#garfield | Logs for 2016-12-07

[00:11:51] <rue_house> small smt fets that dont take much more than 4A to destroy
[00:26:48] <rue_house> suppose that it makes sense that the boiler can outpump the rad 5c to 8c, the boiler has a HUGE surface area
[00:26:57] <rue_house> hmmm
[09:49:24] <jymmm> I suppose at $1500 USD it's not too bad. less than 300F out the flue pipe... http://www.rocketheater.com/
[20:36:19] <Tom_L> rue_house, i'm looking at my server notes from way back. seems localpurge isn't available
[21:30:31] <jymmm> Well, the snow is sticking for now.
[21:51:58] <Tom_L> transferring files to server
[21:52:06] <Tom_L> still missing one step somewhere...
[21:52:15] <Tom_L> i'll figure it out eventually
[21:54:48] <Tom_L> is chmod 664 ok for public viewing?
[21:54:55] <Tom_L> i think it is..
[21:56:34] <Tom_L> ip isn't showing up in the router yet..
[22:35:57] <Tom_L> ok now it's down to a rights thing.
[22:38:55] <jymmm> check the perms of the folders
[22:41:14] <Tom_L> i set it to 664 i think
[22:41:36] <Tom_L> and chown'd it
[22:42:59] <Tom_L> pretty sure it see's it local and remote
[22:43:03] <Tom_L> i get 'Forbidden'
[22:43:09] <Tom_L> on both
[22:43:18] <Tom_L> their default webpage i can see
[22:43:26] <Tom_L> i'm using a different folder for mine
[22:43:53] <jymmm> you have to give folder EXECUTE if you want to view a list of the contents in http/d
[22:44:09] <jymmm> (index view)
[22:44:28] <Tom_L> mmm, my notes said 664 should be ok..
[22:44:41] <jymmm> make it s777 as see if that works.
[22:44:41] <Tom_L> using php too
[22:44:44] <Tom_L> index.php
[22:45:03] <Tom_L> i don't want read/write
[22:45:09] <Tom_L> that's 777
[22:45:11] <jymmm> as a test
[22:45:39] <Tom_L> 744 or maybe 755 ?
[22:45:46] <jymmm> 7
[22:45:47] <jymmm> 7
[22:45:48] <jymmm> 7
[22:46:02] <jymmm> AS
[22:46:03] <jymmm> A
[22:46:05] <jymmm> TEST
[22:48:23] <Tom_L> it's something else
[22:49:49] <Tom_L> enough for one night.
[22:49:52] <Tom_L> later...
[22:52:24] <rue_shop3> I'm confused as all hell
[22:52:27] <Tom_L> php may not be enabled
[22:52:30] <Tom_L> i bet
[22:52:36] <rue_shop3> there is a realyl hot fire in the boiler, but the heats not comming out anywhere
[22:52:42] <Tom_L> rue_shop3, i nearly got the server working
[22:52:50] <rue_shop3> whats the issue?
[22:53:02] <Tom_L> the /home/webpage part isn't visible
[22:53:06] <rue_shop3> yo cant 777 the files, it wont work if you do that
[22:53:10] <rue_shop3> you have to 755 then
[22:53:14] <Tom_L> it sees their regular webpages
[22:53:34] <rue_shop3> they keep locking things down
[22:53:41] <rue_shop3> php dont'w wotk
[22:53:50] <rue_shop3> there are 3 things you need to make it work
[22:53:52] <Tom_L> how do you enable it?
[22:53:52] <rue_shop3> apache
[22:54:01] <Tom_L> apache2 is configured i think
[22:54:02] <rue_shop3> php3-apache mod (or whatever)
[22:54:09] <rue_shop3> and another one I can never remmeber the name of
[22:54:17] <rue_shop3> oh wait, php
[22:54:28] <rue_shop3> so apache apache-php and php
[22:54:34] <rue_shop3> then you need to enable it
[22:54:35] <Tom_L> they said to add /home/webpage to the apache2.conf too
[22:54:44] <rue_shop3> yes
[22:54:45] <Tom_L> for any extra directories you use
[22:54:51] <rue_shop3> prolly has to be in a php dir
[22:54:56] <Tom_L> i'm not sure the syntax is right but i put it in there
[22:55:09] <Tom_L> php seems to be the issue now
[22:55:28] <Tom_L> switched to 755 and get not found
[22:56:14] <rue_shop3> also, sites-enabled
[22:56:18] <rue_shop3> and modules-enabled
[22:56:31] <Tom_L> try this:
[22:57:04] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:82/
[22:57:17] <Tom_L> get a login prompt?
