#garfield | Logs for 2016-12-13

[18:37:54] <Tom_L> zlog
[20:09:28] <rue_house> ok, so I need to clean the boiler tubes
[21:25:56] <Tom_L> sounds like fun
[22:50:42] <rue_house> ok, boiler tubes cleaned
[22:50:56] <rue_house> fan blades cleaned and balance adjusted
[22:51:00] <Jymmm> rue_house: Yeah, I cleaned them last week, remember?
[22:51:36] <rue_house> and, it turns out the house circ pump wasn't airlocked, the cord is short and it'd come unplugged from the controller
[22:51:52] <rue_house> the tubes weren't that bad actually
[22:52:10] <rue_house> only about 1L of carbon
[22:52:11] * Jymmm smacks rue_house upside the head! Whatcha thinking makin the cord so short?!
[22:52:22] <rue_house> it was onhand
[22:52:39] <rue_house> its not got 1" to spare, unlike the boiler cord thats 8' too long
[22:52:46] <Jymmm> rue_house: So are crimp connectors or at the very least wire nuts
[22:53:06] <rue_house> I have a bucket of cord ends
[22:53:16] <rue_house> and a box of about 250 computer cords
[22:53:18] <Jymmm> all 6ft too =)
[22:53:24] <rue_house> that I chop up as I desire
[22:54:42] <Jymmm> Well, my Portable buddy heater was full of plasticizer... AGAIN!
[22:55:05] <rue_house> ?
[22:55:25] <Jymmm> The SENOIR tch us saying it IS oily plasticizer, but it's NOT from their high pressure hose. Yeah, right!
[22:55:43] <rue_house> plasticizer?
[22:55:58] <Jymmm> Then why the hell do you sell a filter specifically for capturing plasticizers?!
[22:56:18] <Jymmm> Yeah, it's the stuff they incorporate into hoses to make them flexible
[22:56:50] <rue_house> what hoses?
[22:57:25] <Jymmm> http://www.propanecouncil.org/uploadedFiles/Council/Research_and_Development/FS_11297%20Propane%20Fuel%20Quality%20Improvements%20through%20Hose%20Conditioning.pdf
[22:58:36] <rue_house> I never knew
[22:58:48] <Jymmm> " Does not leach oil into the fuel stream..." https://www.amazon.com/Mr-Heater-Buddy-Hose-Assembly/dp/B001CFWF5U
[22:58:53] <Jymmm> BUT...
[22:59:15] <Jymmm> I found a case scenario that it WILL leach plasticizer into the system...
[23:00:19] <Jymmm> When you turn off the heater, then turn off the tank, the hose remains pressurized. And the tech said that when the fuel is stagnet in the hose like that it can/will leach out
[23:01:30] <Jymmm> The used to have hoses that did it all the time, but they went to a new hose that's not suppose to leach, which I have, but he's saying it's not the hose, it's upstream, being my propane tanks. I think he's full of shit, but it *could* be possible.
[23:02:43] <Jymmm> rue_house: Well, this is a HIGH pressure hose, most people have/use a LOW pressure hose and a regulator.
[23:03:06] <Jymmm> LOW being <= 0.5 PSI
[23:03:08] <rue_house> ok I'm supposed to be coding
[23:03:31] <Jymmm> coding what?
[23:07:58] <rue_house> that pendant I desgined
[23:08:05] <rue_house> and my force feedback controller
[23:10:50] <Jymmm> force feedback controller is for ????
[23:17:22] <rue_house> everything
[23:17:28] <rue_house> I'm gonna take over the world
[23:17:38] <rue_house> I can do force feedback of any system
[23:19:19] <rue_house> and I have cnc controller firmware to write
[23:19:26] <rue_house> er, script
[23:19:27] <rue_house> whatever
[23:19:30] <rue_house> must think.
[23:20:03] <rue_house> oh, I have gloating on my todo list for tonight too
[23:20:07] <rue_house> damn
[23:22:26] * Jymmm hands rue_house a cookie, a red pill, and a blue pill.
[23:23:07] * rue_house makes a purple pill, eats it and has the cookie
[23:23:29] <Jymmm> rue_house: BTW, plasticizers are in EVERYTHING plastic, from your nice flexible hoses, to the plastic contianers you store your food in.
[23:23:59] <rue_house> aaaah, thats what leached out of the box I used for the electrical splice on the boiler
[23:24:20] <Jymmm> The #1 plasticizer used in plastics from china... is/was lead.
[23:24:21] <rue_house> had to put on a new one
[23:24:43] <rue_house> yea, chinese plastic is chlorine and lead
[23:25:13] <Jymmm> it's to make those 99ยข cheap extension cords flexible.
