#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-23

[00:42:34] <rue_house> well
[00:42:42] <rue_house> of a 120V 7A load
[00:42:50] <rue_house> 4.67A goes back on the neutral
[00:43:03] <rue_house> 1.4A goes back on the service cable sheath
[00:43:14] <rue_house> and the other 0.3A goes back thru the ground
[00:43:29] <katsmeow> sheath is supposed to be gnd
[00:43:33] <rue_house> so, I'm thinkin on that
[00:43:49] <katsmeow> why are you leaking so much to gnd? your gfi should be tripping like mad
[00:43:59] <rue_house> no gfi's
[00:44:04] <katsmeow> o
[00:44:09] <rue_house> and thats in a circuit thats got no ground leak
[00:44:15] <rue_house> so *something is wrong*
[00:44:22] <rue_house> I'm thinking
[00:44:29] <katsmeow> very
[00:44:34] <rue_house> the neutral and the sheath are parallel conductors
[00:45:02] <katsmeow> yeas, but they shold be connected ONLY in the breakbox
[00:45:07] <rue_house> they are joined in the panel and I think they are joined in the meter box
[00:45:08] <katsmeow> breaker
[00:45:12] <katsmeow> yeas
[00:45:25] <katsmeow> but they are technically gnd and return
[00:45:31] <rue_house> but that still leaves 0.3A thru the ground rod
[00:45:47] <katsmeow> should be zero current in the gnd/sheath in normal donditions
[00:45:47] <rue_house> which causes my phone system a LOT of noise
[00:46:13] <__m00n__> :P
[00:46:33] <rue_house> the shop has a really good ground plate
[00:46:47] <rue_house> and its neutral and ground are joined
[00:47:05] <rue_house> the neutral current I see going out of the house *could* be going into the shop ground
[00:47:12] <__m00n__> you should not have that on a sub??
[00:47:29] <rue_house> I got a seperate meter cause the house is gonna get torn down
[00:47:39] <__m00n__> O
[00:47:42] <__m00n__> :P ok
[00:47:49] <rue_house> and I'll still have power @ shop as construction power and shop power
[00:48:11] <katsmeow> but you have no room for a bed in there
[00:48:24] <rue_house> no, have to build a 100'^2 cabin
[00:48:27] <__m00n__> sentiant wire pile bed
[00:48:32] <rue_house> or get a motorhome
[00:48:55] <__m00n__> some one should bring me some fried chicken
[00:49:01] <rue_house> __m00n__, I'v been bitten by it before
[00:49:14] <__m00n__> wire or fried chicken
[00:49:30] <rue_house> throw a chicken in the panel
[00:49:37] <rue_house> hows your wall?
[00:49:49] <__m00n__> yeah , specialy with no over current protection
[00:49:54] <__m00n__> my walll
[00:49:59] <__m00n__> not bouncy anymore
[00:50:06] <rue_house> didn't you put in a panel?
[00:50:23] <__m00n__> welll its to complicated to type
[00:50:36] <__m00n__> but I replaced the main pannel today in the barn
[00:50:45] <rue_house> I got a 200A panl here I'll never use if you can find federal breakers
[00:50:49] <rue_house> stablock
[00:50:52] <__m00n__> NEVER
[00:50:55] <__m00n__> but thanks
[00:50:57] <rue_house> pff
[00:51:26] <rue_house> not today, we need to work on your phones ip problem
[00:51:45] <__m00n__> on the other hand if you had a comercial FPE
[00:51:48] <__m00n__> OH yeah
[00:52:06] <rue_house> I suppose I should junk that panel
[00:52:11] <__m00n__> yeah
[00:52:12] <rue_house> I *think* its empty
[00:52:26] <rue_house> basterds
[00:52:41] <katsmeow> save the box and cover for simething
[00:52:48] <__m00n__> yups
[00:53:09] <__m00n__> ceramonally DESTROY THE BUS BAR
[00:53:30] <__m00n__> Smelt it :)
[00:58:08] <rue_house> __m00n__,
[00:58:27] <rue_house> I ran into a guy at the supermarket
[00:58:43] <rue_house> he said you won a draw but he couldn't get ahold of you with your phone number
[00:59:01] <rue_house> you won 5 things of frozen orange juice concentrate
[00:59:25] <rue_house> I said I could pass them on, so there here
[01:00:13] <__m00n__> WAT
[01:00:15] <__m00n__> the fuck
[01:00:16] <rue_house> yea
[01:00:19] <__m00n__> wat
[01:00:20] <rue_house> go figure
[01:00:24] <__m00n__> WHAT
[01:00:26] <__m00n__> whoi
[01:00:33] <rue_house> they're in my kitchen freezer
[01:00:58] <__m00n__> what the fuck
[01:01:04] <rue_house> I got some for me, but I'm not too partial to it, I like the tropicanan stuff better
[01:01:07] <__m00n__> iv entered no draw
[01:01:23] <rue_house> well, some must have
[01:01:43] <__m00n__> whitch 'supermarket'
[01:02:03] <rue_house> I'll take it if you dont want it, but like I say, its not really my stuff
[01:02:10] <rue_house> uh, the independent iirc
[01:02:18] <__m00n__> in sechelt
[01:02:28] <__m00n__> ?
