#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-27

[00:00:21] <rue_house> yea, funny thing that, my notes/drawings do not make ANY sense on that
[00:01:03] <rue_house> some sorta threaded rod thing
[00:04:12] <rue_house> that has me exctied tho
[00:05:48] <zhanx> Evening
[00:06:57] <zhanx> http://m.imgur.com/80WPdVq,y9PPodG,E8mXezh,9PFsOVx,TVBzJJY,BQ6XXPA,wnYPjpd garden update
[00:07:13] * katsmeow is less excited because it rained today and the roof leaked in a new location
[00:08:32] <zhanx> I have stuff even rue might eat now
[00:08:45] <katsmeow> zhanx , is that one url or 7 urls ?
[00:09:01] <zhanx> One long one
[00:10:43] <katsmeow> that's a lotta dirt moved around
[00:11:25] <zhanx> Took a bit of work
[00:13:12] <katsmeow> where did you get such good loking dirt?
[00:18:06] <zhanx> I live in basically a swamp
[00:18:43] <katsmeow> oh, i thought you lived on a plateau, because you mentioneda creek some drop below the yurt ?
[00:18:48] <katsmeow> or shop?
[00:18:55] * katsmeow is unsure
[00:19:15] <zhanx> It's a 5 foot drop to the swamp
[00:19:26] <katsmeow> o
[00:19:33] <zhanx> All this Land is fertile
[00:20:05] <katsmeow> that's because you have only 1/2 a full grow season up there
[00:20:08] <zhanx> A d I am I in the drainage slop of 3 large hills
[00:20:15] <zhanx> True
[00:20:17] <katsmeow> dampower blinking
[00:20:31] <katsmeow> nothing is on ups atm
[00:20:38] <zhanx> May, June
[00:20:52] <zhanx> Sometimes July and august
[00:23:28] <katsmeow> which is better out in the sun, white or black epdm ?
[00:23:33] <katsmeow> as a roof
[00:24:03] <zhanx> White for summer heat
[00:24:28] <zhanx> But either way you don't want to be on it
[00:24:35] <katsmeow> i don't?
[00:25:26] <katsmeow> what if i get the cheaper black and paint it white?
[00:25:28] <zhanx> Black is hot, but the white reflects the sun wicked and will burn you
[00:26:13] <zhanx> Price the difference in black and paint
[00:26:20] <katsmeow> ok
[00:26:34] <katsmeow> i have 5 gal of white roof paint
[00:27:03] <zhanx> Ok
[00:27:11] <zhanx> It's a coat
[00:27:14] <katsmeow> atm, the tin roof of the barn is too hot to work under, and the flat roof of the house is leaking
[00:27:35] <zhanx> Coat it
[00:27:45] <katsmeow> so limited money, and the front axle of the car has been clicking for almost 2 yrs now
[00:28:06] <zhanx> Cv joint
[00:28:36] <katsmeow> yeas
[00:29:07] <rue_house> zhanx, see the stuff?
[00:29:12] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/p1080123.jpg
[00:29:17] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/robots/sparrow1/p1080163.jpg
[00:29:58] <katsmeow> 13x20 in white is $470 , in black is $200
[00:34:09] <katsmeow> http://www.ebay.com/itm/14-x-20-BLACK-45-MIL-EPDM-RUBBER-ROOF-ROOFING-BY-THE-LOTTES-COMPANIES-/161843869720
[00:36:11] <zhanx> Bending pipe?
[00:36:31] <zhanx> Kat get the black at that price
[00:36:54] * katsmeow nods
[00:37:26] <zhanx> Paint it later if needed
[00:40:50] <rue_house> gyro cages for the mecha control
[00:42:09] <zhanx> Cool
[00:47:09] * katsmeow is sorry again that she sent rue email
[00:50:29] <rue_house> I'm not good with blocks of text, I want to read it, but havn't been in a chair long enough to do so
[00:59:36] <zhanx> I at least read kats emails
[00:59:44] <zhanx> Rue your slacking
[01:01:17] <zhanx> Rue roo improve your health want a case / busell of ginkgo baop?
[01:01:27] * katsmeow has an intriguing Ai and simulated reality sorta dream, and told rue about it
[01:01:33] <zhanx> Spelling not my strong point
[01:02:12] <zhanx> I had a dream I would go back, to it work
[01:02:27] <zhanx> I was like eww
[01:07:06] <rue_house> I finished supper and I'm only 1 hour late for bed
[01:07:36] <katsmeow> thinking about the roof situation and the time involved, and money, the right course of action to me seems to be stop the flat part of the roof from leaking (the right way), and shelter the barn roof so it stops being a broiler and i can work in it
[01:08:07] <katsmeow> the non-critical parts can wait a few months, or even till next Spring
[01:08:29] <rue_house> how big is the flat?
