#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-25

[00:21:42] <rue_shop2> *wrong breaker*
[00:23:54] <katsmeow-afk> o
[00:27:58] <rue_shop2> the neutral imbalance from the house is not going into the shop ground plate
[00:28:17] <katsmeow-afk> ok
[11:13:44] <Tom_itx> know any good software to sew pics together like a panorama shot?
[11:13:54] <Tom_itx> winders preferrably
[11:13:57] <Tom_itx> free even better
[11:15:22] <rue_house> no idea, can you find a model of camera that comes with an app that does it and has a software download site?
[11:16:09] <rue_house> do you think I should start migrating to stm32 controllers in light of the EOL of avrs?
[11:16:23] <rue_house> arm will be around a long time
[11:16:39] <rue_house> the software libs are really primitive
[11:16:58] <rue_house> right up there with th 8041
[11:18:47] <rue_house> I dont need more than 8 bits, I dont need more than 16Mhz, but I do need processors
[12:53:43] <Tom_itx> i have such camera but can't find the dvd
[12:54:08] <Tom_itx> it will take years for avr to eol
[12:54:23] <Tom_itx> but if you want to do arm they're certainly cheap but low voltage
[16:29:25] <rue_house> I want to start setting up an alternative
[17:23:01] <Tom_itx> i got a board you can have if you want it
[17:23:17] <Tom_itx> STM32F4 Discovery
[17:23:26] <Tom_itx> still in the box
[17:30:09] <rue_house> hmm
[17:30:24] <rue_house> can I keep a bookmark on it while i get the ones from china?
[17:30:28] <rue_house> why didn't you play with it?
[17:30:35] <Tom_itx> no time
[17:30:44] <rue_house> ah
[17:30:58] <rue_house> I have to go get concrete and mortar
[17:31:01] <Tom_itx> it was free
[17:31:15] <rue_house> prize?
[17:31:23] <Tom_itx> giveaway when they first came out
[17:31:31] <rue_house> ah
[17:32:06] <Tom_itx> i've almost thrown it out at least 3 or 4 times
[17:32:25] <rue_house> doyou know what shipping is worth?
[17:32:33] <Tom_itx> no idea
[17:32:40] <rue_house> you had some other stuff on your clearout pile
[17:33:13] <Tom_itx> in the attic now
[17:33:23] <Tom_itx> probably weighs too much to ship
[17:33:23] <rue_house> I'v still not finished the silk screening thing ya know
[17:33:30] <Tom_itx> damn you!
[17:33:38] <Tom_itx> get with it..
[17:33:41] <rue_house> I made a frame and stretched it
[17:33:59] <rue_house> I dont know if the bottled stuff is any good anymore
[17:34:13] <Tom_itx> i still have a mix of mine in the frig
[17:34:19] <Tom_itx> it keeps longer there
[17:34:27] <rue_house> .. frig.... .. :S
[17:34:30] <Tom_itx> also have the original bottles yet to mix
[17:34:55] <Tom_itx> used very very little of it
[17:34:58] <rue_house> ok there must be more than concrete and mortar I can go to town for
[17:35:06] <Tom_itx> food
[17:35:09] <Tom_itx> don't forget food
[17:35:13] <rue_house> no I dont want food
[17:35:25] <rue_house> I dont want to even need food
[17:35:28] <Tom_itx> didn't say you wanted it...
[17:35:38] <rue_house> mm
[17:36:01] <Tom_itx> one day the 3 must disclose our true ages
[17:36:09] <rue_house> zhanx, cracked open those tgz yet?
[17:36:10] <Tom_itx> kat did already
[17:36:38] <Tom_itx> you keep holding out but time tells a tale
[17:37:09] <rue_house> sure, I'm 14442 today
[17:37:45] <Tom_itx> you are more than that
[17:37:51] <rue_house> and not saving any time sleeping
[17:38:04] <rue_house> why do you think I stay so quiet?
[17:38:09] <rue_house> I'm running out of time tho
[17:38:17] <rue_house> I'm waaay behind
[17:38:21] <Tom_itx> time is a relative thing
[17:38:42] <Tom_itx> it gives us humans a sense of urgency
[17:38:43] <rue_house> yea, its a percentage of how old I'll be when I'm dead
[17:39:04] <rue_house> I want to sleep
[17:39:10] <rue_house> my todo list is really long
[17:39:17] <Tom_itx> shorten it
[17:39:22] <rue_house> heh
[17:39:23] <Tom_itx> you won't get it all done
[17:39:45] <rue_house> everything I'm priortizing is somehow related to electromechanical transition
[17:39:52] <Tom_itx> one reason i took the cad classes
[17:39:56] <rue_house> everything else can wait
[17:39:56] <Tom_itx> mostly just for fun
[17:40:09] <rue_house> design me a body :)
[17:40:38] <Tom_itx> you could get this ya know
[17:40:52] <rue_house> I have no time for excessive planning
[17:40:56] <rue_house> I need to keep doing
[17:41:18] <Tom_itx> i plan on sitting on my arse here real soon
[17:41:25] <Tom_itx> if that is planning..