[01:02:29] <rue_house> but whatever, do you want frozen orange concentrate?
[01:02:35] <__m00n__> i supose
[01:02:37] <rue_house> k
[01:02:50] <__m00n__> I havent been there in 4 - 6 months
[01:02:57] <rue_house> sure whatever
[01:03:05] <__m00n__> ok
[01:03:42] <__m00n__> If you see that guy again tell him I want a woman next.
[01:03:56] <katsmeow> a woman? why?
[01:04:03] <__m00n__> to squeeze
[01:04:04] <rue_house> sure whatever
[01:04:40] <rue_house> what if its a presidents choice woman?
[01:04:55] <__m00n__> I'll manage
[01:05:03] <rue_house> er, no name
[01:05:13] <__m00n__> yes I deal..
[01:05:16] <__m00n__> i will*
[01:05:29] <__m00n__> HI im __________
[01:05:33] <rue_house> :)
[01:05:47] <katsmeow> hi, i am far more than a squeeze toy
[01:05:51] <__m00n__> so where is my fried chicken
[01:06:15] <rue_house> I'm sure there are 1000's of fried chickens ever hour around the world
[01:06:27] <__m00n__> :| need teleport
[01:06:45] <rue_house> yea, I'd trust you with that right up there with time travel
[01:06:53] <__m00n__> YEAH
[01:07:03] <rue_house> zzzaaaaAAAAAAAA...
[01:07:07] <__m00n__> XD
[01:07:52] <__m00n__> you know a second a go we whernt actually in this town, but I changed the time line but from ten years from now
[01:08:21] <rue_house> katsmeow, if I were a creature other than what I'd been lead to believe, that had a lifespan shorter than that I'd been lead to beleive, would you tell me?
[01:08:35] <__m00n__> nope
[01:09:06] <katsmeow> yeas, but since you refuse to tell me that stuff, i cannot
[01:09:29] <rue_house> {8-\
[01:10:46] <rue_house> you know, I dont know if anyone has actually told me I'm human...
[01:11:00] <rue_house> I think I was lead to imply this
[01:11:18] <rue_house> what if I'm not what I am
[01:11:44] <__m00n__> you are animal, good night
[01:11:47] <rue_house> does that make me something else, whatever I want to be, or nothing?
[01:11:59] <rue_house> so I'm not a simulation...
[01:12:13] <rue_house> how do we know what chicken really tastes like?
[01:12:19] <katsmeow> i know by the way i am treated, i am not human
[01:12:20] <rue_house> and if its fried, does it matter?
[01:13:34] <rue_house> kat, is my natural life almost up?
[01:14:08] <katsmeow> i dunno
[01:14:10] <rue_house> I been told I got lots more, but i dont feel right
[01:14:21] <katsmeow> has your life ever been natural ?
[01:14:36] <rue_house> oh geez, thats a good question
[01:15:50] <rue_house> if the whole thing is simulated to make me feel like I'm living in the environment its expected for me to have lived in...
[01:16:11] <rue_house> what if only about 5% of us are real
[01:16:22] <rue_house> and the rest is simulated to fill in the gaps
[01:16:35] <rue_house> so they can know more about what we were
[01:18:17] <katsmeow> cannot be like that, anyone intelligent enough to pull it off would already be alarmed and disppointed and shut it all down
[01:18:46] <rue_house> they cnt get the music right
[01:19:11] <rue_house> I can tell the real music from the stuff they try to make up to build volume
[01:25:05] <rue_house> haha I'm insane!
[01:25:07] <rue_house> hahahahahahaha
[01:25:30] <rue_house> I'm an insame person who cant find the diodes
[01:26:06] <rue_house> where did the diodes go... did I actually reieve them?
[01:28:54] <rue_house> kat, 8 bit SR latch, know of one?
