#garfield | Logs for 2016-09-06

[22:22:37] <rue_shop4> oh hold up
[22:23:33] <rue_shop4> not listed
[22:23:49] <katsmeow> not listed?
[22:24:16] <katsmeow> it's for sale on ebay
[22:37:51] <katsmeow> Tiggr has 1000's of transistors, but they aren't cross ref'd
[22:38:54] <katsmeow> 2SA1009A
[23:11:07] <rue_shop4> oooh I really hate it when the cats dissapear
[23:13:17] <katsmeow> send the mowerbot after them?
[23:14:29] <rue_shop4> I'd usually have seent hem by now, now I'm worried they were eaten
[23:14:46] <katsmeow> that would be a bad move n their part
[23:16:35] <katsmeow> my rule of thumb is: they are eatable, and run-over-able, and shoot-able, and poisonable,, so to keep pets safe, keep them inside where that stuff is unlikely to happen to them
[23:18:29] <katsmeow> you could gps them, and have a real time map, praps with radius or location alarms
[23:18:30] <rue_house> they aren't listed in my 1974 motorola data book
[23:18:37] <rue_house> they go from 56xx to 59xx
[23:19:08] <katsmeow> yeas, and there's virtually no 400v pnp 8amp transistors
[23:25:26] * katsmeow will prolly just Szlakai a MPSA92 and darlington a pile of mje5852
[23:44:04] <rue_shop4> did you find data on them?
[23:59:45] <katsmeow> on whiach?