[01:09:54] <katsmeow> 24x32
[01:10:03] <katsmeow> plus a "porch" area
[01:10:16] <katsmeow> 16x24 sectio is especially bad
[01:10:29] <rue_house> hmm
[01:12:57] <zhanx> Aluminum tar? It rolls on
[01:14:02] <katsmeow> umm, i know of aluminum paint, i'd applied maybe 100 gallons of it, doesn't last outside, but great rustproofer inside
[01:16:13] <zhanx> Trailer roofing tar
[01:16:18] <katsmeow> the problem is pine beetles (i think) eating th tar from beneath
[01:16:47] <katsmeow> it's opening gaps down to bare wood, as much as 1/4 deep and 1/4 wide, overnight
[01:16:51] <zhanx> That we done have up north
[01:17:04] <zhanx> Dont
[01:17:08] <katsmeow> i cold be up on the roof every day, and see new slots and lines of holes
[01:17:41] <zhanx> Plastic coat it like you said
[01:17:52] <katsmeow> i put down ~4 gallons of latex white earlier this yr, it already has deep slots in it
[01:18:00] <katsmeow> plastic?
[01:18:26] <katsmeow> epdm is rubber?
[01:18:36] <zhanx> Empd is a plastic
[01:18:50] <zhanx> Epmd
[01:18:54] <katsmeow> why is it called rubber?
[01:19:23] <zhanx> Rubber is due to the elastic property of it
[01:19:33] <zhanx> It's all oil based
[01:19:48] <katsmeow> rubber car tires are oil based also
[01:20:19] <zhanx> Plastic is hard, rubber is stretch
[01:20:36] <katsmeow> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPDM_rubber
[01:20:43] <katsmeow> epdm roofing stretches
[01:21:38] <zhanx> It's corn based my bad
[01:23:26] * katsmeow does not see corn mentioned
[01:30:07] <zhanx> Read it as ethyl sorry
[01:37:56] <katsmeow> http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-arms-idUSKCN0ZD01J
[01:38:56] <zhanx> Kat, they call that acceptable risk
[01:39:34] <katsmeow> oh
[01:40:05] <zhanx> And no I am not kidding
[01:40:22] <katsmeow> why didn't the cia just air-drop them weapons where they were going, vs handing them to corrupt 3rd world army officers to watch over first?
[01:41:09] <zhanx> Because the SoS at the time
[01:41:29] <katsmeow> ?
[01:41:49] <zhanx> Secretary of state
[01:42:15] <katsmeow> considering the cia history, it really smells like the weapons were intended to be "stolen"
[01:42:30] <zhanx> Not in this case
[01:42:56] <zhanx> If your Google fu is good you will find the donor behind it all
[01:43:03] <katsmeow> they were allowed to be stolen in exchange for Jordan looking the other way on something?
[01:43:42] <zhanx> No someone had a good contract for billions to rebuild
[02:02:09] <katsmeow> Instead Bakken moves via train and barge to both Oregon and California refineries, to be blended with Canadian Oil Sands for the production of an ANS lookalike feedstock.
[02:57:49] <The_Jester> greets to all
[02:58:29] <The_Jester> greets
[20:13:02] <rue_house> __m00n__, not like that
[20:13:21] <rue_house> you have to use the slicer on the server, its got all the settings for the machine built into it
[20:16:59] <rue_house> rue tell kat about eh 20msps adc
[22:36:38] <rue_bed> arg
[23:05:51] <katsmeow> if you need MC100EP445FAR2 (serial to parallel convertor, 8 bits, 2Ghz) in 100 pcs lots for $25 , now is the time to get them, because the only decent-priced seller of them on ebay is dumping them 100 pcs for $25 (+ s&h)
[23:07:03] <rue_shop3> akt1
[23:07:05] <rue_shop3> ??
[23:07:07] <rue_shop3> jat
[23:07:09] <rue_shop3> ...
[23:07:10] <rue_shop3> kat!
[23:07:16] <katsmeow> uer!
[23:07:25] <katsmeow> eru!
[23:07:34] <katsmeow> hmmm?
