#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-14

[00:13:41] <rue_shop2> "Jaba, as your doctor I MUST STRESS that you HAVE to lower your sodium intake!"
[00:15:29] <zhanx> Think I am going off grid for while
[00:16:25] <katsmeow> one assumes you have a good reason to leave us here alone
[00:16:54] <zhanx> Yes
[00:17:31] <katsmeow> some of us will miss you
[00:17:34] <zhanx> Thinking 3-5 years
[00:17:42] * katsmeow looks sideways at zlog
[00:17:46] <katsmeow> YEARS ??
[00:18:03] <katsmeow> how willy ou look up research data?
[00:18:32] <zhanx> I will make it
[00:18:52] <katsmeow> and download software?
[00:18:56] <zhanx> Nope
[00:19:07] <zhanx> Travel by foot
[00:19:18] <katsmeow> wife and kids?
[00:19:40] <katsmeow> foot travel in winter up there is bloody dangerous
[00:19:49] <zhanx> Got basically told to leave
[00:19:58] <katsmeow> damn
[00:20:07] <zhanx> Do not as I do but do as told
[00:20:37] <katsmeow> humans are illogical
[00:20:49] <zhanx> Very much so
[00:21:25] <rue_shop2> zhanx, ? wtf
[00:21:37] <katsmeow> you need a stable mail address ,, and maybe even a fixed habitation site
[00:21:44] <zhanx> Might vist you rue
[00:21:52] <zhanx> Kat no
[00:22:23] <zhanx> Small walk
[00:22:29] <rue_shop2> zhanx, you can camp in the back yard if you want, might have to wrestle off the occasional bear, but I'm sure thats nothing for you to worry about
[00:22:37] <rue_shop2> zhanx, aren't you 100% of the house income?
[00:22:47] <zhanx> 90%
[00:22:56] <katsmeow> to get payments from gov/mil , you need a bank accoutn and they require a address
[00:23:13] <rue_shop2> kat has an address in the usa
[00:23:17] <zhanx> Kat like that is an issue
[00:23:41] <rue_shop2> zhanx, how long relations been on the rocks?
[00:23:43] <katsmeow> money buys food and clothes, it is an issue
[00:23:47] <zhanx> Whom am I ?
[00:23:49] <rue_shop2> isn't the house yours?
[00:23:53] <zhanx> Months
[00:24:00] <rue_shop2> where did my icecream go?
[00:24:01] <zhanx> No
[00:24:30] <katsmeow> damn
[00:24:30] <rue_shop2> there any vet services you can apply for?
[00:24:49] <zhanx> But hey it ain't like I don't have a nice knife and a good pair of boots
[00:24:56] <katsmeow> tehre's a vet hospital in town a few miles
[00:25:09] <rue_shop2> I'm still confused
[00:25:10] <zhanx> 150 miles
[00:25:36] <katsmeow> *I* have worn out mil flight boots in *under* one year
[00:25:37] <zhanx> Rue, I always was the thing that goes bump in the night
[00:26:11] <rue_shop2> took me a long time to find shoes that last 6 mo
[00:26:24] <zhanx> Kat, congrats I guess, I got lots of miles on boots etc
[00:26:42] <rue_shop2> zhanx, well, I'm sad to hear it, your at a stage where you dont need to be replanting yourself
[00:27:03] <zhanx> Actually it might be for the best
[00:27:08] <katsmeow> i am only saying you have a need for some basics of shelter and banking
[00:27:19] <rue_shop2> see how tom does over the next few years, it sounds like the USA is litterally falling apart
[00:27:33] <zhanx> Mini van etc
[00:27:55] <zhanx> No M thinking west coast or south
[00:27:59] <zhanx> Me
[00:28:32] <zhanx> If tomorrow is the same as today. I am out
[00:28:55] <katsmeow> want a cabin in the woods, with some electricity and internet, stove, fridge?
[00:28:58] <zhanx> Maybe take that security job for embassies
[00:29:32] <katsmeow> (i have not been down there in years because of the gods, the floor and walls may be rotted down)
[00:29:36] <zhanx> Go back to shooter job
[00:29:37] <rue_shop2> if you and kat were to get togethor, ...
[00:29:52] <rue_shop2> zhanx, isn't your current job working?
[00:29:55] <rue_shop2> ...
