#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-17

[02:53:25] * rue_shop3 tries to flatten out the bumps in the internet
[02:53:47] <rue_shop3> rolling pin! thwack! thwack!
[03:11:35] <^kat^> [02:43] <^kat^> 7200 rpm on a 2" cylinder track is 45,000 inches per minute , 752 inches per second
[03:11:49] <^kat^> [02:44] <^kat^> 750 ips = 62 feet per sec passing under the head
[03:11:57] <^kat^> [02:45] <^kat^> ~ 42 mph
[03:12:03] <rue_shop3> ? what are you up to
[03:12:26] <rue_shop3> not a harddrive powered car...
[03:12:30] <^kat^> i dunno
[03:13:04] <^kat^> no someone wondering how sata canbe so fast, or sata3.2 be the fastest thing in the computer
[03:13:11] <^kat^> answer: it isn't and cannot be
[03:13:27] <^kat^> http://s4.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20160617&t=2&i=1141712598&w=730&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=2016-06-17T030004Z_23119_S1AETKHCAKAA_RTRMADP_0_USA-WILDFIRES
[03:13:48] <rue_shop3> if only they could sustain the data rate of the media
[03:24:12] <^kat^> imported to usa from austrailia, hasn't figured it out yet : http://i.imgur.com/bzZtAUp.jpg
[03:24:32] <^kat^> http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/06/17/marines-under-investigation-for-facebook-post-threatening-gay-bars.html
[03:25:13] <^kat^> rue, open a 3.5 pata hdd, fill it with 2.5 sata, add raid5 interface, seal it back up
[03:26:12] <rue_shop3> but... ssd?
[03:27:37] <^kat^> ok, raid5 some ssd in a pata case, and see whee the bottleneck is
[03:27:44] <^kat^> i say it's the pci buss
[04:12:33] <^kat^> http://i.imgur.com/IUdZwko.jpg
[04:36:19] <^kat^> ok, i need to go take a nap before sunup
[21:26:52] <zhanx> http://m.imgur.com/ppRt4l2,FguQjHS,0xhFotK,fta5LiJ,y8ynV9f
[21:27:10] <zhanx> My wife brouht this home so I can make a robotic arm
[21:27:59] <zhanx> Rue_shop2