[01:29:17] <rue_house> fpga I guess
[01:29:17] <katsmeow> 4013 7474
[01:29:24] <katsmeow> just don't use the D or clk
[01:29:29] <rue_house> those are both 2 bit!
[01:29:41] <katsmeow> drive any 8bit latch witht hem
[01:29:53] <katsmeow> there's one or 2 8bit with MR pins
[01:30:18] <rue_house> ever seen the LM3914/4017 led scopes?
[01:30:31] <rue_house> MR would be ok
[01:31:01] <katsmeow> 74412= [!what][!electronics][!integrated circuit] Multi-Mode Buffered 8-bit Latches with three-state outputs and Clear (74S412 is equivalent to Intel 8212, TI TIM8212)
[01:31:07] <rue_house> for the time slice, I want to catch all the bits that were 1 from the 3914
[01:31:27] <rue_house> has to be S and not D
[01:31:35] <rue_house> multi mode...
[01:32:36] <katsmeow> 74577= [!what][!electronics][!integrated circuit] Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, inverting three-state outputs
[01:32:53] <katsmeow> 74575= [!what][!electronics][!integrated circuit] Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with Synchronous Clear, three-state outputs
[01:33:16] <katsmeow> 74164= [!what][!electronics][!integrated circuit] 8-bit Parallel-Out Serial Shift Register with Asynchronous Clear
[01:33:50] <katsmeow> 74160 , ..1 , ..2 , ..3
[01:34:00] <rue_house> 412 is D
[01:34:23] <rue_house> I need to catch all the bits that go high from a LM3914
[01:34:25] <katsmeow> doesn't have a clk and a clr ?
[01:34:30] <rue_house> they only go one at a time
[01:34:57] <rue_house> so I need a S latch to catch them indivitually during the time slice
[01:35:49] <rue_house> LM3914 is a 10 level flash adc
[01:36:43] <katsmeow> ummm, i dunno what you are doing
[01:36:52] <rue_house> digital scope
[01:36:58] <rue_house> olde project
[01:37:31] <rue_house> https://books.google.ca/books?id=ZrwyjHhSeZoC&pg=PA66&lpg=PA66&dq=scope+4017+3914&source=bl&ots=8aNmBHfH0c&sig=gh2e60udSaZzB0VwWAkzQDY5CG0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifl6zEvr3NAhVN_WMKHTi2BnkQ6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=scope%204017%203914&f=false
[01:37:56] <katsmeow> not launching Ff till back on a ups
[01:39:30] <rue_house> http://www.electro-tech-online.com/attachments/led-oscope-gif.19395/
[01:39:35] <rue_house> can that download as an image?
[01:40:06] <rue_house> but I'm using 1000 leds (or so)
[01:43:36] <katsmeow> got the gif
[02:09:09] <rue_house> goodnight
[02:09:17] <rue_house> pong pong
[02:09:19] <katsmeow> gnite
[02:09:26] <katsmeow> i have rice in the nukebox
[02:09:30] <katsmeow> i forgot dinner
[02:10:18] <rue_bed> I had spagettti
[02:11:37] <katsmeow> i should do that soon
[02:17:49] <rue_bed> do yo usee how the little scope circuit works?
[02:20:14] <katsmeow> sorta
[02:20:26] <katsmeow> brain is off, i ate sleepy pill an hr ago
[02:20:34] <katsmeow> 2hrs ago
[02:44:05] <katsmeow> i need to go lay down before i fall down
[09:14:49] <rue_house> zhanx,
[18:12:51] <zhanx> http://imgur.com/nYeQvWl lettuce
[22:15:33] <rue_house> nice
[22:15:42] <rue_house> zhanx, software
[22:15:50] <rue_house> talk to me
[22:18:47] <zhanx> ?
[22:19:29] <zhanx> Rue talk to me
[22:19:48] <Tom_itx> well someone talk dammit!
[22:20:22] <zhanx> I know to right tom?
[22:22:07] <zhanx> Or typos whatever
[22:22:11] <Tom_itx> kat'll talk to us
[22:22:37] <katsmeow> praps
[22:22:48] <zhanx> Tomorrow I start my arm tear down
[22:22:57] <zhanx> To refit for motors
[22:23:10] <katsmeow> umm, might be painful
[22:23:33] <zhanx> Might be better than my shoulder is now
[22:24:54] <katsmeow> didja verify the arm is the right size for the motors?
[22:25:09] <zhanx> Nope
[22:25:12] <katsmeow> what did you do to your shoulde?
[22:25:23] <zhanx> Gonna wing it
[22:26:36] <katsmeow> what did you do to your shoulder?