[23:25:59] <rue_house> mmmm protocol
[23:29:30] <rue_house> ok, if direction changes, it will send a + or - depending on the direction
[23:29:54] <rue_house> and, if there is a step in position, it will send... ! I think
[23:30:26] <rue_house> at 9600 baud, 960 chars/sec
[23:30:43] <rue_house> and 100 pulses per rev, quadrature means 400 pulses/rev
[23:31:05] <rue_house> thats, 2.4RPS
[23:31:21] <rue_house> 144 rpm
[23:31:34] <rue_house> yea, that should be fine
[23:33:06] * Jymmm hands rue_house a SPECIAL brownie.
[23:34:16] * rue_house saves it for a special friend
[23:35:24] <Jymmm> I wondr if I can use air hse for propane?
[23:35:28] <Jymmm> hose*
[23:35:52] <rue_house> I hav a hose that clearly says "DO NOT USE FOR PROPANE"
[23:35:59] <rue_house> its on my tiger torch...
[23:36:13] <rue_house> I think its cause its not rated for low temp
[23:36:42] <Jymmm> ah.
[23:37:07] <Jymmm> Maybe welding hose?
[23:41:38] <rue_house> it is
[23:42:01] <rue_house> -1c out
[23:42:20] <rue_house> its making a lier out of me, I'm sure its supposed to get COLD tonight
[23:44:14] <rue_house> if (0) {
[23:44:14] <rue_house> } else if ( temp > position) {
[23:44:14] <rue_house> if (dir != -1) {
[23:44:14] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '-' );
[23:44:14] <rue_house> dir = -1;
[23:44:17] <rue_house> }
[23:44:19] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '!' );
[23:44:21] <rue_house> temp = position;
[23:44:23] <rue_house> } else if (temp < position) {
[23:44:25] <rue_house> if (dir != 1) {
[23:44:27] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '+' );
[23:44:29] <rue_house> dir = 1;
[23:44:31] <rue_house> }
[23:44:33] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '!' );
[23:44:35] <rue_house> temp = position;
[23:44:37] <rue_house> }
[23:44:39] <rue_house> I'm not sure I shouldn't have stacked that differently
[23:45:13] <rue_house> ooh, I'm a protocol idiot
[23:45:22] <rue_house> I'll just send + and - for each step
[23:46:57] <Jymmm> DIY Propane Filter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_D8OLNkrTY
[23:47:23] <rue_house> all my stuff has sintered bronze filters
[23:47:34] <rue_house> if (0) {
[23:47:34] <rue_house> } else if ( temp > position) {
[23:47:35] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '-' );
[23:47:35] <rue_house> temp = position;
[23:47:35] <rue_house> } else if (temp < position) {
[23:47:35] <rue_house> USART_Transmit( '+' );
[23:47:37] <rue_house> temp = position;
[23:47:39] <rue_house> }
[23:47:42] <rue_house> is THAT optimization or WHAT?
[23:48:30] <Jymmm> hardly... NESTED TERNARY baby =)
[23:49:14] <rue_house> the if(0) is just to bump the rest of the conditions into the same format
[23:49:25] <rue_house> everythign after it can be } else if () {
[23:50:10] <rue_house> ok, sweet
[23:50:26] <rue_house> now I just need to throw in a keyboard decoder and a lcd data trafficer
[23:50:28] <Jymmm> gender = (has_penis) ? 'Male' : 'Female';
[23:54:26] <rue_house> its nice to have the boiler going
[23:54:41] <rue_house> house warms up and I can take off my sweater
[23:54:43] <Jymmm> gender = (has_penis) ? (has_vagina ? 'Morphadite' : 'Male') : 'Female'; // nested ternary
[23:54:52] <rue_house> double socks
[23:54:59] <rue_house> pants
[23:55:10] <Jymmm> FREE WILLY!!!
[23:56:01] <rue_house> good sign, code compiles
[23:56:10] <rue_house> now lets see, keyboard decoder
[23:56:26] <rue_house> should I scan the rows or columns
[23:56:47] <Jymmm> columns iirc
[23:57:45] <rue_house> somewhere I have keyboard code
[23:57:57] <rue_house> :( my keyboard has no built in diodes
[23:58:15] <Jymmm> the one you made?
[23:58:33] <rue_house> na, its from an industrial process controller
[23:58:34] <Jymmm> or said you were going to make
[23:58:38] <Jymmm> ah
[23:59:00] <rue_house> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1964013
[23:59:06] <rue_house> little 3x4