#garfield | Logs for 2016-07-18

[21:23:20] <The_Jester> Rue?
[21:39:46] <rue_shop3> hey
[21:41:36] <The_Jester> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:312536/#files
[21:48:07] <rue_shop3> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
[21:48:07] <rue_shop3> $MP3DIR="/home/jukebox/mp3";
[21:48:07] <rue_shop3> opendir DIR, $MP3DIR or die "couldnt open mp3 dir\n";
[21:48:07] <rue_shop3> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
[21:48:07] <rue_shop3> #print "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">";
[21:48:08] <rue_shop3> print "<html>\n";
[21:48:09] <rue_shop3> print "<body bgcolor=white>\n";
[21:48:11] <rue_shop3> @FileList = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (readdir(DIR));
[21:48:13] <rue_shop3> #foreach (readdir(DIR))
[21:48:15] <rue_shop3> foreach (@FileList)
[21:48:18] <rue_shop3> {
[21:48:19] <rue_shop3> # s/(.*)(\.mp3)//i;
[21:48:21] <rue_shop3> if (s/(.*)(\.mp3)//i) {
[21:48:25] <rue_shop3> print "<A HREF=queued.cgi?$1$2 TARGET=\"songlist\">$1</A><br>\n"
[21:48:27] <rue_shop3> }
[21:48:29] <rue_shop3> }
[21:48:32] <rue_shop3> print "</body>\n\n";
[21:48:33] <rue_shop3> print "</html>\n";
[22:07:16] <katsmeow> ...
[22:16:48] <katsmeow> i coulda sworn there were 4 homonyms for bite
[22:26:00] <rue_shop3> ?
[22:26:26] <katsmeow> bite, bight, and byte, but isn't there another?
[22:27:00] <The> http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:37123
[22:31:38] <Tom_itx> made from cast weighing ~600lbs more and you might have something
[22:32:02] <Tom_itx> katsmeow, no just the 3
[22:33:12] <Tom_itx> oh with box ways and 2" ballscrew
[22:37:16] <The> http://i.imgur.com/0VG5gkX.jpg
[22:44:47] <The> <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="KYyneto"><a href="//imgur.com/KYyneto">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
[22:45:09] <The> http://i.imgur.com/KYyneto.jpg
[22:56:43] <katsmeow> from henceforth, all americans will be known as Trumpians
[22:59:56] <katsmeow> those tooting their own horns will be known as Trumpettes
[23:05:58] <katsmeow> someone bought ARM cp company today
[23:06:06] <katsmeow> someone bought ARM cpu company today
[23:13:00] <idonob> I heard about that, makes me wonder what the market is gonna be shaped like in the coming decade
[23:32:27] <rue_house> well, I jacked up the house, but its sinking back down again
[23:32:44] <rue_house> I'm thinking that soft soil is partly to blame for this problem
[23:33:00] <rue_house> ARM isn't a cpu company?
[23:33:28] <katsmeow> they design and license the use of cpus
[23:34:21] <idonob> ARM in my ipod, ARM in my cell phone, ARM in my camera, ARM in my RAID controller, ARM in my HDD, ARM in my raspberry pi...
[23:34:26] <idonob> ARM is friggen everywhere
[23:34:31] <The_Jester> you need to get down their and pour some boxes for the house to sit on rue
[23:36:29] <The> Apearently firfox was consuming 1.2 GB of my 1.5GB ram..
[23:37:21] <The> im glad firefox doesnt leak ram
[23:47:36] <rue_house> I think x86 is dead
[23:48:00] <rue_house> microsoft is working on getting intel to make it so only windows will run on them
[23:48:11] <rue_house> The, at 2G, it implodes
[23:49:22] <katsmeow> yeas, but if they write it only for 64bits, then what OS will it run on?
[23:51:37] <katsmeow> "SoftBank already has ties to ARM through Sprint, the American wireless carrier that it controls."