[22:26:56] <zhanx> Which time?
[22:27:31] <katsmeow> whatever making it be a issue now
[22:27:46] <zhanx> Age now
[22:28:15] <katsmeow> oh
[22:29:25] <Tom_itx> you are not aged
[22:29:56] <zhanx> I have the joints of an 85 year old at 39, say again
[22:31:00] <zhanx> I am cured like aged bacon
[22:31:43] <Tom_itx> they used you up and spit you out
[22:32:51] <zhanx> I didn't complain
[22:33:27] <zhanx> Anyways new meds are awesome
[22:33:27] * katsmeow wonders if zhanx will have her 18" bicepts when he is 60 yrs old
[22:33:56] <zhanx> Kat if they shrink that much I will be mad
[22:34:19] <katsmeow> might be less wear and tear on your shoulder tho
[22:34:36] <zhanx> True but my triceps are still large
[22:35:22] <katsmeow> stop working them so hard, your joints are paying the price
[22:35:55] <zhanx> This I will not deny
[22:35:58] <katsmeow> drink body builder drink, helps restore the joints too
[22:36:18] <zhanx> Nope
[22:36:39] <katsmeow> helped mine
[22:36:46] <zhanx> Fresh greens from the garden are better
[22:37:20] <katsmeow> greens have no protien
[22:37:24] <zhanx> Or go back on my 10,000 calories a day diet
[22:38:17] <katsmeow> greens and one 250 calorie protien drink
[22:38:50] <zhanx> Greens and chicken with peanut butter
[22:44:00] <rue_shop3> zhanx,
[22:44:06] <rue_shop3> you were interested in software
[22:44:24] <rue_shop3> there are like 4 systems of software that are part of the stuff I was doing
[22:44:24] <zhanx> Yes your arm code
[22:44:47] <rue_shop3> lots of it isn't usefull to ya cause its specific to things like hobby servos
[22:44:51] <rue_shop3> so,
[22:45:01] <rue_shop3> were you interested in the realtime trainer software?
[22:45:08] <zhanx> Yes
[22:45:12] <rue_shop3> ok
[22:45:25] <zhanx> I can modify the rest of if, you know that
[22:45:26] <rue_shop3> so then I should get you the firmware for the trainer arm
[22:45:45] <rue_shop3> and the PC software that pushes / translates to the arm
[22:45:49] <rue_shop3> ok
[22:45:55] <rue_shop3> I'll package it tonight for ya
[22:46:02] <rue_shop3> you will want a mega328 board
[22:46:06] <rue_shop3> for the trainer
[22:46:10] <zhanx> Got one
[22:46:19] <rue_shop3> with atleast 6 pots on the first 6 adc channels
[22:46:24] <rue_shop3> you can do all 8 if you want
[22:46:31] <zhanx> K
[22:46:44] <rue_shop3> you want the m328 to talk via a serial port to the PC
[22:46:52] <rue_shop3> I use ttl to usb serial converters
[22:47:00] <zhanx> Package it, I will attempt to make it better
[22:47:01] <rue_shop3> some arduino boards have it built in
[22:47:34] <rue_shop3> you will want me to describe things for you, my methods will look insane without a backdrop
[22:48:06] <zhanx> Well, send the code , let me look at then I will ask ok?
[22:48:20] <zhanx> If I don't ask you know I understood it
[22:48:23] <rue_shop3> the peices are all generic, so there are a lot of flexible joints in between them
[22:48:36] <rue_shop3> yup, I'll get it tonight then
[22:48:44] <rue_shop3> sorry, I cant think right now
[22:48:53] <zhanx> Tis ok.
[22:48:53] <rue_shop3> for some stupid reason I'm trying to stay awake
[22:49:13] <zhanx> Then sleep
[22:49:29] <rue_shop3> there is an upcomming mod in the way the tracking software operates the pause functionality
[22:49:49] <rue_shop3> and I'm going to tear it all apart and reassemble to implement capture file editing
[22:49:53] <rue_shop3> later
[22:50:10] <zhanx> Heck I am starting arm mods this weekend, code is a while off
[22:50:25] <rue_shop3> dc motor + pot actuators?
[22:50:36] <zhanx> Steppers
[22:50:44] <katsmeow> pot needs actuation?