[22:58:06] <rue_shop3> cat
[22:58:15] <Tom_L> i dunno what the login is supposed to be either
[22:59:21] <Tom_L> i'm stopping for tonight...
[23:04:25] <jymmm> quitter!
[23:04:34] <Tom_L> what file in modules-enabled?
[23:06:28] <rue_shop3> well you have to copy it from modules-availale
[23:06:55] <Tom_L> mods-available
[23:06:56] <rue_shop3> the php module
[23:07:15] <rue_shop3> if there isn't a copy in modules-enabled, it wont go
[23:07:38] <Tom_L> i don't see anything that looks like php
[23:07:47] <rue_shop3> then php instn't installed
[23:08:00] <rue_shop3> did you install something like php4 and php4-mod-apache ?
[23:08:01] <Tom_L> what do i need to add in package manager?
[23:08:58] <jymmm> php4 is um OLD
[23:09:07] <jymmm> just sayin
[23:09:10] <rue_shop3> ok php999
[23:09:12] <rue_shop3> whatever
[23:09:26] <Tom_L> php5
[23:09:27] <Tom_L> ?
[23:09:37] <rue_shop3> yea and the module to tie it to apache
[23:10:01] <rue_shop3> apache999-module-php9999
[23:10:33] <Tom_L> i don't see that one
[23:10:44] <rue_shop3> well you need it
[23:11:21] <Tom_L> libapache-mod-php5 ?
[23:11:24] <rue_shop3> root@blackie2:/# apt-cache search apache |grep php
[23:11:24] <rue_shop3> libapache2-mod-php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module)
[23:11:25] <rue_shop3> libapache2-mod-php5filter - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 filter module)
[23:11:25] <rue_shop3> php5-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
[23:11:25] <rue_shop3> php5-fpm - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)
[23:11:32] <rue_shop3> libapache2-mod-php5
[23:11:38] <Tom_L> yeah i found that
[23:11:43] <rue_shop3> install that
[23:11:48] <Tom_L> it is
[23:11:52] <rue_shop3> it binds the php and apache togethor
[23:11:54] <rue_shop3> k
[23:12:00] <Tom_L> do i need to restart apache then?
[23:12:03] <rue_shop3> then it'll be in modules-available
[23:12:06] <rue_shop3> sure
[23:12:17] <Tom_L> so copy and paste them?
[23:12:21] <rue_shop3> but they changed how you do that
[23:12:50] <rue_shop3> there is a command that'll do it for you, dont know what it is, I think its normally a link, ask #apache?
[23:13:18] <Tom_L> the network may not be working right now
[23:13:25] <rue_shop3> ifconfig
[23:13:31] <rue_shop3> eth*
[23:13:33] <Tom_L> yeah i had that in my notes
[23:13:39] <Tom_L> from way bach when
[23:14:07] <Tom_L> i'll look it over again tomorrow
[23:14:10] <Tom_L> i'm pooped
[23:14:14] <rue_shop3> }:/ the boiler output temp sensor is STUCK!????
[23:14:25] <Tom_L> beat it with a hammer
[23:14:41] <rue_shop3> its flatline, these sensors always jitter by 0.5c
[23:15:23] <Tom_L> i got quite a ways for not knowing what i was doing..
[23:15:29] <rue_shop3> :)
[23:15:39] <rue_shop3> the cnc machie keep locking up
[23:15:50] <rue_shop3> I think its windows
[23:15:59] <rue_shop3> either a memory leak or the comm port screwing up
[23:16:13] <rue_shop3> I'm going to try the same program under linux
[23:16:28] <rue_shop3> a 14 hour job and it'll stop after like 13.6 hours
[23:16:40] <Tom_L> i expected the newer debian to be different
[23:16:50] <rue_shop3> no
[23:16:57] <rue_shop3> debian stopped, prettymuch
[23:17:04] <rue_shop3> remember all of debian is 5 years behind
[23:17:11] <Tom_L> well it's different than the last one i installed
[23:17:18] <rue_shop3> and the latest unstable release dosn't work
[23:18:29] <Tom_L> this one should though right?
[23:18:40] <rue_shop3> stable seem to still work