[00:29:57] <zhanx> I could help kat and maybe kat could calm me
[00:30:14] <katsmeow> rue, i don't *want* to be here, i could just let zhanx move into this house when i leave
[00:30:27] <zhanx> Rue I am a shooter , can't help it
[00:30:37] <rue_shop2> but if others thought you had a partner, they would prolly leave you alone
[00:30:40] <katsmeow> will take at least a yr more for me to get out, and i might not want to lose it
[00:30:47] <zhanx> I could solve the dog issue
[00:30:52] <katsmeow> hunting land behind my property
[00:31:25] <rue_shop2> if zhanx does something to a god there, the issue will just be quietly ignored, cause he's male...
[00:31:41] <zhanx> And a vet etc etc
[00:31:42] <rue_shop2> (I hate to say it like that tho)
[00:32:05] <zhanx> Besides there will be no talk
[00:32:08] <rue_shop2> yea, its not his fault, he has military anger issues, its not his fault about the god
[00:32:12] <katsmeow> rue, i understand bigotry
[00:32:30] <rue_shop2> katsmeow, It could buy time
[00:32:42] <katsmeow> i cannot afford to feed him, he's gt to have income
[00:32:55] <zhanx> I have income remember
[00:33:27] <zhanx> Besides I would pass on through
[00:33:42] <katsmeow> prolly more than mine, but you will ned a local bank etc
[00:33:55] <zhanx> Nope
[00:34:24] <katsmeow> how will you get money with no bank and no address?
[00:34:24] <zhanx> Going to get my exploder tomorrow
[00:34:52] <zhanx> Kat, Umm ... you know that happens right?
[00:35:12] <katsmeow> but i do not know how, i am not part of it, i am really clueess
[00:35:21] <zhanx> I did what for how long?
[00:35:31] <zhanx> Trust me
[00:35:43] <katsmeow> i assumed VA mailed you a check or did direct deposit
[00:36:12] <zhanx> In that you can, direct deposit and yea it's an "address "
[00:36:30] <rue_shop2> katsmeow, some things are much less intimmidating when they are happening than when you are thinking about them comming up
[00:37:00] <katsmeow> rue, i could not cash a check on a NY bank here
[00:37:03] <zhanx> Heck without a passport I kmow I can see rue
[00:37:09] <katsmeow> i had to get a local bank
[00:37:55] <katsmeow> and you have 90 days to reg a vehicle here, to a local address, and remove the NY plates
[00:38:03] <zhanx> Rue knows there are roads with no check points
[00:38:24] <rue_shop2> the usa monitors the border REALLY carefully
[00:38:25] <zhanx> Good thing I am a vet and I get time
[00:38:27] <rue_shop2> we dont
[00:38:43] <zhanx> But back roads are back roads
[00:39:15] <zhanx> When rue denies it amd I show anyways :)
[00:42:24] <katsmeow> ...
[00:42:25] <rue_shop2> I'm just saying that I'v heard cases of birds being shot at the border cause they couldn't prove they were hatched on the USA side
[00:42:52] <zhanx> Rue forgot my job for years
[00:42:58] <rue_shop2> I think they do regular IR patrols
[00:43:05] <rue_shop2> no, I'm just sayin
[00:43:19] <rue_shop2> its NOT the worlds longest unguarded border
[00:43:50] <zhanx> And one of the most unsecured border for a reason
[00:43:50] <rue_shop2> I'm happy with my new saw
[00:43:51] <katsmeow> and the mts of central south and east BC are *awesome*
[00:44:32] <zhanx> I could be in Canada in 1.5 hours
[00:44:47] <zhanx> Couple of days to rue
[00:45:27] <rue_shop2> hey, I got a guest room
[00:45:32] <katsmeow> then you could solve his postal service problems
[00:45:42] <zhanx> Rather kat, I could solve more
[00:46:12] <zhanx> Son or grand son came to "vist"
[00:46:26] * katsmeow nods
[00:46:56] <katsmeow> rue, was zhanx here when i mentioned i can take the trash out now?
[00:47:12] <rue_shop2> dont recall
[00:47:19] <zhanx> No
[00:47:42] <katsmeow> rue and i talked in here, it's in the zlog
[00:48:09] <zhanx> Hence why i said south. I checked it
[00:48:09] <katsmeow> basically, i went to DA again, 2nd in command said i can ignore what Carol said and go by what my land title says
[00:48:47] <katsmeow> that's not saying they cannot still have me arrested all over again, just that after all themoney is spent, they cannot make it stick
[00:48:50] <zhanx> Bet if I did it change of tune
[00:49:05] <rue_shop2> I hope you got it in writing
[00:49:17] <katsmeow> nope, they refused to put anything in writing
[00:49:44] <rue_shop2> see they would for z
[00:49:54] <zhanx> No one wants to face a 5 year disabled combat vet with an issue
[00:49:55] <katsmeow> prolly
[00:50:29] <zhanx> That and I would punk the sheriff
[00:51:00] <rue_shop2> did you outrank a sheriff?
