#garfield | Logs for 2016-07-28

[00:23:05] <rue_house> dfamnit
[01:23:03] <katsmeow> so how many variables and how long are they, to solve questions that an Ai would be considering?
[01:23:29] <katsmeow> questions such as "would you eat a mouse?"
[01:24:21] <katsmeow> what is a mouse, how do i like my food, can it be cooked, can i be that hungry, is eating mouse harmful, etc
[01:24:43] <katsmeow> how many vars to solve the points of thought to arrive at a answer?
[01:26:40] <katsmeow> can a problem be divvied up to subprocessors so that each consideration can be handles with less than 256 variables per subprocessor, and each var be 64k bytes or less?
[01:28:19] <rue_house> hui
[01:28:21] <rue_house> I'm here
[01:28:45] <rue_house> brain is a chaotic processor
[01:29:16] <katsmeow> can you extrapolate?
[01:30:47] <rue_house> remember that fpga that completely broke the rules to detect tones?
[01:30:57] <rue_house> by evolved programming?
[01:31:05] <katsmeow> no
[01:31:23] <rue_house> just like nature it evolved not do DO someting, but to NOT do everything else
[01:31:34] <rue_house> this gives wider operating ranges
[01:31:40] <rue_house> more fault tolerance
[01:31:55] <katsmeow> doesn't address my question
[01:32:51] <rue_house> my brain isn't working well, right now, I'm
[01:33:58] <rue_house> I worked out that I can replace my brain as it dies
[01:34:19] <katsmeow> i was thinking of fast to built, cheap, bloody fast narrow task, processors that can do anything any of the otehrs int eh rack can do
[01:35:01] <katsmeow> as it dies? so you lose allt he info before you insert unprogrammed sections?
[01:35:09] <rue_house> but your trying to use equipment that is specifically built to do one thing
[01:35:31] <rue_house> if you use a chaotic network of logic that can be trained to do what you want
[01:35:51] <katsmeow> then you have a greaterchance of having chaos too
[01:36:10] <rue_house> yes, but we are chaos
[01:36:32] <katsmeow> i don't care how it learns, just that functions to perform a task are able to
[01:36:52] <katsmeow> "we"? speak for yourself, human
[01:36:53] <rue_house> but you dont ahve to use a bunch of carefully deisgned logic
[01:37:03] <rue_house> you just need to control chaos
[01:37:04] <katsmeow> you need to address memory
[01:37:50] <rue_house> well
[01:37:58] <rue_house> not neccissarily
[01:38:11] <katsmeow> so it's forgetfull as hell ?
[01:38:47] <katsmeow> "hi, i'm .. umm.... i am ummmm..."
[01:39:05] <katsmeow> "you're a dumb bot"
[01:39:12] <katsmeow> "hi, i'm a dumb bot!"
[01:39:25] <katsmeow> "what am i?
[01:40:02] * katsmeow sighs
[01:41:31] <katsmeow> cannot solder a mess of tin cans together and set it out n a field to be hit by lighting and become alive
[01:41:51] <katsmeow> likewise, cannot make a mess of a fpga and hope it becomes wise
[01:42:17] <rue_house> the data gets woven into the logic
[01:42:22] <katsmeow> need to start somewhere, and then praps it will tell you what it needs to perform better'
[01:42:50] <rue_house> I was wodering what your attration to capacitors is
[01:43:05] <rue_house> it makes me think of my attration to displays iand keybaords
[01:44:06] <katsmeow> i have no attraction to capacitors
[01:44:16] <katsmeow> i do note when they are practiclaly being given away
[01:46:09] <katsmeow> i will quit mentioning unusual data if it's going to be percieved as a fetish
[01:46:33] <rue_house> nono
[01:47:11] <rue_house> it just seems you have a thing for capacitors
[01:47:45] <katsmeow> i am being misunderstood
[01:48:03] <rue_house> we all are
[01:48:51] <katsmeow> then we should stop talking to each other, so there will be no data to form a bad impression from
[01:51:09] <katsmeow> this sucks
[01:51:52] <rue_house> what?S
[19:48:10] <The_Jester> phoes are down rue
[19:48:15] <The_Jester> argg
[19:48:36] <The_Jester> I mean to say your PBX crashed a few seconds into your call
[19:49:45] <The_Jester> and now your not answering, oh bother
[19:50:33] <Tom_itx> rue_house you did it again!
[20:32:24] <rue_shop3> jester
[20:32:56] <rue_shop3> Tom_itx, (the power fell out of the IP phone I was using, the system didn't know what to do with the headless call )
[21:02:59] <Tom_itx> big storm front moving in
[22:01:37] <Tom_itx> storm was a dud which is good
[22:22:13] <katsmeow-afk> bought 6 new hdds, first one tested (dated 2007) has a bad block and write errors in the SMART data
[22:22:55] <Tom_itx> i'm getting low on ide drives
[22:23:42] <Tom_itx> i got adapters so i can swap PATA / SATA either direction
[22:23:47] <katsmeow-afk> how can he sell 9 yr old drives as new?
[22:24:06] <Tom_itx> hard to say
[22:24:13] <Tom_itx> i couldn't justify it
[22:24:35] <katsmeow-afk> i asked him politely to explain to me
[22:25:50] <Tom_itx> if they were kept in the bag with the dryer bag i suppose they might be ok but i wouldn't sell as new personally
[22:26:29] <Tom_itx> i was thinking of a couple i had stored for quite a while in the 'new' bag
[22:30:38] * katsmeow-afk looks at the other 4 drives
[22:31:28] <katsmeow-afk> oem date : Nov 2007
[22:35:34] <katsmeow-afk> oem date : Dec 2006
[22:36:29] <katsmeow-afk> oem date : June 2007
[22:36:49] <Tom_itx> mmm
[22:36:54] <Tom_itx> what did he say?
[22:37:08] <katsmeow-afk> oem date : July 2007
[22:37:19] <katsmeow-afk> he has not relied yet
[22:37:31] <katsmeow-afk> rePlied
[22:37:33] <Tom_itx> i never bother to look at the date on mine
[22:37:37] <Tom_itx> maybe i should
[22:38:00] <Tom_itx> been trying ssd lately
[22:38:14] <Tom_itx> not needed if all you want is storage
[22:38:42] <katsmeow-afk> bulk storage
[22:39:40] <katsmeow-afk> who knew wikipedia didn't include any pics int he 16GB text file, and cat videos can be 120 MB ?
[22:39:40] <Tom_itx> i try to keep everything important backed up on spare drives
[22:40:37] <Tom_itx> gonna go sleep now i think
[22:40:39] <Tom_itx> gnite kat
[22:40:58] <katsmeow-afk> i have a box of 26 spare drives i'd like to have access to, but worry they will go bad if i do, need RAID
[22:41:03] <katsmeow-afk> k, gnites Tom
[22:47:38] <katsmeow-afk> oh, power-on count in SMART : 12,623
[22:48:06] <katsmeow-afk> power-cycle count : 707
[22:57:12] <katsmeow-afk> Ok, i tested 2 of the "new" drives. One has SMART data showing 7906 hours of power on and crc errors, the other has a permanently bad blocks and write errors and was previously formatted with 3 partitions. Of the 6 drives you sent me, 5 are dated 2007 and one is dated 2006. I am thinking it's not worth my time to test the other 4 "new" hdds. What do you think?
[23:05:27] <katsmeow-afk> ...