[17:41:40] <rue_house> just concrete and mortar?
[17:41:45] <Tom_itx> no
[17:41:52] <Tom_itx> you need reinforcing bar too
[17:42:09] <Tom_itx> what are you patching up?
[17:42:18] <rue_house> the concrete is for a temp footing for hte house while I prop it up to fix the post thats rotting out
[17:42:30] <Tom_itx> just use a rock
[17:42:30] <rue_house> the mortar is for making driveway pillars
[17:42:51] <rue_house> holding up 1/4 of the house, want someting gonna stay put
[17:42:59] <Tom_itx> they actually used big rocks under the pillars when they did my basement
[17:43:07] <rue_house> yup, it was the way
[17:43:33] <rue_house> rock-logs-joists
[17:43:35] <rue_house> er
[17:43:41] <rue_house> waking up would be nice
[17:43:52] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/house/4.jpg
[17:43:57] <Tom_itx> can't find a pic of em
[17:44:04] <Tom_itx> but under each post is a BIG rock
[17:44:34] <rue_house> how did you get away with cutting the line so close to the outter foundation?
[17:44:51] <Tom_itx> luck?
[17:45:00] <rue_house> hah
[17:45:09] <Tom_itx> as it turns out it's perfect soil for a basement
[17:45:16] <rue_house> usually soil blows out real easy like that
[17:45:20] <Tom_itx> good black soil about 3' down then sand
[17:45:25] <Tom_itx> as you can see in the layers there
[17:45:26] <rue_house> looks like compacted sand
[17:45:40] <Tom_itx> it was nearly perfect for it
[17:45:52] <rue_house> I have some glaicial sand here, hard as ****
[17:46:00] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/house/5.jpg
[17:46:05] <rue_house> you have to chop at it with an axe
[17:46:06] <Tom_itx> escape window hole
[17:46:19] <Tom_itx> reverse side of the first pic
[17:46:37] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/house/9.jpg
[17:46:51] <Tom_itx> rebar in the walls with plastic outside of that as a barrier for the pour
[17:47:01] <rue_house> yup
[17:47:11] <Tom_itx> tied into the exhisting foundation
[17:47:20] <Tom_itx> drilled and pounded into place
[17:47:53] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/house/8.jpg
[17:47:55] <Tom_itx> better one of that
[17:48:27] <rue_house> ok concrete, mortar, then make tea, nap off the excess tired, and go 150% till 3am
[17:48:48] <Tom_itx> i may be up a while later too
[17:48:58] <Tom_itx> work on the code is moving steady now
[17:49:02] <Tom_itx> slow but steady
[17:49:16] <rue_house> must be quite an app
[17:49:22] <Tom_itx> can't figure out a few things i want it to do
[17:49:33] <rue_house> database ops?
[17:49:39] <Tom_itx> yeah
[17:49:56] <Tom_itx> i'll keep the dos one running until i can't use it anymore
[17:49:57] <rue_house> different databases tend to have special features that are hard to port
[17:50:02] <Tom_itx> i still like it better
[17:50:14] <Tom_itx> dbase / clipper
[17:50:27] <Tom_itx> this is a port of clipper to windows
[17:50:29] <rue_house> isn't dbase sql?
[17:50:32] <Tom_itx> harbour
[17:50:33] <Tom_itx> no
[17:50:35] <rue_house> oh
[17:50:52] <Tom_itx> harbour is a port of clipper
[17:50:53] <Tom_itx> free
[17:50:59] <rue_house> no idea
[17:51:13] <rue_house> back in 2000 I chose to learn postgres over mysql
[17:51:23] <rue_house> so I'v never ended up using anything else
[17:51:30] <Tom_itx> i never learned sql
[17:51:42] <Tom_itx> did a bit with it on my droid but that's about it
[17:52:10] <Tom_itx> iirc this has sql drivers i could use
[17:52:19] <Tom_itx> for the database engine
[17:52:37] <Tom_itx> has dbase, foxpro and sql at least
[17:52:50] <Tom_itx> not alot of difference in the first two
[17:53:58] <rue_house> http://sunshine.craigslist.ca/zip/5605060091.html
[17:54:01] <rue_house> hmmm
[17:54:28] <Tom_itx> hah my dad had one similar years ago
[17:54:53] <Tom_itx> trasnsom is probably shot
[17:55:01] <rue_house> I better not till I'm done with the $500 truck I'm converting to electric
[17:55:18] <rue_house> shot = corroded to death or needs welding?
[17:55:35] <Tom_itx> separated plywood from fiberglass
[17:55:43] <Tom_itx> on the back where they bolt the motor on
[17:55:45] <rue_house> oooh that transom :)
[17:56:32] <Tom_itx> left hand isn't what it used to be...
[17:58:11] <Tom_itx> bbl
[17:58:12] <rue_house> ok I'm gonna go get the stuff
[22:26:57] <katsmeow> Fairchild J13009 on ebay 20 pcs for $8
[22:35:10] <katsmeow> new word : alligatorised
[23:10:38] <katsmeow> Aluminium oxynitride