[00:51:03] <zhanx> Then show up to court as the model vet
[00:51:09] <zhanx> Rue by far
[00:51:27] <zhanx> But not due to realms of law
[00:52:25] <zhanx> No court with any right mind will press charges on me if I am in the law
[00:52:37] <zhanx> In the law is a loose thing
[00:52:48] <katsmeow> atm, i don't have enough water to shower with every day, and all my drinking and cooking water is till in 1-gal bottles from the reverse osmosis
[00:53:03] <katsmeow> but themeter for the local waterco is still connected up at the road
[00:53:06] <zhanx> But they know big army is with me
[00:54:12] <zhanx> Only reason big army is with me cause of sf and if I go postal it looks way bad
[00:54:48] <rue_shop2> so do homeless vets
[00:54:53] <zhanx> Disable vet with pstd issues assault in rural be etc
[00:54:56] <rue_shop2> but there's lots of those
[00:55:27] <katsmeow> i don't wanna be assaulted
[00:55:34] <zhanx> I am thinking of being one of them
[00:55:39] <zhanx> Wandering
[00:55:45] <rue_shop2> I hate it when I finish a project and I'm so taken by it I cant get myself working on anything lese
[00:55:46] <rue_shop2> else
[00:57:19] <katsmeow> 12 acres here, there's a lot it could be, it's got many features
[00:58:08] <rue_shop2> grrr, there is a fan in this computer case ratteling at 120Hz
[00:58:20] <rue_shop2> driving me up the wall
[00:59:53] <katsmeow> ggt, brb
[01:00:38] <rue_shop2> this new saw is AWESOME
[01:00:44] <rue_shop2> it could be better, but YEA
[01:00:59] * rue_shop2 just sits and stares at the saw
[01:01:13] <rue_shop2> I should work on the cnc
[01:01:22] <rue_shop2> BUT WHAT AN AWESOME SAW!
[01:11:44] <katsmeow> bak
[01:14:38] <katsmeow> i had picked up an almost new baby 240v ac, perfect for the cabin by the creek, it's been sitting on blocks in the driveway for 6 yrs now
[01:15:21] <katsmeow> i dunno if it still works
[01:16:08] <katsmeow> rue, you didn't give pics of the saw
[01:16:29] <katsmeow> or the weekend meetup in Van
[01:17:04] <rue_shop2> I took pics of it, need to post yet
[01:29:37] <rue_shop2> zhanx, if it all falls apart I have a moderate sized pine tree you can make home
[01:29:56] <zhanx> Will keep it in mind
[01:30:42] <rue_shop2> I lost the coping blades that didn't fit my coping saw :(
[01:31:22] <rue_shop2> forgot to look in sawblades... found
[01:33:59] <katsmeow> PICS!
[01:35:16] <rue_shop2> they are the perfect size for it
[01:37:32] <rue_shop2> ok I'll go post pics
[01:40:50] <rue_house> drat, pics of the table at the faire are out of focus
[01:41:55] <katsmeow> wierd
[01:41:57] <katsmeow> saw ?
[01:42:13] <rue_house> http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/images/scrollsaw.jpg
[01:42:39] <rue_house> $40 from garage sale, $3 for the switch
[01:42:51] * katsmeow has been wondering what to do with her stockpile of carbide tipped bandsaw blades that are 15ft around
[01:42:51] <rue_house> and a few 3/32 welding rods
[01:43:04] <rue_house> 8-|
[01:43:10] <rue_house> 2 tpi?
[01:43:16] <katsmeow> i showed you pic of one
[01:43:21] <rue_house> dont remember
[01:43:23] <katsmeow> yeas, or less
[01:43:45] <rue_house> well, the carbide teeth can be usefull
[01:43:53] <rue_house> w/ brizing equip
[01:43:57] <rue_house> brazing
[01:44:12] <katsmeow> or they can cut some huge slabs of table top
[01:44:22] <rue_house> apparently carbide dosn't care if you get it orange hot while attaching it to a saw blade?
