#garfield | Logs for 2016-08-15

[00:01:36] <katsmeow> http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/maine-coon-cat-photography-robert-sijka-64-57ad8f2c0277c__880.jpg <<== meeeeeee, ow!
[00:01:40] <rue_shop4> hmm, I could have the 4060 trigger the microcontroller to set the BLANK and let the controller release it when the values are updated
[00:02:03] <rue_shop4> I suspect photoshopping...
[00:02:08] <rue_shop4> or thats a big cat
[00:02:46] * rue_shop4 looks sideways at kat
[00:03:58] <rue_shop4> now youve done it...
[00:04:31] <katsmeow> it's the protien shakes, i think
[00:04:56] <katsmeow> or, that's a Maine Coon
[00:05:04] <katsmeow> http://www.boredpanda.com/maine-coon-cat-photography-robert-sijka/
[00:06:57] <rue_shop4> I wonder if the KD is burning...
[00:07:30] <rue_shop4> photoshop or a really interesting breed of cat?
[00:07:40] <katsmeow> Maine Coon is a breed of cat
[00:07:50] <rue_shop4> ah
[00:07:52] <katsmeow> they are quite large
[00:08:08] * rue_shop4 dosn't ask kat to stop showing him pussies....
[00:08:10] <katsmeow> it's like the Flemish Giant of rabbits
[00:08:11] <rue_shop4> they look like it
[00:09:50] <rue_shop4> ok the code is written, I'll tend to brobably burning supper and continue
[00:11:16] <rue_shop4> I dont know where my cats have been going at night
[00:12:45] <katsmeow> gps tracker?
[00:16:20] <rue_shop4> damnit, its still doing the same thing
[00:17:35] <katsmeow> http://www.boredpanda.com/stone-sorting-robot-jller/
[00:18:57] <rue_shop4> this should not be possable
[00:19:17] <rue_shop4> age?
[00:19:30] <katsmeow> description of why it works
[00:19:49] <rue_shop4> colour?
[00:21:28] <katsmeow> i left the page
[00:21:34] <katsmeow> you did not read it?
[00:21:36] <rue_shop4> yea too much javascript
[00:21:52] <rue_shop4> yea I had to skip 80% of it tho, ust filler characters
[00:22:14] <rue_shop4> I'v thought of making a machine to sort stones by colour so that art stuff can be done with them
[00:22:25] <rue_shop4> have it make greyscale images out of stones
[00:22:42] <rue_shop4> why the hell does every channel not get every value update
[00:22:51] <rue_shop4> its like the first write goes to channel 1
[00:22:59] <rue_shop4> then second write voes to channel 1 and 2
[00:23:11] <rue_shop4> the third goes to 1, 2, 3
[00:23:28] <katsmeow> are you supposed to write a channel number first?
[00:23:29] <rue_shop4> I'm writing 16 12bit values
[00:23:39] <rue_shop4> no, its just a stream of the 192 bits
[00:24:21] <rue_shop4> and ti takes me 39ms to write all the values
[00:24:35] <rue_shop4> er no
[00:24:59] <rue_shop4> 0.24ms
[00:25:40] <rue_shop4> idea
[00:28:28] <katsmeow> The input shift register enters grayscale data into grayscale register for all channels simultaneously. The
[00:28:28] <katsmeow> complete grayscale data format consists of 16 x 12 bit words, which forms a 192-bit wide data packet
[00:29:12] <katsmeow> so each write covers ALL the chanenls, you cannot write 10 bits to chan 2 , you must write all channels in one 192bit write
[00:29:25] <katsmeow> page 15 of the data sheet
[00:29:54] <rue_shop4> 8 of the values make sense
[00:30:10] <rue_shop4> correct
[00:30:38] <katsmeow> but you said : [23:56] <rue_shop4> then second write voes to channel 1 and 2
[00:30:59] <rue_shop4> values 8 thru 15 are doing what they should
[00:31:21] <rue_shop4> channels 0 thru 7 are being completely scrwie
[00:32:05] <katsmeow> bad chip?
[00:37:13] <rue_shop4> another one does same thing
[00:37:43] <rue_shop4> it would make sense if the order of the output channels is all mixed up
[00:37:45] <rue_shop4> but
[00:38:12] <rue_shop4> my blank is .24ms, and
[00:38:48] <rue_shop4> hmm
[00:39:47] <katsmeow> keying data entry by killing all the output seems nuts
[00:39:55] <rue_shop4> first value written is channel 15
[00:40:03] <rue_shop4> your telling me
[00:40:36] <katsmeow> o, first is 15? i bet there's a timing glitch in the last half of your serial sequence
[00:40:48] <rue_shop4> they use = to compare the pwm values, so if you write while its counting, you can easily miss the value and the output stays on
[00:42:40] <rue_shop4> each channel is being sent 256*(channel number)
[00:43:12] <rue_shop4> and the results are just all wrong
[00:44:16] <katsmeow> umm, 256 * 15 = 12 bits : 111100000000
[00:44:30] <katsmeow> it's a 10bit pwm
[00:44:43] <rue_shop4> hu?
[00:44:45] <rue_shop4> its 12?
[00:44:56] <rue_shop4> 12 bit (4096 Steps) Grayscale PWM Control
[00:44:59] <katsmeow> ok
[00:45:03] <rue_shop4> ?
[00:45:35] <katsmeow> hmm, are you sending the leading zeros?
[00:46:08] <katsmeow> so 256 = 000100000000 ?
[00:49:32] <rue_shop4> no I only send 12 bits
[00:49:39] <rue_shop4> I handle it with 16 bit values
[00:49:47] <rue_shop4> then only clock out 12
[00:49:49] <katsmeow> 000100000000 IS 12 bits
[00:49:57] <rue_shop4> yes
[00:50:00] <rue_shop4> sorry
[00:50:22] <katsmeow> but if you send only 100000000 for 256, it's 3 bits too short
[00:50:31] <rue_shop4> I always send 12 bits
[00:50:34] <katsmeow> k
[00:50:39] <rue_shop4> I use a bitwise mask
[00:50:55] <rue_shop4> start with 1 chisfted left 12 bits
[00:51:08] <rue_shop4> and then shifted one place every time after a bit is sent
[00:51:21] <rue_shop4> for( temp = (1<<12); temp != 0; temp >>= 1) {
[00:51:21] <rue_shop4> if ( (bits & temp) != 0 ) { SendOne();
[00:51:21] <rue_shop4> } else { SendZero();
[00:51:21] <rue_shop4> }
[00:53:27] <katsmeow> i would set up the oscope to trigger on start of chan 7 (bit # 84?) and see if the bit pattern is what you think yu are sending
[01:00:14] * katsmeow looks tired
[01:01:00] <katsmeow> and i need to go see if the glue is going to hold on the RO filter
[01:12:16] <katsmeow> gnites
[23:58:45] <rue_shop4> katsmeow,
[23:58:54] <rue_shop4> you said 10 bit, why did you say 10 bit?
[23:59:23] <rue_shop4> I realized something
[23:59:38] <katsmeow> because i was being wrong
[23:59:49] <rue_shop4> that with the blank signal (pwm counter reset) seperate like it is on this chip, you can set the pwm resolution to be ANYTHING
[23:59:52] <katsmeow> i dunno, praps i was thinking of some 10bit adc