[22:51:07] <rue_shop3> hmm, my stepper library isn't working with the interpolator right now, but its on the todo list
[22:51:19] <rue_shop3> katsmeow, table to mouth, table to mouth
[22:51:25] <zhanx> Steppers with encoders is my idea
[22:51:28] <rue_shop3> 8-|
[22:51:36] <rue_shop3> oooo, fancy
[22:51:49] <rue_shop3> high rez brushless
[22:52:14] <rue_shop3> a pot is equiv to about a 2000 line encoder
[22:52:19] <zhanx> Well it's a high grade aluminum arm so yeah
[22:52:20] <rue_shop3> and its absolute
[22:52:45] <rue_shop3> its about 8:30
[22:52:57] <rue_shop3> so, for 3.5 hours, I been trying to put away 1 robot arm
[22:53:15] <rue_shop3> in the course I seem to have assembled a pcb
[22:53:21] <rue_shop3> thats completely unrelated
[23:17:31] * katsmeow snorts some basil
[23:28:06] <katsmeow> need that time machine, rue, to go back and let people know which are the bad ideas
[23:29:27] <rue_shop3> hmm
[23:29:52] <rue_shop3> without the contrast, how would we know what the good ideas are?
[23:31:28] <rue_shop3> timespace vortex
[23:31:55] <katsmeow> well, putting your new jeep in "park" and then standing behind it is apparently a bad i dea
[23:32:18] <rue_shop3> ?
[23:32:42] <katsmeow> what's his nick from Star Trek ran over by his jeep 2 days ago
[23:33:07] <katsmeow> the lever pops back from park to reverse, the indicator still reads park
[23:33:23] <rue_shop3> oh dear
[23:33:57] <katsmeow> the new Sulu, russian guy
[23:34:22] <katsmeow> the new ST movie is out next month too
[23:35:16] <rue_shop3> I need to make an oven
[23:35:22] <rue_shop3> for vacuum forming plastic
[23:35:30] <rue_shop3> and heating up pvc pipe to flatten it
[23:35:46] <rue_shop3> and setting powdercoat paint
[23:35:49] <katsmeow> yeas, i still need a 11ft long pipe heater
[23:36:39] <katsmeow> remembe that 6ft tall stack of 100's of cable boxes i collected ? i collected heater elements too
[23:37:10] <katsmeow> i can make 0.05 ohm 400w resistors :-)
[23:37:23] <rue_shop3> do you know the potential layouts for a powerder coat sprayer?
[23:37:31] <katsmeow> no
[23:37:56] <katsmeow> i think you need a nukebox transformer tho, or a Ne2 transformer
[23:38:09] <katsmeow> and diodes
[23:38:16] <katsmeow> diOdies
[23:38:23] <rue_shop3> cant need 1500W
[23:38:24] <katsmeow> diOdys
[23:38:31] <rue_shop3> I have 10kv power supplies
[23:38:51] <katsmeow> ok
[23:39:25] <katsmeow> don't need wattage, just the volts, to attract and make stick tilly ou've melted it
[23:39:41] <rue_shop3> er, this page says 100kv
[23:39:47] <katsmeow> old fashioned car ignition coil
[23:39:57] <rue_shop3> not too 100kv
[23:40:08] <rue_shop3> 100kv is a freaking tasla coil
[23:41:28] <katsmeow> you could make a van de graff easy enough
[23:41:49] <katsmeow> a whimhurst is you spend some time on it, and have large sheets of glass
[23:42:54] * katsmeow ponders setting a pvc pipe inside the gate posts, making a van de graff outa them
[23:43:38] <rue_shop3> this one says 25kv
[23:44:19] * katsmeow makes a page to say whatever number rue is looking for
[23:45:08] <rue_shop3> for about $180usd you can get a whole powerder coat sprayer from china
[23:45:38] <katsmeow> i have a stack of 29,000u caps, how long do you think they'll last with 10amps of sinewave ripple current?
[23:47:53] <katsmeow> arrgg, just remembered, again, the tato salad is upstairs and should be in the fridge, bbiaf
[23:54:55] <rue_shop2> your not talking impedence across an AC load
[23:55:07] <rue_shop2> 29000uf
[23:55:13] <rue_shop2> should be good for 29A
[23:55:26] <rue_shop2> so I'd say the full 8000 hours
[23:55:52] <rue_shop2> katsmeow, you had some high speed adc's in there didn't you
[23:57:00] <katsmeow> bak
[23:57:55] <katsmeow> 20msps@10bits
[23:58:23] <rue_shop3> that makes for a 10Mhz scope dosn't it?
[23:58:43] <katsmeow> if you are happy with 2 samples/waveform
[23:58:49] <rue_shop3> tho, I'd need a fifo for it
[23:59:24] <katsmeow> for 20mhz? you can generate addressed for a common sram that slow