#garfield | Logs for 2016-12-17

[00:11:55] <Tom_L> @config plugins.Dict on
[00:11:55] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[00:12:04] <Tom_L> @ Dict
[00:12:04] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "Dict" is not a valid command.
[00:12:32] <Tom_L> @Dict happy
[00:12:32] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "Dict" is not a valid command.
[00:13:06] <Tom_L> @seen rue_house
[00:13:07] <supybot> Tom_L: I have not seen rue_house.
[00:14:12] <Tom_L> @ dictionaries
[00:14:13] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "dictionaries" is not a valid command.
[00:14:19] <Tom_L> dictionaries
[00:19:30] <Tom_L> config plugins.Dict.server dict.org
[00:19:41] <Tom_L> @config plugins.Dict.server dict.org
[00:19:41] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[00:19:50] <Tom_L> @ dict happy
[00:19:50] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "dict" is not a valid command.
[00:44:25] <Tom_L> @whoami
[00:44:25] <supybot> Tom_L: Tom_L
[00:44:51] <Tom_L> @seen last
[00:44:51] <supybot> Tom_L: Someone was last seen in #garfield 25 seconds ago: <Tom_L> @whoami
[00:45:36] <Tom_L> @ list
[00:45:36] <supybot> Tom_L: Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Math, Misc, Owner, Seen, URL, and User
[00:45:57] <Tom_L> @help Misc
[00:45:58] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "misc".
[00:46:07] <Tom_L> @help URL
[00:46:07] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "url".
[00:46:17] <Tom_L> @help seen
[00:46:17] <supybot> Tom_L: (seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself.
[00:46:32] <Tom_L> @config plugins.URL on
[00:46:33] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[00:46:48] <Tom_L> @config plugins.misc on
[00:46:48] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[00:46:55] <Tom_L> @help misc
[00:46:55] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "misc".
[00:47:23] <Tom_L> @help math
[00:47:23] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "math".
[00:47:28] <Tom_L> @ math
[00:47:28] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "math" is not a valid command.
[00:47:36] <Tom_L> @ list math
[00:47:36] <supybot> Tom_L: base, calc, convert, icalc, rpn, and units
[00:47:59] <Tom_L> @calc sqrt pi
[00:47:59] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
[00:48:08] <Tom_L> @calc pi
[00:48:08] <supybot> Tom_L: 3.14159265359
[00:48:47] <Tom_L> @convert 10" mm
[00:48:47] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: 10" is not a valid unit.
[00:48:56] <Tom_L> @convert 10 inch mm
[00:48:56] <supybot> Tom_L: 254
[00:49:14] <Tom_L> @convert 32 deg F C
[00:49:14] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: FC is not a valid unit.
[00:50:27] <Tom_L> @load weather
[00:50:27] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: No plugin named "weather" exists.
[00:59:09] <Tom_L> @config reload
[00:59:10] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[01:01:33] <Tom_L> @config plugins.Dict on
[01:01:33] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[01:01:54] <Tom_L> @whoami
[01:01:54] <supybot> Tom_L: I don't recognize you.
[01:04:22] <Tom_L> @config plugins.Dict on
[01:04:22] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[01:04:50] <Tom_L> @config plugins.Dict.server dict.org
[01:04:51] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[01:04:59] <Tom_L> @dict happy
[01:04:59] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "dict" is not a valid command.
[01:05:11] <Tom_L> @Dict happy
[01:05:11] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "Dict" is not a valid command.
[01:07:31] <Tom_L> @ unload
[01:07:31] <supybot> Tom_L: (unload <plugin>) -- Unloads the callback by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded callbacks. Obviously, the Owner plugin can't be unloaded.
[01:07:44] <Tom_L> @ list
[01:07:45] <supybot> Tom_L: Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Math, Misc, Owner, Seen, URL, and User
[01:07:51] <Tom_L> @channel
[01:07:52] <supybot> Tom_L: (channel [<channel>] <name> [<value>]) -- If <value> is given, sets the channel configuration variable for <name> to <value> for <channel>. Otherwise, returns the current channel configuration value of <name>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
[01:09:08] <Tom_L> @networks
[01:09:08] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "networks" is not a valid command.
[01:09:14] <Tom_L> @network
[01:09:15] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "network" is not a valid command.
[01:10:50] <Tom_L> @network freenode disconnect
[01:10:50] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "network" is not a valid command.
[02:21:34] <rue_shop3> its working! its working!
[02:22:18] <rue_shop3> my step intercepting pendant controller can disable a control source and take over x,y,z
[04:04:55] <jymmm> rue_house: Do you feel like an evil dictator now <pinky to lip>?
[04:10:09] <rue_shop> its looking damn good
[04:10:57] <rue_shop> I added a disable button (em stop for all intents and purposes) and a step multiplier (1-4)
[04:12:06] <rue_shop> the encoder is quadrature encoded, so, 400 steps/rev, and with the multiplier of 4 you get the 16x to 1:1 step from a 16 microstep driver
[04:13:02] <rue_shop> but its almost 2am and I'm cooked
[09:33:17] <Jymmm> Nice, -47F in southern alberta
[10:12:18] <Tom_L> zlogcalendar
[10:12:18] <zlogcalendar> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~tom-itx/irc/logs/%urlchannel%/%date%.html: Today's Log Tom_L#garfield/2016-12-17.html