#garfield | Logs for 2016-06-03

[00:01:08] <rue_house> hello
[00:10:25] <katsmeow> hellhigh
[00:11:09] <rue_house> I cant get arm9 to take over the marbelator
[00:11:17] <rue_house> its motor positioning is too sloppy
[00:11:28] <rue_house> its the cheapo servos
[00:11:52] <katsmeow> what's a marbelator?
[00:12:12] <rue_house> its a thing I made I think I posted the video
[00:12:41] <katsmeow> oh, that moves the marbel
[00:27:03] <rue_house> did tom get hit by a tornado?
[00:31:05] <katsmeow> i don't think so, he just joined an hr ago
[00:39:26] <rue_house> er, oh
[00:46:18] <katsmeow> http://imgur.com/gallery/BFM7pQn <<== move your mouse around in the red area
[01:00:37] <katsmeow> The Hoover Dam’s Lake Mead, which Wednesday fell to its lowest level ever, 145 feet below capacity, also loses hundreds of billions of gallons of water to evaporation and is just 37 percent full.
[01:00:54] <katsmeow> rue, sell mountain water to the usa
[01:03:55] <katsmeow> Meanwhile the Bureau predicts that demand will continue to increase on the river so much that by 2060 the region will run short by a trillion gallons each year.
[01:10:21] <rue_house> the usa has said that it owns canadian water
[01:11:12] <rue_house> did you know about 30% of the water supply goes to pipe leaks?
[01:11:40] <katsmeow> not here it doesn't
[01:11:55] * katsmeow has no leaking pipes
[01:12:21] <katsmeow> how does the usa own water in Canadia?
[01:23:06] <rue_house> they declared it so
[01:23:17] <rue_house> canada is not allowed to stop export of water to the usa
[01:23:45] <katsmeow> contracts?
[01:55:57] <rue_bed> usa trade or we will get you
[01:56:32] * katsmeow appologises
[21:14:01] <__m00n__> RUE, robots tomorrow?
[21:54:50] <rue_house> no
[21:54:57] <rue_house> I have to get ready for the faire
[22:35:34] <__m00n__> ok
[22:36:08] <__m00n__> can I show up and make a bunch of noise anyway
[22:38:24] <rue_house> hey wait
[22:38:29] <rue_house> corey wants to talk to you
[22:38:46] <rue_house> he's trying to reconnect his internet, stand by
[22:38:47] <rue_house> __m00n__,
[22:41:13] <__m00n__> ok
[22:41:24] <rue_house> The_Jester,
[22:41:26] <rue_house> __m00n__,
[22:41:33] <__m00n__> gotcha
[22:42:09] <rue_house> his inernet just broke
[22:42:16] <rue_house> he's giving up
[22:42:56] <__m00n__> XD
[22:43:03] <__m00n__> so what was the deal?
[22:43:24] <rue_house> he did a thing and wanted to work on it with you
[22:43:31] <__m00n__> cool
[22:45:22] <__m00n__> hay you guys wana come visit?
[22:45:39] <rue_house> I need to sleep
[22:46:06] <__m00n__> ok
[22:46:18] <rue_house> corey asks if you want to visit him
[22:46:30] <rue_house> he's gonna try the internet agian
[22:46:33] <__m00n__> sure i have no car right now
[22:46:45] <rue_house> he points to the bus
[22:46:51] <__m00n__> ah
[22:46:57] <__m00n__> i could yes
[22:47:06] <__m00n__> and I think I know where he lives
[22:47:25] <rue_house> going out tommorow morning for a bit with ma
[22:47:38] <__m00n__> ok
[22:47:55] <__m00n__> so I see an ip but no jester
[22:48:59] <The_Jester> hmm
[22:49:14] <rue_house> hi katsmeow !
[22:49:24] <The_Jester> Darned telephone]
[22:49:44] <katsmeow> hi rue!
[22:49:51] <The_Jester> Zak, if you have a touch device that is a demo i wrote this moring
[22:50:06] <rue_house> I'ma dont meen to be rude, but I gotta nap now
[22:50:18] <The_Jester> Nigh Nigh
[22:50:34] <The_Jester> http://wikisend.com/download/971354/BasketBallDemo.zip
[22:50:38] <__m00n__> i dont have a touch anything yet
[22:50:39] <rue_house> oh, and the high power stepper drivers turned up today from china
[22:50:54] <__m00n__> wgeting now
[22:51:21] <The_Jester> didnt you montion once you have a fubared playbook omce upon a time?
[22:51:55] <rue_bed> __m00n__, forget the car, get the tractor fixed up with lights AND A CLUTCH
[22:52:01] <rue_bed> or a bike
[22:52:12] <__m00n__> I did but not anymore though hiding under my bed i might have a pooched andriod something or other
[22:52:53] <__m00n__> unzip did not like that zip
[22:53:07] <__m00n__> i suspect wget did not do its job right
[22:53:16] <__m00n__> off for iceweasel
[22:53:51] <DeadLighter> got a phone m00n?
[22:54:17] <__m00n__> not yet still poor from school :P
[22:54:19] <DeadLighter> oh the jester got disconnected, wifi is flaking out alot today
[22:54:40] <__m00n__> shal I bus it over??
[22:55:08] <__m00n__> or do you want to hook up at RUE'S hopus etomorrow
[22:55:19] <__m00n__> house tomorrow*
[22:55:25] <rue_bed> DeadLighter, OH, there is another option... I got some high power wifi AP's from the scrd, I dont know if they work
[22:55:26] <DeadLighter> thats a load of B$, go get a sim card. i have an extra phone or two if you can jail break them
[22:55:34] <rue_bed> I think they are for long range links tho
[22:55:58] <katsmeow> how long, and can you make them work like a wifi card?
[22:56:15] <DeadLighter> I remeber them, there were pretty awsome. add a dish and your good for a few miles line of sight
[22:56:17] <__m00n__> moon has a box of cat5
[22:58:00] <The_Jester> yay im back
[22:58:49] <__m00n__> we shall meet up tomorrow at rue's shhop
[22:58:56] <The_Jester> I will hook up eith you soon m00n, need somone other than rue to share code with if im going to do any decent games
[22:59:12] <__m00n__> XD
[22:59:36] <__m00n__> that was html canvas stuff right?
[22:59:42] <__m00n__> let m e look
[22:59:52] <The_Jester> True shame you cant bask in the glory of my touch interface demo
[23:01:36] <__m00n__> yeah but cool scrolling title
[23:03:52] <__m00n__> moon OUT