#garfield | Logs for 2017-02-09

[00:00:06] <rue_house> Lola8088, well, I'v not stopped thinking about you
[00:00:25] <Lola8088> Having weird dreams again... you know I moved up north
[00:00:28] * zhanx steps out to check his data
[00:00:44] <rue_house> I'v not caught anything from you in a long time
[00:00:54] <Lola8088> I'm in Lund. HAHAHA
[00:00:55] <rue_house> you must be off coast
[00:01:08] <rue_house> did you find an ok place?
[00:01:19] <Lola8088> great house, but it was the only place we could rent.
[00:01:29] <rue_house> ah
[00:01:30] <Lola8088> Waaaaaaaay out in the boonies.
[00:01:51] <Lola8088> my internet is sat, so's my phone
[00:01:53] <rue_house> I was looking at the lavinder in the kitchen yesterday
[00:02:05] <rue_house> I was hearing you reaming me out for not refreshing them
[00:02:40] <Lola8088> hehh ehh ehe heh e it lasts forever, so all you have to do is pinch them a little. makes a mess tho
[00:02:54] <rue_house> mmhmm
[00:03:16] <Lola8088> I've been playing a lot of guitar lately
[00:03:25] <rue_house> so, I recon your not using the netflix account now eh?
[00:03:28] <Lola8088> whatcha workin on?
[00:03:29] <rue_house> good show
[00:03:42] <rue_house> back in 2001 I started writing the best code editor ever
[00:03:46] <Lola8088> Oh no, havn't for years
[00:04:09] <rue_house> at one point it could actually edit a file
[00:04:39] <rue_house> its 3000 lines of code
[00:04:54] <Lola8088> any new bots?
[00:04:55] <rue_house> written over 16 years
[00:04:57] <rue_house> sure
[00:05:01] <zhanx> rue has 3000 projects
[00:05:14] <rue_house> I dont think you were here for the robot arms
[00:05:16] <Lola8088> dude. 16 years
[00:05:25] <rue_house> I know, and it cant quite edit yet
[00:05:50] <rue_house> but its not fair, I had to start from the ground up to make it work like I want
[00:05:54] <rue_house> its quite special
[00:06:15] <rue_house> multiple simotanious cursors supporting concurrent multipoint editing
[00:06:35] <rue_house> and other stuff
[00:07:42] <rue_house> this test I'm running is supoosed to show the first screen of a file, and its not working
[00:07:59] <rue_house> I haven't figured out how to be a machine yet
[00:11:18] <Lola8088> sat link sucks in deep deeeeeep snow
[00:11:44] <rue_house> sat links always suck
[00:11:49] <rue_house> sorry();
[00:13:10] <rue_house> oo, thats closer
[00:13:11] <Lola8088> hug(88987764775674,8088,long);
[00:13:17] <rue_house> :)
[00:15:36] <rue_house> hmm, I'm leaking horizontal characters
[00:15:41] <rue_house> I think I know why
[00:16:05] <rue_house> should be:
[00:16:07] <rue_house> One
[00:16:07] <rue_house> Two
[00:16:07] <rue_house> Three
[00:16:07] <rue_house> Four
[00:16:07] <rue_house> Five
[00:16:19] <rue_house> is:
[00:16:24] <rue_house> One
[00:16:24] <rue_house> Two
[00:16:24] <rue_house> Three
[00:16:26] <rue_house> Four
[00:16:30] <rue_house> Five
[00:17:16] <rue_house> oh but its passed bedtime
[00:25:14] <rue_house> na, tommrow is a snow day for sire
[00:25:31] <rue_house> might as well stay up all night
[01:00:23] <rue_house> long long long is too long for gcc, I love that error
[01:27:49] * Jymmm hands rue_house a mop to clean up his leaky mess
[01:29:01] <rue_house> it dosn't leak memory!
[01:29:11] <rue_house> leaked whitespace
[01:29:13] <rue_house> fixed it
[01:29:46] <Jymmm> then gimme back my mop damnit!
[01:30:44] <rue_house> its my mop!
[01:31:16] <rue_house> >_>
[01:31:20] <rue_house> <_<
[01:31:38] * Jymmm dumps the dirty mop water on the mop owner!
[01:31:59] <rue_house> is m mup
[01:32:20] <Jymmm> and y'all are wet too!
[01:33:14] <Jymmm> This has been an "education".... don't ever have a blackout while your VM is writing to the hdd
[01:33:39] <rue_house> no UPS?
[01:33:53] <rue_house> UPS, the batteries are dead
[01:34:04] <rue_house> ups
[01:34:11] <Jymmm> No, corrupted one of my XP VM's to a state when it's compleely unbootable and unrepairable.
[01:34:35] <Jymmm> I couldn't even boot from install iso and do a repair
[01:35:37] <rue_house> ok, only 1000 lines of code left to convert
[01:35:57] <rue_house> xp, thats not hard
[01:36:00] <Jymmm> After ging thru the host file system (no issues) and the vdisk (no issue), and still no issue
[01:36:15] <Jymmm> no error messages either
[01:36:32] <rue_house> while(command) {
[01:36:32] <rue_house>
[01:36:33] <rue_house> command = IDLE;
[01:36:33] <rue_house> character = wgetch(conio_scr);
[01:36:33] <rue_house>
[01:36:33] <rue_house> if (character == 'q') {
[01:36:35] <rue_house> command = QUIT;
[01:36:37] <rue_house> not too evil so far....
[01:36:58] <Jymmm> I was FINALLY able to mount the fubar vdisk in another XP VM I have, and copied over the files I need.
[01:37:19] <rue_house> TempPos = scout.LinePos(CursorPos) - 1;
[01:37:20] <rue_house> ok
[01:37:26] <rue_house> so, this becomes...
[01:38:05] <Jymmm> Then vbox caused a kernel panic and rebooted host, and corrupted my other VM, luckily I had cloned it
[01:38:38] <rue_house> ChrOffset NavLinePos ( Nav_t * this, ChrOffset position)
[01:39:04] <rue_house> so, NavLinePos(&scout, CursorPos) - 1
[01:39:31] <Jymmm> is this your pendant thing? You know they sell those for $5 on ali
[01:39:57] <rue_house> they are not $5, they are $50 to $500
[01:40:27] <Jymmm> Nah, I just saw one for $4.99 + $2.45 shipping
[01:40:44] <rue_house> no, but you thought it was
[01:40:50] <rue_house> and you cant prove it
[01:41:01] <rue_house> cause you wont see it come up again
[01:41:09] <Jymmm> but I can still pulll your leg =)
[01:52:33] <rue_house> http://collabedit.com/dvngm
[01:52:43] <rue_house> jump into that for a min, I want to see how it behaves
[01:53:33] <rue_house> there ya go
[01:53:56] <rue_house> add something to the end? ....
[01:54:08] <rue_house> cant see your cursor..
[01:57:09] <Jymmm> I see a grey cursor blinking on line 13
[01:57:40] <rue_house> hmm I dont...
[01:58:12] <Jymmm> move your line down, he blu bar hides it from view
[01:58:38] <rue_house> huh
[21:06:55] <zhanx> is it cheating to boil water for my thermo mass for my green house? its is cold out
[21:07:45] <zhanx> -18c and dropping to -23
[21:08:06] <zhanx> i do have plants in it now
[21:23:55] <jym> cheating? no. Sund self defeating in a way, but if you are "in-progress" of making a better heat surce, sure. it's an interum solution.
[22:07:38] <zhanx> true