#garfield | Logs for 2016-11-01

[00:16:43] <rue_house> well, I got the grblcontrol working
[00:16:58] <rue_house> but he can share the credit
[06:10:02] <Tom_L> i used a ssr originally for mine and used the knob for the speed
[06:10:41] <Tom_L> be careful if you mess with the control though, the ground floats
[06:11:37] <Tom_L> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/spindle_drive/
[06:11:46] <Tom_L> you will need that if you d
[06:11:49] <Tom_L> o
[06:14:01] <Tom_L> you'll need that isolation board if you wanna control the speed in software
[09:19:05] <rue_house> spindle speed? na
[09:30:24] <rue_house> huh, not much to that spindle drive board....
[12:21:07] <Tom_L> nope