#garfield | Logs for 2016-12-16

[00:00:13] <Jymmm> I REALLY want to try the 2" pipe thing, but 2" black pipe fittings are pricy unless I can scavange some
[00:01:15] <Jymmm> I hound a HW store that has 2" black pipe in stock and a threading machine
[00:01:29] <Jymmm> found*
[00:01:59] <rue_shop3> ?
[00:02:09] <rue_shop3> dry = shrinkage
[00:02:36] <Jymmm> ?
[00:03:12] <rue_shop3> maybe use non-shrinking mortar
[00:04:25] <Jymmm> no clue. I'm only using the mortar as a binder for the perlite
[01:03:23] <rue_house> mine has lasted like 6 years
[01:04:13] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/smelter/p1020002.jpg
[06:06:12] <Jymmm> rue_house: I didn't use an outter (metal) casing, and it was an "L" so that made it most difficult to pack properly
[06:07:20] <Jymmm> I like yours as there seems to be much more perlite in it
[09:25:37] <rue_house> its really frgile, you want the insulation on the outside of the pipe
[09:55:28] <Jymmm> Well, for a test, I was using the perlite/mortar mold AS the pipe.
[09:56:22] <Jymmm> I used cardboard as the outter L shaped mold, and round plastic containers for the inner cavity.
[09:58:42] <Jymmm> It was at the point where it would take the longest to dry, that fell apart. It could have been that I just didn't let it dry long enough.
[09:59:15] <Jymmm> But I was unmolding it to atempt to dry it quicker
[18:35:33] <rue_house> the cement is just a binder for the perlite
[19:22:33] <Jymmmm> 2016-12-15.21:34:31 rue_shop3: maybe use non-shrinking mortar
[19:22:33] <Jymmmm> 2016-12-15.21:35:44 Jymmm: no clue. I'm only using the mortar as a binder for the perlite
[19:23:29] <Jymmmm> rue_house: I did a small test done.
[19:24:09] <jymmm> the exhaust was cool enough to touch/hold.
[19:24:49] <jymmm> But the draw was not as strong as I'd like. Lots of holes gaps in everything though
[19:25:04] <jymmm> And the internal height as less than desired.
[19:25:10] <jymmm> s/as/was/
[20:34:12] <jymmm> rue_house: You know how you stick your thumb over a garden hose to get more pressure? Wouldn't having a 2" insulated pipe going up the center of a 55gal drum be the same effect? The exhaust being 3"
[20:36:31] <jymmm> a 4" square steel tubing, bottom being capped off, and side fed into 2" pipe
[22:03:44] <Tom_itx> rue_house, how do i go about building a backport for a certain package?
[22:18:22] <rue_house> heh, the wonders of debain
[22:19:17] <rue_house> never done it
[22:19:38] <rue_house> I usualy give up trying to compile the package from scratch
[22:19:55] <rue_house> you see, with anything like that there is a HORRID dependency tree
[22:20:14] <rue_house> remember, nobody writes anything themselfs, they just glue togethor other peoples crap
[22:20:33] <rue_house> so, you have to collect ALL the RIGHT versions of all the crap, the whooooole pile
[22:20:47] <rue_house> then, if you have the right version of the compiler, your ok
[22:21:06] <rue_house> and whatever build tools were being used the day the guy started collecing parts
[22:21:46] <Tom_itx> i think i got around it
[22:43:38] <Tom_itx> @supybot math
[22:43:38] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "supybot" is not a valid command.
[22:43:51] <Tom_itx> @ math
[22:43:51] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "math" is not a valid command.
[22:43:55] <Tom_itx> poo
[22:44:22] <Tom_itx> supybot Math
[22:44:22] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "Math" is not a valid command.
[22:44:30] <Tom_itx> supybot help
[22:44:30] <supybot> Tom_itx: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
[22:44:59] <Tom_itx> help math
[22:45:03] <Tom_itx> supybot help math
[22:45:04] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: There is no command "math".
[22:45:13] <Tom_itx> supybot help Math
[22:45:13] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: There is no command "math".
[22:45:18] <Tom_itx> umm yes there is..
[22:46:42] <Tom_itx> @supybot 5*5
[22:46:42] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "supybot" is not a valid command.
[22:46:53] <Tom_itx> @ 5*5
[22:46:53] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "5*5" is not a valid command.
[22:46:57] <Tom_itx> aarg
[22:47:11] <jymmm> @help
[22:47:12] <supybot> jymmm: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
[22:47:32] <jymmm> @list
[22:47:32] <supybot> jymmm: Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Math, Misc, Owner, Seen, URL, and User
[22:47:39] <Tom_itx> i'm trying to figure this stupid bot out so i can use it on linuxcnc
[22:47:40] <jymmm> @help math
[22:47:41] <supybot> jymmm: Error: There is no command "math".
[22:47:53] <jymmm> @help Math
[22:47:53] <supybot> jymmm: Error: There is no command "math".
[22:48:02] <jymmm> @math
[22:48:02] <supybot> jymmm: Error: "math" is not a valid command.
[22:48:08] <jymmm> @die
[22:48:08] <supybot> jymmm: Error: "die" is not a valid command.
[22:48:17] <jymmm> @beer
[22:48:17] <supybot> jymmm: Error: "beer" is not a valid command.
[22:48:25] <Tom_itx> !seen
[22:48:32] <Tom_itx> @seen
[22:48:32] <supybot> Tom_itx: (seen [<channel>] <nick>) -- Returns the last time <nick> was seen and what <nick> was last seen saying. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent on the channel itself.
[22:48:42] <Tom_itx> @seen jymmm
[22:48:42] <supybot> Tom_itx: jymmm was last seen in #garfield 24 seconds ago: <jymmm> @beer
[22:48:56] <Tom_itx> @math 5*5
[22:48:57] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: The "Math" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "5*5" in it. Try "list Math" to see the commands in the "Math" plugin.
