#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-18

[02:11:37] <rue_house> zhanx, huh
[21:00:21] <zhanx> What did I piss off the world for getting medicine
[21:01:43] <rue_shop3> ?
[21:02:02] <rue_shop3> sometimes it takes its payment preactivly
[21:02:06] <zhanx> [22:00] (zhanx) http://m.imgur.com/ppRt4l2,FguQjHS,0xhFotK,fta5LiJ,y8ynV9f
[21:02:15] <rue_shop3> I saw
[21:02:29] <rue_shop3> does it look like you can do good things with it?
[21:02:35] <zhanx> That was yesterday as my new robot arm base
[21:02:48] <rue_shop3> sometimes the hardest place to start is with what seem to be closest to the finish
[21:03:04] <zhanx> It's all aluminum and yes
[21:03:50] <zhanx> Tim, the only local hacker is helping etc. And I would like your code also if I can
[21:04:19] <rue_shop3> sure, ust tell me what you want code for
[21:04:31] <zhanx> A helper arm
[21:04:47] <rue_shop3> or what you want and I'll push you the closest code I ahve
[21:04:59] <rue_shop3> I have lots of training and servo code
[21:05:11] <zhanx> Closes code I guess
[21:05:21] <zhanx> I know your way ahead of me on it
[21:05:28] <rue_shop3> I'm just working ont he code to read the pressure sensors for counteracting air muscles }:]
[21:05:57] <zhanx> Don't worry about it today
[21:06:08] <zhanx> I still need to modify it
[21:06:09] <rue_shop3> I suggest a handfull of arduino pro mini baords, online for about $3.50ea
[21:06:17] <zhanx> And get motors
[21:06:22] <zhanx> Those I have
[21:06:43] <rue_shop3> how many axies? what you planning to use? dc motors?
[21:07:07] <zhanx> Nema 23 I think, I want a strong arm and it's 8 dof as of now stock
[21:07:16] <rue_shop3> steppesr
[21:07:24] <rue_shop3> k
[21:07:25] <zhanx> Yes
[21:07:38] <rue_shop3> so I have a 6 channel stepper controller
[21:08:10] <zhanx> 36v?
[21:08:29] <rue_shop3> it uses '595 to control the phases, you prolly want to use some of the new current controlled stepper drivers
[21:08:47] <rue_shop3> but it can be modded for dir/clock easy enough
[21:08:52] <zhanx> K
[21:08:54] <rue_shop3> might be a good thing for me to make up too
[21:10:00] <rue_shop3> http://www.aliexpress.com/item/TB6600-DC12-45V-Single-for-Axis-Two-Phase-Hybrid-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Controller-Top-Sale/32613502038.html
[21:10:10] <zhanx> New meds making me alot more alert but tired also
[21:10:11] <rue_shop3> my reccomendation for arge motors
[21:10:27] <rue_shop3> alart but tired, thats a bad combo
[21:10:47] <rue_shop3> aka, impossable to get rest
[21:10:55] <zhanx> Yep
[21:11:04] <rue_shop3> have access to a 3d printer?
[21:11:14] <zhanx> No
[21:11:38] <zhanx> Someone named rue was suppose to print things for me
[21:11:40] <rue_shop3> cause I can email you a realtime trainer 'arm'
[21:11:49] <rue_shop3> amazing!
[21:12:06] <rue_shop3> speaking of staying awake, I need more yea
[21:12:07] <zhanx> Happens
[21:12:08] <rue_shop3> tea
[21:12:19] <zhanx> Sweet tea
[21:12:27] <rue_shop3> I should also load up the scrap metal and make a trip to the recycler
[21:12:57] <zhanx> Same here
[21:13:40] <zhanx> But to be hon I would love to see your arm code
[21:13:52] <zhanx> Honest
[23:30:57] <rue_shop3> the robot side is just a servo controller, serial
[23:31:30] <rue_shop3> the PC side is a text console mess of numbers and commands, that is centric about the trainer device.
[23:31:39] <rue_shop3> I have to rework it to be able to edit files
[23:31:50] <rue_shop3> it would really help to have feedback on the trainer
[23:34:12] <katsmeow> o
[23:34:30] * katsmeow had sent rue email
[23:35:18] <rue_shop3> recieved and replied
[23:36:56] <rue_shop3> geez I wish I didn't have to be around when I'm gassy.
[23:38:10] <katsmeow> did not have reply which i logged onto irc , got one now
[23:38:17] <katsmeow> which/when
[23:38:22] <rue_shop3> I been away
[23:38:38] <rue_shop3> I did a metal run to the scrapper
[23:38:51] <rue_shop3> there wasn't much of anything good to bring back :/
[23:39:04] <rue_shop3> a pulley, and I passed on it
[23:41:11] * katsmeow replied
[23:49:24] <rue_shop3> zhanx, your running linux aren' you?