#garfield | Logs for 2016-07-24

[14:19:46] <rue_bed> kats answer is ipv6
[14:20:14] <rue_bed> another 3d printer was born last night, we were up till 7am
[14:20:29] <Tom_itx> that's like morning time isn't it?
[14:20:33] <rue_bed> yea
[14:21:01] <rue_bed> remember how I didn't sleep properly for a week when mine was born?
[14:21:29] <rue_bed> well, I'm speading the joy
[14:21:38] <Tom_itx> who's printer?
[14:21:42] <rue_bed> jester
[14:21:56] <Tom_itx> what type printer?
[14:22:04] <rue_bed> its a mendel 2, same as mine, but
[14:22:16] <rue_bed> with 1.75mm filament and a 0.4mm head
[14:22:22] <rue_bed> and better bed leveling
[14:22:37] <Tom_itx> they got some finer tips for the ones at the lab
[14:22:41] <rue_bed> and chinese electrical driver board
[14:22:43] <Tom_itx> work good but take alot longer
[14:22:48] <rue_bed> yea
[14:23:03] <rue_bed> I tried a 1mm for a bit, nice strong prints, fast
[14:25:34] <Tom_itx> CF card?
[14:25:47] <Tom_itx> do any use thumbdrives?
[14:29:24] <rue_bed> nope
[14:29:30] <rue_bed> just steamed serial
[14:29:55] <Tom_itx> nope what?
[14:30:08] <Tom_itx> does yours use SD?
[14:30:14] <rue_bed> lets admit it, the mechanical have no hope of keeping up with even 19200 baud
[14:30:33] <rue_bed> no local storage on either
[14:30:36] <Tom_itx> no but if the link screws up you start over
[14:30:41] <rue_bed> just serial stream
[14:31:08] <rue_bed> if the usb disconnects, yea, but why would that happen!?
[14:31:18] <rue_bed> you cant let windows do upgrades while you print
[14:31:32] <rue_bed> duh
[14:31:35] <rue_bed> :)
[14:31:39] <Tom_itx> WINDOWS!?!?!
[14:31:48] <rue_bed> well,l I"musinglinux
[14:31:51] <Tom_itx> i thought you used linux
[14:32:02] <rue_bed> but jester dosn't do linux
[14:32:18] <Tom_itx> and you still speak to him?
[14:32:36] <rue_bed> I made a concept keyboard yesterday, Iits gonna work out
[14:32:44] <rue_bed> he never got into linux
[14:32:52] <rue_bed> he's been too busy dieing
[14:32:55] <Tom_itx> i didn't either until i wanted a server
[14:33:09] <Tom_itx> what's wrong with him?
[14:34:04] <rue_bed> two REALLY rare deseases that almost killed him, cause when he self-diagnosed, his doctor said they wouldn't even test him for it cause it was too rare
[14:34:28] <Tom_itx> huh
[14:34:34] <rue_bed> so it destroyed his kidneys, after the transplant they admited he did have it, but the damage was already done
[14:35:10] <Tom_itx> how old is he?
[14:35:25] <rue_bed> they really messed him up, but this is canada and unless your really wealthy, you cant get them for it
[14:35:32] <rue_bed> about 38
[14:35:39] <Tom_itx> that's too young for that
[14:35:51] <rue_bed> he expects to live to 50
[14:36:07] <rue_bed> most of the people that have had what he does live that long
[14:36:29] <rue_bed> sorry, I cant remember the name of it right now
[14:36:36] <Tom_itx> 21535 soon
[14:37:02] <rue_bed> mmm
[14:39:27] <rue_bed> arg, I need to eat
[14:41:12] <Tom_itx> dinner's in the oven
[14:43:34] <Tom_itx> you should find someone to do that for you
[14:43:42] <Tom_itx> fewer burnt meals that way
[14:45:13] <Tom_itx> haven't worked on my oops in several weeks now
[14:45:24] <Tom_itx> i should be more enthused about it
[16:05:53] <rue_house> hmm
[19:06:49] <zhanx> http://m.imgur.com/a/IMz97 pickles yum
[23:37:32] <zhanx> Rue I had a question for you then I had to take a pain med, can you remind me tomorrow to ask it? It was on arm length and power vs force etc