[22:48:57] <jymmm> @seen supybot
[22:48:58] <supybot> jymmm: I have not seen supybot.
[22:49:14] <Tom_itx> bak in a while..
[22:49:19] <jymmm> @list math
[22:49:19] <supybot> jymmm: base, calc, convert, icalc, rpn, and units
[22:49:25] <Tom_itx> i'll leave it on a while
[22:49:28] <jymmm> @calc 5*5
[22:49:28] <supybot> jymmm: 25
[22:49:43] <jymmm> @calc sqrt 76394372621
[22:49:44] <supybot> jymmm: Error: unexpected EOF while parsing (<string>, line 1)
[22:50:16] <jymmm> @units 5lb
[22:50:16] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:50:36] <jymmm> @help units
[22:50:36] <supybot> jymmm: (units [<type>]) -- With no arguments, returns a list of measurement types, which can be passed as arguments. When called with a type as an argument, returns the units of that type.
[22:50:57] <jymmm> @units feet
[22:50:57] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:05] <jymmm> @units lenght
[22:51:05] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:17] <jymmm> @units 24days hours
[22:51:17] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:23] <jymmm> @units 24days
[22:51:23] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:33] <jymmm> @units 24 days
[22:51:34] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:39] <jymmm> @units days 24
[22:51:40] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:43] <jymmm> @units days
[22:51:43] <supybot> jymmm: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[22:51:56] <jymmm> @help units length
[22:51:57] <supybot> jymmm: Error: There is no command "units length".
[22:52:03] <jymmm> @help length
[22:52:04] <supybot> jymmm: Error: There is no command "length".
[22:52:25] <jymmm> rue_house: 2 parts, uses SIM900 https://alselectro.wordpress.com/2016/09/25/gsm-connecting-to-a-server-on-a-port-by-tcpip-part-1/
[23:07:48] <Tom_itx> @units inch
[23:07:48] <supybot> Tom_itx: valid types: mass, length, time, scheduling, temperature, temp. diff., current, charge, potential, resistance, conductance, capacitance, magn. flux, inductance, flux density, molecular qty, size of a mol, lum. intens., luminous flux, illuminance, luminance, angle, solid angle, data, data transfer, quantity, interest rate, concentration, force, area, volume, velocity, rot. velocity, fluid flow, (1 more message)
[23:08:42] <Tom_itx> @
[23:09:04] <Tom_itx> @seen rue_bed
[23:09:05] <supybot> Tom_itx: I have not seen rue_bed.
[23:09:10] <Tom_itx> @seen rue_house
[23:09:10] <supybot> Tom_itx: I have not seen rue_house.
[23:09:17] <Tom_itx> @seen jymmm
[23:09:17] <supybot> Tom_itx: jymmm was last seen in #garfield 16 minutes and 51 seconds ago: <jymmm> rue_house: 2 parts, uses SIM900 https://alselectro.wordpress.com/2016/09/25/gsm-connecting-to-a-server-on-a-port-by-tcpip-part-1/
[23:10:46] <rue_shop3> heh
[23:10:51] <rue_shop3> having fun?
[23:11:13] <Tom_itx> trying to figure it out
[23:11:24] <rue_shop3> re-arranged the boiler, its doing much better
[23:11:26] <Tom_itx> @help
[23:11:26] <supybot> Tom_itx: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
[23:11:42] <rue_shop3> got a temp rise of 15.5c
[23:12:29] <Tom_itx> @help ChannelLogger
[23:12:29] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: There is no command "channellogger".
[23:12:43] <Tom_itx> @ChannelLogger
[23:12:43] <supybot> Tom_itx: Error: "ChannelLogger" is not a valid command.
[23:12:50] <Tom_itx> ChannelLogger
[23:12:56] <Tom_itx> poo
[23:17:36] <Tom_L> @list
[23:17:36] <supybot> Tom_L: Admin, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Math, Misc, Owner, Seen, URL, and User
[23:17:55] <Tom_L> @help ChannelLogger
[23:17:55] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "channellogger".
[23:18:24] <Tom_L> @URL
[23:18:24] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "URL" is not a valid command.
[23:18:31] <Tom_L> @help URL
[23:18:31] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: There is no command "url".
[23:44:55] <Tom_L> @config list plugins.ChannelLogger
[23:44:55] <supybot> Tom_L: #enable, #filenameTimestamp, #noLogPrefix, #rotateLogs, #stripFormatting, #timestamp, @directories, flushImmediately, and public
[23:45:16] <Tom_L> @config list plugins.ChannelLogger #enable
[23:45:16] <supybot> Tom_L: (config list <group>) -- Returns the configuration variables available under the given configuration <group>. If a variable has values under it, it is preceded by an '@' sign. If a variable is a 'ChannelValue', that is, it can be separately configured for each channel using the 'channel' command in this plugin, it is preceded by an '#' sign.
[23:45:37] <Tom_L> @config plugins.ChannelLogger #enable
[23:45:38] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: Value must be either True or False (or On or Off).
[23:45:45] <Tom_L> @config plugins.ChannelLogger #enable on
[23:45:45] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: Value must be either True or False (or On or Off).
[23:45:55] <Tom_L> @config plugins.ChannelLogger on
[23:45:55] <supybot> Tom_L: The operation succeeded.
[23:46:47] <Tom_L> @ ChannelLogger
[23:46:47] <supybot> Tom_L: Error: "ChannelLogger" is not a valid command.
[23:47:15] <Tom_L> i think that's why i didn't like the logger on this bot
[23:47:24] <Tom_L> i don't think you can query it here