#garfield | Logs for 2016-11-27

[00:01:47] <rue_shop3> oh, printing....
[00:01:51] <rue_shop3> (about 50% done)
[00:08:26] <AltJesteR> cool
[00:09:15] <rue_shop3> top 2 layers...
[00:12:49] <rue_shop3> printed
[00:13:04] <rue_shop3> yes, its a good fit
[00:13:26] <rue_shop3> snug, but not in need of a wild man with a hammer
[00:14:06] <rue_shop3> if you wanted, it could be
[00:14:30] <rue_shop3> 0.6mm larger,
[00:14:49] <rue_shop3> I did it on my machine, it has those surface bumps
[00:15:06] <rue_shop3> but I think its fine
[00:21:27] <rue_shop3> AltJesteR, I have dxfs for you
[00:21:34] <rue_shop3> still online?
[00:24:54] <rue_shop3> AltJesteR,
[00:25:33] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/not_public_dont_open/main2.dxf
[00:27:00] <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/not_public_dont_open/clampbase2.dxf
[04:55:30] <Jymmm> rue_shop3: Are those like honeypot dxf viruses? lol
[12:54:10] <rue_bed> i'm trying to develop something withmy buddy who is neveronline and only tires to get ahold of my during the weekends sometimes
[13:41:34] <AltJesteR> http://www.cayenne-mydevices.com/arduino-beta-signup/?gclid=CM_KgZbSydACFRCTfgod1coCSw
[13:45:40] <rue_house> ?
[13:45:44] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/not_public_dont_open/main2.dxf
[13:45:44] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/not_public_dont_open/clampbase2.dxf
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <AltJesteR> cool
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> top 2 layers...
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> printed
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> yes, its a good fit
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> snug, but not in need of a wild man with a hammer
[13:46:19] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> if you wanted, it could be
[13:46:21] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> 0.6mm larger,
[13:46:23] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> I did it on my machine, it has those surface bumps
[13:46:25] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> but I think its fine
[13:46:27] <rue_house> <rue_shop3> AltJesteR, I have dxfs for you
[13:46:55] <rue_house> ugh
[15:12:58] <Tom_L> http://i.imgur.com/JkDAuE2.jpg
[18:55:34] <Jymmm> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324