[01:44:45] <katsmeow> that saw looks new, rue, but does need a better table, less you bolt it to the big tables
[01:44:49] <rue_house> zhanx, ^^ saw link
[01:44:54] <katsmeow> correct
[01:45:14] <rue_house> from what we can find out about it, its a mid 60's model
[01:45:20] <rue_house> I made up the stand under it
[01:45:28] <rue_house> its got a 1/6Hp motor
[01:45:34] <rue_house> which is apparently just fine
[01:46:48] <rue_house> I'm pondering sliping a peice of wood in the bottom to make it a storage shelf and adding a cross brace front to back diag
[01:47:05] <rue_house> its got a bit of jiggle front/back to it
[01:48:00] <rue_house> the bandsaw under the lathe there is useless
[01:48:57] <rue_house> this saw it small, about 18" deep and a little more than 12" wide with the stand I made, but I STILL dont ahve room for it in the shop
[01:49:38] <katsmeow> hang it from the ceiling when not in use
[01:49:58] * rue_house wonders how carefull of her head kat has to be at home
[01:50:18] <rue_house> "mind your head, anvil"
[01:50:37] <rue_house> "and a safe over there..."
[01:50:51] <katsmeow> 12ft livingrm ceiling, 8ft to beams down here, 17ft to peak in den and kitchen,, no need to duck here
[01:51:04] <rue_house> "watch for the leds of the piano, they are pointy ones"
[01:51:51] <katsmeow> why can't i find the pics of that blade?
[01:59:23] <katsmeow> found the pic
[02:00:02] <katsmeow> 8 tpi
[02:00:42] <rue_shop2> thats still for pretty hefty material
[02:00:49] <katsmeow> this isn't the carbide ones
[02:01:43] <katsmeow> could put the main wheels 5ft on center, and 2ft diameter
[02:13:40] <rue_shop2> well, I have to put this saw somewhere if I'm gonna work on anything else
[02:23:52] <rue_shop2> ok, its on the house deck
[02:24:00] <rue_shop2> with the sandblaster, and the 20 ton press
[02:24:10] <katsmeow> :-(
[02:24:42] <katsmeow> and you cannot use the space under the mobile home?
[02:24:59] <rue_shop2> its pretty damp under there
[02:26:50] <katsmeow> vent fan? housewrap material?
[02:28:28] <rue_shop2> new house, 2000'^2 shop
[02:28:55] <katsmeow> too pricey, too high a risk you will lose it in a mortgage loan default
[02:29:31] <rue_shop2> I'll pay off the mortguage first
[02:29:34] <katsmeow> and, to bring the truck in to convert to electricity, 2000 is too small
[02:29:42] <rue_shop2> I think there is less than $50k left
[02:30:06] <katsmeow> i mean the mortgage on the new shop
[02:30:11] <rue_shop2> hmmmm what to work on next
[02:30:30] <katsmeow> it's 2am Tuesday, you have no job tomorrow?
[02:30:31] <rue_shop2> not if I'm smart, I want to avoid borrowing money, costs too much
[02:30:38] <rue_shop2> no, I'm off for the week
[02:31:07] <rue_shop2> I'm trying to use my holidays to build resources to make my own money
[02:31:17] <rue_shop2> if I fail it dosn't matter
[02:31:45] <rue_shop2> but now i have a scroll saw I can use
[02:31:55] <rue_shop2> works great with the disc sander
[02:32:40] <katsmeow> oscope working ?
[02:33:00] <rue_shop2> havn't finishing building the new one
[02:33:06] <rue_shop2> the analog works
[02:33:20] <rue_shop2> I have a power supply to finish building too
[02:37:47] <katsmeow> what's a hectometer?
[02:47:59] <rue_shop2> sounds like it measures how much things are going to heck
[02:50:48] <katsmeow> measue of distance, like the kilometer, someone in Peru said it
[03:05:45] <katsmeow> gnites
[19:12:11] <Tom_itx> mmm we'll see how this works out
[19:12:24] <Tom_itx> got a monitor today but no room to put it
[19:12:45] <Tom_itx> so i moved the one for this pc and put it there as a shared monitor
[19:13:11] <Tom_itx> so when i'm doing 'stuff' it will go to the other pc as the main monitor in a dual setup
[19:13:36] <Tom_itx> all this one does is sit here waiting for you to spew words of wisdom
[19:14:16] <Tom_itx> so far i like this but i wish it was on the 2nd monitor
[19:14:24] <Tom_itx> but it's too old to have dual inputs
[19:15:15] <Tom_itx> so... later for now. i got stuff to work on
[19:15:48] <rue_shop2> heh
[19:17:16] <Tom_L> i suppose i can watch you from afar
[23:15:28] <katsmeow> nothing from zhanx
[23:51:56] <katsmeow> http://leerburg.com/dogbites.htm <<== no dogs, thank you very much