[23:07:42] <rue_shop3> I have a 20msps adc on a scanner from a printer
[23:07:52] <katsmeow> ok
[23:07:56] <rue_shop3> I'm getting a 74Mhz arm microcontroller
[23:08:04] <rue_shop3> can do a scope
[23:08:19] <rue_shop3> I just need to figure out how to read in 3 cycles :)
[23:08:24] <rue_shop3> tho I have some fifo
[23:08:36] <rue_shop3> maybe I can just clock it thru... whatever
[23:08:52] <rue_shop3> Tom_itx, are you still getting rid of that board?
[23:09:26] <katsmeow> two MC100EP445FAR2 can sample 16x in 8ns as a go-nogo state machine tester, and the par-out is at a rate Fttl can handle and feed to ordinary superfast srams
[23:09:51] <rue_shop3> oh state machine, your right
[23:10:07] <__m00n__> Still awake??what I not like?
[23:10:11] <__m00n__> ooops
[23:10:17] <katsmeow> "is it done yet?" ... 500 picosec later ... "is it done yet?" ... 500 picosec later ... "is it done yet?" ... 500 picosec later ... "is it done yet?"
[23:10:20] <rue_shop3> __m00n__, you trying to print parts or was correy here?
[23:10:31] <__m00n__> corey and I
[23:10:34] <rue_shop3> ah
[23:10:37] <__m00n__> he was trying to print
[23:10:49] <rue_shop3> you HAVE to use the right slicer, all the printer settings are in it
[23:10:57] <__m00n__> hey wasnt me
[23:10:58] <katsmeow> zhanx , i sent rue another email 24 hrs ago, and he doesn't even know it yet
[23:11:09] <rue_shop3> and, he does NOT want to hold the bottom of hte threaded rod or it will cause wiggle in the z axis
[23:11:16] <rue_shop3> I know Ihave it
[23:11:16] <__m00n__> rue , do you have 2" hole saw??
[23:11:22] <rue_shop3> but there is a lot of text to read
[23:11:40] <rue_shop3> I have to sit down and work on it over supper, but I have to start with the one two emails back
[23:11:57] <rue_shop3> __m00n__, dunno
[23:12:11] <__m00n__> my bud needs one in that ball park
[23:12:28] <katsmeow> see xhamz, he hasn't even looked, i reparsed the one 2 back, and it isn't a block of text any more
[23:12:33] <rue_shop3> there is an adjustable one, it goes up to 2.5
[23:12:45] <__m00n__> fer metal?
[23:12:51] <rue_shop3> katsmeow, told ya, problem with large blocks of text!
[23:12:55] <rue_shop3> __m00n__, nope
[23:13:00] <__m00n__> :(
[23:13:29] <katsmeow> tols ya i reparsed it!
[23:13:41] <rue_shop3> oh correy brought down lots of stuff
[23:13:46] <__m00n__> yes
[23:14:02] <rue_shop3> katsmeow, there are still multiple paragraphs of text longer than fit on the screen at once
[23:14:07] <rue_shop3> line length dosn't matter
[23:15:05] <rue_shop3> katsmeow, I want to understand what you said, not just see the words
[23:15:48] <rue_shop3> I'll read it, give me time
[23:23:58] <any91181788> [22:49] <rue_shop3> I'll read it, give me time
[23:23:58] <any91181788> [22:50] * katsmeow gives rue 24 years
[23:23:58] <any91181788> [22:51] <katsmeow> is correy the name of the gofer robot?
[23:23:58] <any91181788> [22:53] *** Attempting to rejoin...
[23:27:05] <rue_shop3> 24 hours isn't enough
[23:28:05] <katsmeow> i said 24 YEARS, i figure by then an Ai will read it to you in your hibernation chamber
[23:29:21] <rue_shop3> oh I was on the phone when I read it
[23:29:28] <rue_shop3> __m00n__, arts gonna phone you!
[23:37:37] <zhanx> Ok, rue read kats email
[23:37:46] <zhanx> Sorry was making strawberry jam
[23:40:53] <zhanx> And I killed the chat
[23:46:57] <katsmeow> 40msps : http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PCS-TLC5540IPW-IC-8-BIT-PAR-A-D-CONV-24TSSOP-5540-TLC5540/191896662602
[23:50:51] <katsmeow> THREE 140msps a-d convertors : http://www.ebay.com/itm/160841714100
[23:58:12] <rue_house> but I HAVE the 20msps
[23:58:49] <rue_house> and the roms I have can do a state machine to do the samples
[23:59:58] * katsmeow takes the FIY data out to the driveway and cuts it up with the torch, and buries it really deep