#garfield | Logs for 2016-11-21

[00:12:16] <__M00N__> $ phases
[00:12:18] <__M00N__> 4
[00:12:23] <__M00N__> why 4
[00:14:10] <rue_shop4> 0 and 90 are for 2 phase motors, 0, 120 and 240 are for 3 phase
[00:14:21] <rue_shop4> same phase generator, different applications
[00:17:46] <rue_shop4> should I spend $50 for a 250w spindle motor for my new cnc?
[00:20:25] <rue_shop4> AltJesteR, thats another latch, I think I have the new files set up for slotting on the old cnc, but I cant start testing tonight
[00:20:56] <__M00N__> I thought 3 phase was 0 60 120 180
[00:21:08] <rue_shop4> funny thing, my old cnc locks up if you tell it to go back to 0 all the time, somehow the code loses a step, and the protection code stops it from taking the step, so it locks up
[00:21:37] <rue_shop4> __M00N__, no, the capacitor in a cap run motor causes a 90 degree phase lag, so to run one without the cap, you need 0 and 90
[00:21:51] <__M00N__> yeah for single phase
[00:21:53] <__M00N__> but
[00:21:55] <rue_shop4> no
[00:22:04] <rue_shop4> single phase would be 0 and 180
[00:22:11] <__M00N__> Damn it
[00:22:16] <__M00N__> im really confused
[00:22:17] <rue_shop4> which there is no point in generating cause its just the other polarity
[00:22:30] <__M00N__> i think i get that bit
[00:22:40] <__M00N__> hmmmm
[00:23:18] <__M00N__> each phase is 60 degrees offset in three phase right?
[00:23:29] <rue_shop4> 120
[00:23:37] <rue_shop4> _
[00:23:40] <__M00N__> um
[00:23:42] <__M00N__> hold on
[00:23:50] <rue_shop4> /\
[00:23:51] <rue_shop4> _
[00:24:07] <rue_shop4> _/
[00:24:09] <rue_shop4> \
[00:24:17] <__M00N__> positive peak to peak is 60 and pos to neg is 120\
[00:24:25] <__M00N__> from a to b
[00:24:34] <rue_shop4> Y / delta
[00:25:10] <__M00N__> I only know y and delta whaen it comes to wiring and voltage division
[00:25:46] <rue_shop4> https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-baede04248f5a14966956fc8cc5d6870-c?convert_to_webp=true
[00:25:55] <__M00N__> looking
[00:26:02] <rue_shop4> Ia is one coil, Im is the other
[00:26:07] <rue_shop4> 90 degrees apart
[00:26:49] <rue_shop4> so, with my genorator, you lose the cap and use the 0 and 90 degree phases
[00:27:09] <__M00N__> for single phase?
[00:27:15] <rue_shop4> its 2 phase
[00:27:19] <__M00N__> 2 phase
[00:27:20] <rue_shop4> its only in caps
[00:27:21] <__M00N__> woops
[00:27:24] <rue_shop4> er, motors
[00:27:29] <__M00N__> yeah
[00:27:35] <rue_shop4> nothing distributes with a 90 degree phase offset
[00:27:52] <__M00N__> iv been meaning two phase this whole time when iv been sayibg single phase
[00:28:03] <rue_shop4> I have a 5 phase stepper motor tho
[00:28:24] <rue_shop4> 72 degrees anyone?
[00:30:22] <rue_shop4> yea 0, 60, 90, 120
[00:30:37] <rue_shop4> :) too asleep
[00:32:43] <rue_shop4> https://performance-motion-devices.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads%2F71188fd5-3161-45c3-b1ea-036ca68c1439%2Foptical-encoder-450px.jpg
[01:13:02] <rue_house> I'm gradually reaching critical mass on changing out that cnc computer
[01:15:03] <Jymmm> rue_house: http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-dc7900-SFF-Intel-Core-Duo-2-E8400-3-00Ghz-2GB-Ram-DVD-DRIVE-No-Hard-Drive-/281991064246
[01:15:55] <rue_house> pff, I have enough computer junk
[01:16:07] <rue_house> sure the hell dont want an intel anyhow
[01:16:13] <rue_house> bus is tooooo slow
[01:16:14] <Jymmm> Then GIT ER DONE!!!
[01:16:58] <rue_house> I wonder what happens when a 3Ghz processor writes to a 66Mhz io port
[01:17:17] <rue_house> it cant be hit up in wait states...
[01:17:30] <rue_house> surely they buffer the io on the bridge chips
[01:17:52] <rue_house> so, if the processor tries to toggle the parallel port at full speed, what happens?
[05:55:02] <Tom_L> the buffer won't run empty?
[09:16:45] <rue_house> would they buffer parallell port writes?
[11:41:42] <Jymmm> non-electric pellet stove (120lbs)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjZzIkxb7d8 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJW5AyAegok
[11:49:45] <Jymmm> Great view of the innards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYXSP5f5xs4
[19:40:55] <rue_house> wow what a slow video
[21:55:49] <Jymmm> I'm going to order that lil outdoor stove tomorrow for the garage
[21:56:18] <Jymmm> I got some 3" dbl wall pipe today
[21:56:51] <rue_shop4> k
[21:57:50] <Jymmm> It's going to be raining for the next 6 day, I just can't continue to wait around till everything else wants to play along
[21:58:26] <Jymmm> Not optimal, but this will at least get me going
[21:58:56] <Jymmm> ( I hope =)
[22:00:28] <Jymmm> I'm still going to work on the thermal mass, but wait till Spring or so
[22:39:04] <rue_shop4> ok I jumped the speed of my old router by dividing the feedback voltage
[22:39:48] <rue_shop4> my diy-2-flue-cutter-from-broken-6/32-tap didn't work out
[22:52:18] <Jymmm> was it suppose to?
[23:04:51] <rue_shop4> well I'd hoped
[23:05:03] <rue_shop4> I keep forgetting to buy a dremel but while I'm at work
[23:05:18] <rue_shop4> I keep forgetting to get a new drivers liscence too
[23:27:17] <Jymmm> Um, how are you getting to work without a drivers license?
[23:58:15] <rue_house> its not over till the 8th