#garfield Logs

Aug 11 2017

#garfield Calendar

12:03 AM rue_more: zoneminder?
12:05 AM rue_more: no, but I was thinking of setting up a video machine
12:05 AM rue_more: maybe I'll give it a try
06:19 PM zhanx: Tom_itx: it will take a decent pc but not a great one
06:20 PM zhanx: heck it runs on a pi never mind
06:23 PM rue_more: zhanx, does a kalman filter work by profiling the noise from a sensor and using it to exrapolate the position that would generate that spectrum of noise?
06:23 PM zhanx: on newer ones yes
06:24 PM rue_more: huh
06:24 PM zhanx: the older style i made was more of a search for the location and not as good as the ones they have today
06:24 PM rue_more: I just barely understnad those slam videos
06:25 PM zhanx: wish i had them back then
06:25 PM zhanx: would not have taken me 6 months to code it
06:26 PM zhanx: now i want to make another one
06:26 PM zhanx: better chips = more i can do with it
06:29 PM rue_more: the 2 new reprap heads arrived today, I'm starting to think I'm crazy
06:30 PM rue_more: today I'll get you that first part dxf
06:30 PM rue_more: its on my list
06:35 PM zhanx: k
08:27 PM zhanx: ok rue how far down your list is it?
08:37 PM Tom_itx: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/itx/EPIA-MII-top.jpg
08:38 PM Tom_itx: just wondered if that might be enough for it since i've got it and not using it
08:38 PM Tom_itx: EPIA MII 10000 ITX
08:56 PM zhanx: Tom_itx: according to the misplaces FAQ, ram is the biggest issue users have.
09:14 PM rue_bed: just after sleeping
09:27 PM Tom_itx: don't remember how much that thing has
09:29 PM zhanx: tom bigger is better on it
09:30 PM zhanx: i did try it once, said screw it did opencv and any change of picture alarm. it was faster, and i think they are based on it