#garfield | Logs for 2017-01-31

[07:23:55] <zhanx> its cold out
[09:00:34] <rue_bed> oh freaking, cold snap
[09:00:43] <rue_bed> -2c
[09:01:57] <jymmm> Keep it up there, it was finally warm enough yesterday to be out in a tshirt!
[09:03:31] <jymmm> rue_bed: I FINALY found some 3" tubing last week (for the mass barrel rocket stove), ran out of welding wire though, DOH!
[09:04:15] <jymmm> And this crap (borrowed from eneighbor) welder 's feed is intermitant so shitty welds too =(
[09:29:12] <rue_house> pipe welding is pretty fussy
[09:29:27] <rue_house> try tightening the wire drive vise?
[09:44:08] <jymmm> Heh, it's a skate bearing on a plastic arm. Already cracked as tight as it can go, and then the bearing flexes. It's a plastic arm holding the guide bearing.
[09:44:15] <jymmm> cranked*
[09:45:36] <rue_house> yea
[09:45:46] <rue_house> there is 0.3mm end play in a skateboard bearing
[09:46:03] <rue_house> there will be +- a degree in tilt
[09:46:15] <rue_house> you cant just use one bearing, you have to use them in paris at least
[09:47:20] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/arm9/slide.htm
[09:47:22] <rue_house> see how
[09:56:50] <jymmm> They are in pairs, it's a $89 harbor freight welder... One bearing is motor driven and the other adjustable one presses against the driven one, with the wire in the middle. It's just a crappy design is all.
[11:42:10] <zhanx> started the morning at -8.8F and now we are at 25.6F and still not warm after gaining 30 degrees +
[11:43:58] <jymmm> zhanx: Where you at?
[11:44:30] <zhanx> upstate ny
[12:20:54] <jymmm> ah, ok