#garfield Logs

Feb 28 2017

#garfield Calendar

12:28 AM jym: rue_house: Made a vertical barrel stove using 3" intake and 3" exhaust (it's what I had). did GREAT at first, then kinda "smoldered" down, evne though there was unburnt wood
12:48 AM rue_house: you definitly want a larger exhaust
07:58 AM jym: rue_house: Sure, I get that. But using 1/5" pieces to get the fire started, I got a smoke free stack in 7 minutes. It's when it was down to the piece of cord wood that it had problems. But I was able to get my hand within 1/4" of the stove pipe (which is really meant for a pellete stove) and leave it there no problem.
07:59 AM jym: rue_house: So maybe it's just a matter of smaller fuel (burns faster/quicker), or perhaps trying to install a reburner and baffle.
08:00 AM jym: 1.5" pieces*
08:02 AM jym: I was also thinking about wood chips instead of cord wood. Most landscaper/tree companies have to pay to get rid of that, I could get it for free, though not sure exactly how to burn them, maybe a basket of sorts.
08:03 AM jym: and of course would have to season for a year, though since it is chips that should go quickly.
09:00 AM Jymmm: rue_bed2: Heh... http://thehomesteadingboards.com/24-diy-wood-stoves/
09:25 AM rue_house: you want room heating tho
09:26 AM rue_house: aluminum will not catch fire, duh, but it will melt
09:27 AM Jymmm: The CURRENT 3" dbl wall pellet stove pipe is not aluminum.
09:27 AM Jymmm: What I had on the rocket stove was aluminum
04:11 PM rue_shop3: I wonder if the seal in a hydraulic cylinder can fail one-way
04:11 PM rue_shop3: aka, holds in one dir, leaks in the other
04:57 PM Tom_L: it's possible
05:43 PM Jymmm: check valve?
06:04 PM Jymmm: rue_bed2: I'm trying to figure out that whole reburner thing. just a pipe that one end brings in fresh air, heated by the coals, then blows down just above the flames? Is it THAT simple? Am I missing something? I think if I do this, the smoke would be eliminated allow it not to smolder itself out so quickly.
07:24 PM zhanx: rue_shop3: got instructions or picture of a solder pot?
07:28 PM Tom_L: it's literally a pot
07:29 PM zhanx: lol
07:29 PM zhanx: thanks Tom_L
07:30 PM Tom_L: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Aven-150-Watt-Lead-Free-Solder-Pot-17100-150/206750627?cm_mmc=Shopping%7cG%7cBase%7cPLA%7cD25T%7cTools&gclid=CJu7u7WNtNICFQWPaQodVk4DUg&gclsrc=aw.ds
07:30 PM Tom_L: why do you need a solder pot?
07:30 PM Tom_L: you likely need to glue the components to the board first
07:30 PM zhanx: i got a ton of wires for this garden project to tin
07:30 PM Tom_L: oh
07:30 PM Tom_L: that's different
07:31 PM Tom_L: that would work for that
07:31 PM Tom_L: you need paste too
07:31 PM zhanx: yea and thats cheap, solder paste?
07:31 PM Tom_L: rosin
07:31 PM zhanx: oh got that
07:32 PM Tom_L: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dip_soldering
07:32 PM zhanx: might have to grab that guy
07:33 PM Tom_L: https://www.hakko.com/english/products/hakko_fx300.html
07:33 PM Tom_L: lead or lead free?
07:34 PM zhanx: i just figured rue would have a cheapo way to do it, and lead free
07:35 PM zhanx: i was thinking copper cap silver soldered to a plate of copper and use the stove to heat it
07:35 PM zhanx: then flux, dip etc
07:37 PM Tom_L: http://www.gotopac.com/products/solder-rework/soldering-consumables/bar-solder.html
07:37 PM Tom_L: bar solder
07:37 PM zhanx: at that price no thanks
07:38 PM zhanx: i dont need to solder the space shuttle
07:38 PM Tom_L: you need to fill the pot though
07:39 PM zhanx: i got like 2 pounds of solder on rolls still, hence why i wanted little pot, not monster pot
07:39 PM Tom_L: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kester-04-6337-0050-SN63-PB37-ULTRA-PURE-BAR-SOLDER-1-66-LB-BAR-/272299957738?hash=item3f66579dea:g:VmkAAOSwImRYmfO2
07:40 PM zhanx: that i can do
07:41 PM Tom_L: i don't think that's a lead free mix
07:41 PM Tom_L: err RoHs
07:41 PM Tom_L: it all has lead
07:42 PM zhanx: the photo says lead free....
07:42 PM Tom_L: k
07:51 PM zhanx: Tom_L: get that dos parallel port working?
07:55 PM Tom_L: i ordered one that has jumpers i'm gonna try. it will be here tomorrow
07:56 PM Tom_L: the case came today so i can get the mb off the desk
07:57 PM zhanx: slowly but surely right?
07:58 PM zhanx: Decided my ugly garden mesh network needs to be hidden in garden gnomes, thanks to the wife. I would have preferred pvc pipes