome to the $net IRC Network %s" ; Format : 001 :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network <nickname>
11:59 PM dumbass_: raw 002= RPL_YOURHOST ; ":Your host is %s, running version %s" ; Format : 002 :Your host is <server>, running version <ver>
11:59 PM dumbass_: raw 003= RPL_CREATED ; ":This server was created %s" ; Format : 003 :This server was created <datetime>
11:59 PM dumbass_: etc