#garfield Logs

Jul 08 2017

#garfield Calendar

04:47 PM zhanx: my toy is running again http://imgur.com/a/ufMS9
04:52 PM zhanx: i had to jack it up by the bumper today and i will fix it tomorrow
04:52 PM zhanx: vacuum leaks everywhere took a while to find them all and other minor stuff
05:07 PM rue_house: mmm
05:07 PM rue_house: ok I have to stay away from imugr
05:07 PM rue_house: that was like half an hour
09:16 PM Tom_itx: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ur9PKJGaCoo
09:36 PM rue_house: waaaay too corney for me
09:36 PM Tom_itx: i thought it was amazing how long they went
09:40 PM rue_house: yea, damn thats crazy
09:44 PM Tom_itx: <skunkworks> I just expanded my hardware raid - and vgdisplay doesn't show the new size (like doesn't show there being free pe)
09:44 PM Tom_itx: <skunkworks> so it seems like I need to somehow allocate the new space in sda to the lvm. Google hasn't helped me yet
09:44 PM Tom_itx: <skunkworks> ok pvdisplay shows the physical volume with free pe..
09:44 PM Tom_itx: <skunkworks> no - that isn't right. it is only showing about 644gb free.
10:02 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
11:15 PM Tom_L: he got it sorted out
11:27 PM Tom_L: 24TB volume
11:27 PM Tom_L: 11TB used